中小企业绩效考核存在的问题与对策分析毕业论文 下载本文



题 目 中小企业绩效考核存在的问 题及对策研究 办学学院 XXXX

校外学习中心 徐州工业职业技术学院 专 业 人力资源管理 年 级 XX 指导教师 XX 学生姓名 XXX 学 号 XXXX

年 月 日


学生:XXX 指导教师:XXX

摘 要

现代企业制度中, 员工的绩效考核已成为人力资源管理的一个核

心问题, 它对提高员工素质, 加强劳动管理,激发工作积极性都具有十分重要的作用。但是,目前许多企业特别是中小企业在对员工进行绩效考核时存在诸多问题,严重地阻碍了企业的健康发展。在客观分析中小企业绩效考核工作存在问题的基础上,对建立完善绩效考核评价体系提出一些思路和对策,以期对中小企业的人力资源管理走向正规化有所帮助。


通过分析,本文提出了制定精确、公平的绩效考核体系,做好工作岗设计分析,确定合理的绩效标准,合理的选择考核者和考核信息,进行绩效沟通和绩效反馈等五个解决措施,在客观分析中小企业绩效考核工作存在问题的基础上,对建立完善绩效考核评价体系提出一些思路和对策,以期对中小企业的人力资源管理走向正规化有所帮助。 关键词:中小企业;绩效考核;问题;对策

Small and medium-sized enterprise performance appraisal problems and countermeasure analysis

Student: XXX Supervisor:XXX


Has become China's economic development an important force.Competition for enterprises to manage demand is higher and higher, the status of human resource management is also growing, performance management at the core position in human resources management, performance appraisal results in staffing, training and development, compensation management has a very important role, scientific performance evaluation can not only promote the organization and individual performance improvement, but also can promote the management process and business process optimization, the ultimate guarantee of the realization of the organization's strategic goals.Therefore, the importance of performance appraisal for enterprises.

In reality, many enterprises performance evaluation has become a \in the process of assessment practices without norms, and thus the role of performance appraisal not play out, even if its antithesis, how to fully arouse the enthusiasm of employees and cohesion, requires just, fair and open the establishment and perfection of the performance appraisal