(试卷合集)安徽省2019届九年级英语期中考试卷16份试卷合集含答案 下载本文

The spirit of playfulness continues through the teenage years into adulthood(成人期).The famous company Google, for example, keeps a lot of toys and games at different places in their offices and encourages people to use them. Their motto is “ Work hard. Play hard.” They know that people often get their best ideas when they are just “playing around” and let their imaginations go wild.

So next time you have to solve a difficult math problem or can’t think of a topic for an article, take a short play break. Do a little dance, or play a quick game. Then come back to it. Maybe you’ll be surprised at what your brain can do. ( ) 42. The example of the company Google is given to show that .

A. play is also fit for adults

B: everyone there works hard D. it is very famous in the world

C: they have a lot of toys and games

( ) 43. The underlined expression “figure out” in Paragraph 3 probably means .

A. look after

B. solve the problem of D. play a joke on

C. draw a picture of

( ) 44. According to the passage, you need to play if you .

A. want to make friends with others C. fail to think of a topic for an article

B. have to do some homework

D. find a job in a big company

( ) 45. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A math lesson

B. How children grow D. Work hard, play hard

C. The power of play


A. 用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空,每词限用一次。

Europe die strange discover learn

46. The little boy told me the secret of _________ English well. 47. The New World _________ by Columbus (哥伦布) in 1492. 48. When a _______ stops a car and offers you a ride, don’t get in. 49. If a language is not used anymore, it is called a _________ language. 50. She is the only __________ in her class. She is from France.

B. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处填入单词,每空限填一词。 When I was a little girl, we lived in 51. ______(加拿大). Sometimes I really doubted

52.______(是否)there was love between my parents. Every day they were very busy trying to make money for my schooling.

One day, my mother was sewing (缝)a quilt. I 53._________(沉默地) sat beside her. “Mum, is there love between you and Dad?” I asked in a very low voice.

With surprise in her eyes, she said, “Susan, look at this thread (线). It can hardly be seen, but it’s really there. It

makes the quilt strong. If life is a quilt, love should be a thread. Love is inside.”

People should have the 54._______(能力) to love and show it. I couldn’t understand her until the next spring. At that time, my father 55._________(突然地) got into an 56. ________(事故,意外)and hurt his leg. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month.

After they were back, my mother’s 57.______(每天的) routine was helping my father walk on the country road. She was so 58.______(耐心的) with him and it seemed they were the happiest couple.

After two months, my father still couldn’t walk by himself. “Dad, how are you feeling now?” I asked him one day. “Susan, don’t worry about me,” he said. “I just like walking with your mother. I like this kind of life.” Reading his eyes full of 59. _______(温暖), I knew he loves my mother deeply.

Now I understand that love is just a thread in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm. I won’t 60.______(失败) to notice it again. 五.语法填空(10分)

A dog entered a butcher’s shop with a note in his mouth. The note read,” $10 of lamb chops(羊排), please.” The butcher was very 61. ______ (surprise). He took the money, put 62._____ bag of chops in the

63. _______ (dog) mouth, and then he closed the shop 64._______(quick). He followed the dog and watched him wait 65._______ a green light. Then the dog crossed the road to a bus stop. He checked the timetable and sat on the bench. When a bus arrived, the dog checked the number and got 66.____it.

As the bus traveled out into the countryside, the dog enjoyed the scenery. After a while, he stood on his back paws pushing the “stop” button. Then the butcher followed 67._______(he) off.

The dog 68. ______(run) up to a house and dropped his bag on the ground. He went back down the path, took a big run, and threw himself against the door. No answer. He repeated the action a few times. Then a big man opened the door 69. ______started complaining (抱怨) about the dog and beating him.

Seeing this, the butcher ran up and shouted at the man, “What are you doing? This dog is a genius (天才)” The man replied, “Genius? No way! He has forgotten his key for the 70. ______ (four) time this month!” 六.



( ) 71. Even if you could buy the world, A. Parents’ Headache you couldn’t buy a happy family, good friends or knowledge. ( ) 72. When you need help with your B. Farms in the future homework, go to the library. You may find magazines, newspapers, and big dictionaries there. They can always help you. ( ) 73. For families with children, an important problem is to get the children C. Activities for free time D. Study tools away from TV and let them do homework. ( ) 74. The Lost World is an exciting American film. People, especially school students, may like it. ( ) 75. People will grow plants and vegetables in the sea in about 30 years.


我们的每一次变化都见证着我们的成长。请以“The biggest change I’ve ever made ” 为题,并根据要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。 要点:(1)变化是什么


E. Money Isn’t Everything (3)变化后有何感受


1. 书写工整,句式规范,条理清楚,标点符号使用正确。 2. 短文中应包括提示内容,可适当发挥。 3. 80词左右

The biggest change I’ve ever made

The biggest change I’ve ever made is that _________ _________________________ _________________________________________ ___________