2011-2012学年初中英语八年级上册(人教新目标)素材(含教案和练习)Unit4Howdoyougettoschool 下载本文


Unit 4 How do you get to school


1、知识目标:掌握本讲的词汇、短语和句型。 2、能力目标:学会用英语谈论交通工具。



重点:单词take, worry;

短语get to, depend on, a number of; 句型What do you think of…? How far is it? 难点:乘坐交通工具的正确表达。


(一)重点单词 [单词学习] ◎ take

【用法】固定句型It takes sb. some time to do sth. 意为:“花费某人多长时间做某事”。it是形式主语,不定式to do sth.是真正的主语。对some time提问时,用how long。 【例句】 It took me ten minutes to find the book. 【考查点】辨析:cost, take, pay 和spend

cost意为“花费(钱)”,主语一般是表示所买东西的名词。 如:This watch costs me eight dollars.

pay 作“花费,付”解,只用于钱,用“人”作主语,后跟“钱”作宾语。常以pay…for形式出现。如:I paid 120 dollars for this camera.

spend作“花费”解时,常用于时间和钱。主语常常是“人”。它有spend…on…和spend…(in)doing两种形式,spend…on…常用于花钱,spend…(in)doing常用于花时间。如: I spent 60 dollars on the recorder.

He spent two hours (in) reading the novel.

【易错点】没有识记结构 【考题链接】

1. It Mike twenty minutes to walk to school every day. A. spends B. pays C. takes 答案:C

解题思路:本题考查“花费”的动词辨析。pay常与for构成pay…for…固定搭配,表示“为……付款”,主语为人;spend常用于spend…on sth./(in) doing sth.,主语也是人;take表示“花费”时,常用于It takes sb some time to do sth句型中。

2. — does it take you to walk to school? —About ten minutes.

A. How far B. How long C. How soon D. How much


解题思路:答语About ten minutes(大约10分钟),表示的是一段时间,故用how long提问。

◎ worry

【用法】worry 意为“担心,担忧,焦虑”,常用作不及物动词,后面常跟介词about,表示“为……担心”。worried是形容词,意为“担心的”,构成短语be worried about与 worry about 意义相同。

【例句】1. Children usually worry about their parents’ health. 【考查点】短语worry about及形容词worried 【易错点】形容词worried的用法 【考题链接】

When I have an exam, I feel (worry) if I don’t prepare well enough. 答案:worried



1. It takes two hours English every day.

A. I; read B. me; read C. me; to read D. my; to read 2. He spent two hours doing his homework yesterday. (同义句转换) It him two hours his homework yesterday. 3. Don’t worry her. I can look after her.

A. for B. from C. with D. about

(二)重点短语 [短语学习] ◎ get to

【用法】get表示“到达”,是不及物动词,若加宾语,后需接介词to。get后接副词时,不需要加to。 【例句】1. How can I get to the train station? 2. I usually get home at 6. 【考查点】get, arrive和reach的辨析

arrive 是不及物动词,到达大地方用arrive in,到达小地方用arrive at。 reach是及物动词,后面直接接名词或副词。如: They arrived in Shanghai yesterday. He will arrive at the bus stop. They reached home together.

【易错点】get与get to


Who was the first one ?

A. to reach B. to arrive C. to get to D. to arrive at 答案:B


◎ depend on

【用法】depend on意为“依靠,依赖;视……而定”。后面通常接名词、代词等。 【例句】1. The price depends on the quality.

2. Almost everything in the world depends on the sun to live. 【考查点】在具体的语境中与其他短语的辨析

【易错点】词义不清 【考题链接】

Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word. Don’t your dictionary all the time. A. work on B. take on C. keep on D. depend on 答案:D


◎ a number of

【用法】a number of意为“许多;大量”。通常修饰复数名词,修饰主语时,谓语动词要用复数形式。a small number of表示“少量的”。

【例句】1. A number of students go to the net bar every day. 2. A number of people walk on the street. 【考查点】辨析:a number of 与the number of

the number of+ 名词,中心词是number,意为“……的数目”,修饰主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

The number of students in our school is about 2000.



—How many students are there in your school?

— students in our school over two thousand. A. The number of, is B. The number of, are C. A number of, is 答案:A

解题思路:本题考查the number of和a number of的区别。the number of指“……的数目”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数;a number of指“许多”,作主语时,谓语动词用复数。由问句how many可知此处是询问数量。


1. Liu Xiang Beijing the day before yesterday.

A. got B. get to C. arrived at D. arrived in