【人教版】九年级英语全册听力训练(MP3+素材)UNIT 6-学习文档 下载本文

UNIT 6听力原文:

一?听句子,选择可以回答该句的正确答语?(每个句子听一遍) 1.What kind of music do you like? 2.Where did you buy this CD?

3.Does Tom like songs that are long?

4.I prefer music that has great lyrics.What about you? 5.Is fast food good for your health?

二?听对话,选择能回答问题的正确图片?(每段对话听一遍) 6.W:Listen! Someone is playing the piano.Is that your sister? M:No.My sister is pretty good at playing the violin. 7.W:Hi,Tom.Which do you prefer,meat or vegetables? M:I like vegetables much better than meat. 8.W:Which season do you like best,Jack? M:Summer.What about you,Mary? W:I like spring best.

9.W:Would you like to climb hills this Sunday? M:No.Why don’t we go fishing?

10.W:What does your grandfather like doing? M:He likes listening to music.

三?听对话,选择最佳答案?(对话听两遍) 听第一段对话,回答11~12小题?

W:Oh,look.There is Michael Jackson’s CD. M:Oh,yeah.

W:Do you like it?

M:Yes,I do.Michael Jackson’s music is loud and energetic. W:It’s only 10 dollars.I’ll take it. 听第二段对话,回答13~15小题? M:Mary,what are you doing now?

W:I’m reading today’s newspaper.What’s up,Jack? M:May I borrow your video player? W:For how long?

M:Until the end of the week.

W:OK.I guess that would be all right.

M:Thanks.I’ll give it back to you soon.By the way,have you got any CDs? W:Yes,they are over there.Help yourself! M:It’s very kind of you.


Normally music can affect our moods.Usually listening to different kinds of music can change our feelings.Suppose we are angry,if we listen to some rock music,we may feel even worse.However,if we listen to some soft music,we may feel better.I like to listen to classical music.I think it can make me calm and relaxed.So,if you are not feeling good,you can try out different kinds of music and find one kind that makes you feel better.

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