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145.His departure apparently meant that he refused to undertake the career his parents had paved the way for, because he planned to create a special law agency featuring serving justice for the people in need to realize his personal value.


146.All of us should be grateful to what nature offers us, obey the natural laws, maintain the balance of nature and ban burning any harmful l substance and giving off carbon dioxide through the chimneys.


147.As a mature professional manager, he will accomplish an urgent task in time, even though he is required to solve it in the period of his vacation, which means squeezing his leisure time and pausing his holiday.


148.The upset mother can’t stand receiving so many nasty bills that belong to her son because she has been disturbed by them since the son altered his address without sending a notice to the bank. 那个忧心忡忡的母亲不能忍受收到他儿子这么多账单,因为自从她儿子换成了地址却没有通知银行,她一直被这些账单骚扰。

149.While the leader in business or industry or the college professor occupies a higher social position and commands greater respect in the community than the common labourer or even the skilled factory worker, he may take pains to point out that his father started life in America as a farmer or labourer of some sort. 企业的领导或是大学教授拥有较高的社会地位,在社区,他们比普通工人,甚至是工厂技工更受人尊敬,但是,要说出自己的父亲在美国是农民或苦力出身会让他难堪。

150.While parents, particularly mothers, have always been attached to their infants, social conditions frequently made this attachment difficult to maintain.


151.In the professor’s view, it is totally nonsense that a man having a clear conscience dares to walk across the cemetery in view of a simple reason: having a clear conscience is irrelevant to having the courage to cross the cemetery.


152.All the paper that you write with is made from trees which are cut down after spending years growing, so if the value of your writing doesn’t overtake that of the trees, then you’d better stop writing.




153.The careless dumb patient just glanced at the bottle, mistook the button in it for the pill and swallowed it with the boiled water, which is fortunately not fatal.


154.The pregnant cashier’s absence from the checkout in the chain store aroused the manager’s concern, and he substituted one for her in case the messy situation became worse.


155.In despair, the violent robbers dressed in prison uniforms with powerful weapons steered a jeep along the rough valley road when the police were tracing them, wanting to oblige them to give in before they fled to urban district in panic.


156.The outstanding athlete stated with an accent that he had to receive several mental therapies to ensure that he didn’t feel nervous or depressed in the shadow of losing the championship and could refresh himself.


157.Without any alarm, the airbus suddenly crashed into the lake when it flew over a forest, some of whose passengers’ bodies still hung on the trees around the bank, for which their relatives burst into tears and couldn’t undergo such a blow.


158.After captured in the airport, the silly official was still reluctant to confess that he deceived the leader, took the bribe and transferred the tax to his own account, but he was vague about who tempted him to do so.

在机场被捕之后,这名愚蠢的 官员仍不情愿承认他欺骗了领导,接受了 贿赂并把税收转移至自己的银行账号,但是对于谁唆使他,他含糊其辞。

159.Before the traveller ended his memorable journey, he wandered the paths of the capital mixed with classical elements at ease, appreciating the landscape and talking with the polite and friendly inhabitants. 在这名旅行者结束他 值得纪念的旅行之前,他在这座融合着古典元素的 首都城市的小道上惬意地闲逛,欣赏着风景和礼貌友好的居民聊天。

160.What amazed the generous gentleman was that on such a chilly evening, the trembling teenager with just a loose sweater shook his head, whispering that he was very hungry but he didn’t want to kneel and beg for the bread without dignity.




161.During the visit, the magnificence of the polished mansions inspired each volunteer to be ready for the EXPO, which will reveal the comprehensive national strength of contemporary China, and some of them even recalled the glorious moment when the Beijng Olympics began.


162.The fierce flood by which nature take revenge on mankind caused so great distress to those civilians settling in the basin that people began seeking a harmonious way of getting along with nature to avoid the disaster like this.

这场汹涌的 洪水是大自然对人类的报复。它对那些定居在盆地的平民造成了巨大的痛苦,于是人们开始寻求一种与大自然和睦相处的方式来避免类似灾难再次发生。

163.Although the owner swore that his tame dog locked tightly around the tree would not scratch or even bite anyone, I was still alert and a little scared every time I cycled past it, especially when it was barking. 虽然这只狗的主人发誓他那温顺的被牢牢拴在树旁的狗不会抓甚至咬人,但每次我骑车经过都会很警惕甚至有一点害怕,尤其是它在叫的时候。

164.Every time the film star surfed the Internet, he would omit the articles full of praises for him and the ones filled with insult to him and just browse the content which judged him impersonally.每次这位电影明星上网浏览,他都会忽略那些对他充满赞美或侮辱的文章,而仅看那些客观评价他的内容。

165.As soon as the clock struck twelve, the cruel intruders invaded the border of the country, and conquered the city, killing thousands of innocent civilians and the whole war zone was in flame.时钟刚敲响12点,这些残忍的侵略者就对该国的边境发动了进攻,占领了城市,杀死了成千上万的无辜平民,这个战区陷入一片火海中。

166.Although it braked, the reversing truck still bumped a woman nearby who was bending and sweeping the street, and crushed the woman’s arm, which was impossible to preserve.


167.A gifted debater should always be full of passion and vigour and never interrupts or even quarrels with his opponent, but responds rapidly with remarkable logical argument.


168.Because the ice continues to dissolve, the delicate layer of ice covering the shallow lake implies that it is impossible to hold an amusing skating race.


169.A clever reader treats reading as making a dialogue with writers, inquires about their writing intention and cultivates a habit of drawing the lines under the key points and taking some notes in the





170.After a lunch interval, the slim secretary leant against the wall screaming for she was shocked to find someone had deleted her significant data regarding the sample of the insecticide, which meant she could hardly meet the deadline of handing in the report unless miracles happened.


171.As the fire pump at the corner of the narrow corridor cracked, some staff mopped the floor, and others removed the vital property such as the elegant art treasures that were not proof against water and the director of the art museum dialled 911 for help and postponed the opening time.


172.It disconcerted these adventurists who felt faint that they had been lost in the desert, so they had to hide in the shade of hill, connecting to the outside world with the satellite phone before they were drained of their energy.


173.After hearing about the miserable fact that the respectable professor slipped on a slope of the bank, dropped into the lake and drowned when he jogged around the bank, his loyal supporters wept full of grief at his funeral.


174.The homesick poet at a remote village needed several injections for he was defeated by the cold, continued coughing and sneezing and eventually had a high fever.


175.As far as the scholar is concerned, a far-sighted government should erect a democratic system where citizens’ religion can be respected; everyone should possess the human right to vote and enjoy the social welfare; no body or organization is superior to law and hollow reform policies are on the decrease.


176.Since he inherited the fortune from his uncle, the childish gambler has kept betting instead of making a deposit and paying off his loan.




177.By means of the cable car, the nuclear family stood on the dominant peak of the mountain, gazing at the splendid view and the daughter exclaimed, leaping and making a victory gesture.


178.Due to the horrible weather, a warship of the USA navy went on a lump of sharp rock by accident and began to sink; some sailors grabbed the edge of the deck while others plunged into the sea and drifted on the sea.


179.No sooner had an old patient whose face was filled with wrinkles taken out a packet of cigarette than a considerate nurse tapped him and requested him not to smoke in the hospital.


180.In his diary, this science fiction writer hints that no one can foresee the prospect of artificial intelligence and how it will evolve, but it must be supervised and fit for human’s development.在他的日记中,这位科幻小说家暗示无人可以预测人工智能的前景以及它的发展,但是人工智能必须处于监控中并适合人类的发展。

181.Believe it or not, although every one claims that they judge products by the quality rather than the package, attractive wrappings still have a magical effect that consumers will buy well-wrapped products. 信不信由你,虽然每个人都宣称他们判断商品是靠质量而非包装,但是吸引眼球的包装仍有一种神奇的效果,即消费者会买一些包装精美的商品。

182.The issues that we can’t hope to solve without an increasing public awareness and concern are pollution, species extinction, increase of wilderness, loss of farmland and soil.


183.Some 2,000 cherry trees transplanted from Japan to China in 1970s as a symbol of friendship between two countries, half of which have already bloomed, are reported to be able to attract more people to smell them in late April.


184.The scenic park with a wide lake spotted with boats moving on the surface and a quiet tree-lined winding road along which many benches were furnished, is likely to be an everlasting place to go on a date.


185.Though suffering from the stomach cancer, the unselfish teacher just slightly sighed and persisted in greeting every day.
