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52.In spite of the fact that the police had warned them of the danger in the ancient cave, these young men still made an attempt to explore it.


53.As a new advertising manager, you should adopt some means to adapt yourself to the new employees so as to make yourself be popular with them.

作为一名新上任的广告经理,你要采取些措施来适应新的员工以便他们能接受你 。

54.Since all the examination rooms have been equipped with cameras, you had better give up the plan of cheating in the examination or you deserve the punishment when caught.


55.To our surprise, compared with the rich, even though many people devote themselves to supporting the whole family, they still can’t afford to own a house.


56.The police announced that they had arranged for a psychologist to communicate with the criminals in the hope that they could cease fire and reduce the damage.


57.The government is appealing to the citizens to use paper bags rather than the plastic ones for the sake of environmental protection.


58.In the university, the chances are that you can select your favorite course from chemistry, geology, philosophy, photography, psychology, biology, literature, physics, politics and so on.


59.Though he knew it was such an exciting football match that he couldn’t miss it, he felt too tired to insist on watching it.


60.In order to remain in existence, any insurance company must, in the long run, produce the goods that consumers consider useful and that enable them to reduce the loss.


61.The greater the population there is in one region, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and material.


62.The difference between human and animal is that the former can think while the latter cannot, but both human and every breed of animals have their origin in ocean.





63.The reason why the Beatles lives up to the reputation as the milestone in pop music lies in the fact that they are capable of adding their emotions and feelings for political affairs to their songs.甲壳虫乐队不负声名,是流行乐坛的里程碑,其原因在于他们能将自己对于政治事件的看法和情感融入他们的歌曲。

64.Once you figure out the characters of the compound sentences the teacher explained to us, you will have no difficulty doing your homework.


65.Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they still manage to express themselves to their parents by making noises.


66.Thanks to modern technology, we can know in advance what our house will look like before we start decorating it.


67.You can’t put the blame on the newcomer because it is unfair to blame him for the fault. It is you that should be to blame.


68.According to his analysis, the main foods eaten in any country depend largely on its climate and soul, both of which are closely related to the country’s geographic position.


69.After being awarded the first prize, he expressed that he would rather be remembered as an ordinary artist than as an advertisement designer.


70.Although at first Japan didn’t leave a deep impression on me, I was gradually attracted by its culture and decided to stay there for another two months after graduation.


71.He has been away from home for almost one month, so he is likely to lack food for lack of cash, his father estimated.


72.The first time they went abroad, the tourists were so curious about everything that they couldn’t help purchasing many goods, which made it difficult to control the budget. 游客们第一次出国时会对一切充满好奇心以至于禁不住会买很多东西,这样一来就很难控制预算了。

73.The different kinds of media make it possible that we obtain a large amount of valuable information in





74.Many countries are reported to be taking measures to research and develop the new sort of cars so as to face the energy crisis.


75.Not until the entire river was covered with rotten fish which died from acid rain did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.


76.The local officials admitted that it was time for the whole city to take specific action to control the quantity of the private vehicles so as to relieve the traffic burden during the rush hours. 当地官员承认是时候全市采取行动控制私车数量,以缓解高峰时期的交通压力。

77.He hurried to the railway station out of breath, only to be told that the train leaving for Shanghai had been away for half an hour.


78.While the class teacher put emphasis on the importance of doing homework independently his students still spent most of the time copying others’ homework.


79.After a thorough inspection, the repairman gave me a disappointing report that the reason why my car broke down was that the pipe had been damaged because of the freezing weather.


80.What was it that you talked about with the girl in blue when you were crossing the street yesterday afternoon?


81.It is kind of you to help us handle this tough problem in your spare time because it is very difficult for us to think of a means as feasible as yours.


82.As we all know, ten is twice as much as five while one hundred is nine times more than ten.众所周知,10是5的两倍,而100又是10的十倍。

83.No matter what her parents said, the spoiled girl still had faith in whatever her thoughtful boyfriend told her about the odd jungle and wanted to take an adventure with him.




84.At last, the leader drew the conclusion that he preferred to run a risk of developing new products rather than go on producing the products that can’t meet the demands of the new market.最后,领导得出理论:他宁可冒险开发新产品也不愿意继续生产这些无法满足市场需要的产品。

85.The shy waitress apologized to me for making a mistake after she charged me 100 yuan for just one tin of coke.


86.Is it convenient for you to exchange your newspaper for this newly published magazine with me so that we can share the information?


87.Child as he is, he has known that the more exposed he is to financial issues, and the younger he becomes aware of them, the more likely he is to become a responsible, forward-planning adult who can manage his finances confidently and effectively.


88.Despite the fact that many fans have waited outside the gate of the booking office, many of them will still be told that the tickets are available only to the first 100 people free of charge. 尽管许多粉丝在售票厅前等了很久,但他们中的绝大部分仍将被告知只有前100人能免费拿到门票。

89.Because the class teacher typed too slowly and didn’t know how to input the chart into the computer, she had the important file scanned into the computer and printed out after she corrected some spelling mistakes.


90.However tremendous the difficulty we are faced with, we will have no choice but to unite and overcome it.


91.The international company intended to establish several branches in different regions, so it would employ some mechanics, engineers, carpenters, accountants, professors, secretaries, lawyers, salesmen and architects.


92.As a matter of fact, as long as you can deal with this emergency well, your leader will not mind accepting your own method.


93.All these victims have just suffered the severe earthquake, so they have a keen desire for the medicine, fresh food and pure water that the government will provide for them.




94.While you are reading the novel, there is no need for you to look up every new word in the dictionary because you can guess their meanings according to the context.


95.It suddenly occurred to him that the person who he had just chatted with was none other than the murderer who had escaped from the prison.


96.So far, any drug has more or less some side effect which will affect other organs, so scientists are making a great effort to develop new drugs to avoid the situation.


97.Nowadays, the whole world is facing the challenges of the pollution crisis, so people expect the new material that can be recycled to be invented to replace the old one.


98.Generally speaking, man’s heart beats 2.6 billion times on average throughout one’s life; hence, we ought to take care of our heart by taking exercise for about 30 minutes a day.


99.As usual, Tom gets up at 8 o’clock, drives 30 minutes on the road crowded with cars, begins his work at 9:00 and spends 10 hours in coping with various documents and goes home accompanied by the moon and stars——a typical day for a white collar!


100.I don’t mind the way in which you take advantage of others’ mistakes and weakness, and what I am concerned about is the result.我不介意你利用别人失误和弱点的方式,我在乎的是结果。

101.When the art master delivered the speech, he mentioned that you have to fight against the following factors such as self-doubt, failure, loneliness, misunderstanding and even threat on condition that you want to have access to achievement.


102.When interviewed by the journalists, the minister assured the public that all the products on display would be launched to the market and would satisfy the giant companies’ need.

