广州牛津英语七年级下册Unit7-poems-练习 下载本文


1. 诗歌 The poet in the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai, was famous for his poems.唐代诗人李白以其诗歌二名垂青史。 【链接】poet 诗人,poetry诗歌(总称) 2. 普通的,平凡的 Now electrical appliances have entered into families. 现在家用电器已经步入普通家庭。 【反义词】extraordinary 3. 感觉,感情 I know your feelings.我理解你的感受。 【动词】feel-- -- 4. 命令(v&n);顺序 Soldiers have to obey orders. 军人必须服从命令。 The teacher ordered the students to leave the classroom. 老师要求学生离开教室。 The names are in alphabetical order. 这些名字是按字母顺序排列的。 5. 建议 give sb. some advice 【不可数名词】搭配:a piece of advice; some advice 【动词】advise: The doctor advised him to lose weight. 医生建议他减肥。 6. 大声地,高声地 I read the story to my younger sister. 我给妹妹大声朗读这个故事。 【近义词】loudly 7. 组,群 【搭配】 a of +名词复数:一群,一伙 8. 同意 1 / 10


1) with sb/sth同意某人的意见,想法,分析,解释 I quite agree with you. 我很赞同你的看法。 We agree with what you say. 我们同意你说的。 2) not agree with sb 对...不适应 The food doesn’t agree with me. 这食物对我不适合。 3) agree with sth 表示与...一致/符合 His story agrees with the facts. 他的描述与事实符合。 4) agree to sth 表示同意或答应某事 He agreed to the plan. 他同意了这个计划。 5) agree to do sth 表示同意做某事 We agreed to leave early. 我们同意早点出发。 【名词】agreement 【反义词】disagree; disagreement(名词) 9. 押韵词;押韵 Can you think of for “beauty”? 你能想出和“beauty”押韵的词吗? “Dogs” with “frogs”. “dogs”和“frogs”押韵。 10. 完整的,整个的 He is a scholar. 他是个无懈可击的学者。 【动词:完成】I will this task soon. 我很快就要完成这项任务了。 【副词:完全地】I completely forgot it was your birthday. 那天是你的生日,我忘得一干二净了。 11. 井,水井 【副词】 ; 【形容词】 12. 淋浴;阵雨 2 / 10


Take a 淋浴; take a bath:洗澡 13. 建筑工地 14. 狭窄的 A gap:狭小的缝隙 【反义词】wide 15. 高度 【链接】high--height; wide--width; long--length; deep-depth; strong--strength 16. 超人 17. 卖者;卖方 【反义词】buyer 18. 微笑(n&v) Smile at sb:冲某人笑; a big smile 一个大大的微笑 19. 迅速移动 Don’t off, I want to talk to you. 不要急着走,我有话跟你说。 20. 人群 【链接】be crowded with: 挤满了 The bus is crowded with people. 这辆公交车挤满了人。 【搭配】a of+people 一、选词填空,需注意用适当的形式。 poem ordinary feeling order advice aloud smile group agree disagree rhyme well crowd shower site narrow height superman seller complete 1. --Simon will probably be a fireman. --Yes. I with you. 2. Eddie to go to Hainan Island with his friend. He wanted to go to Thailand. 3. I usually buy a newspaper from the at the street corner on my way home. 4. I like reading the from the Tang Dynasty. 唐代 5. The girl with a big is my younger sister. She is always very happy. 3 / 10