2019-2020学年(上)期末厦门市初三年质量检测(英语) 下载本文


64. Frank告诉你期末考后他要去哈尔滨度假,你可以这么祝福他:


65. 你们遇到了难题,班长建议向老师求助,他可以这么说:


66. 家庭聚会即将来临,妈妈建议大家考虑一下吃什么,她可以这么说:

Let’s ___________________________________________________________

第三节 补全句子


67. Many _______ (star) attended(出席) the Film Festival in Xiamen. 68. Fujian is a great place with a long _______ ['h?stri]. 69. Mary _______ (need) a skirt for the party.

70. Ne Zha has a good friend, and his n is Ao Bing. 71. We must _______(do) our homework every day. 72. The w is our music teacher. She is kind to us.

73. October 1 this year is the (seventy) birthday of China. 74. Kipchoge is the first man to _______ ['f?n??] the marathon in 1:59:40. 75. Mr. Green has many things to do. He is very _______ every day.

76. _______ [w?e]5G, we can have live broadcast classes(直播间) at home easily.

第四节 看图写句 满分8分)


77. it, white 78. Bob, have 79. like, useful 80. Kate, tidy

第五节 段落编写


提示词:play, interesting, day, because, like

要求:1. 使用全部提示词,并在语段中用下划波浪线“ ”标出提示词;

2. 语段具有一个相对合理的主题意义; 3. 词数为50--80词左右。


