高一英语新课标必修2unit4教案_3 下载本文

Teaching plan of unit 4 Wildlife protection

Teaching aims: 1. Topic

Wildlife protection: the importance of wildlife protection, ways to protect wild plants and animals. 2. Useful words and expressions:

wild wildlife protection enemy loss reserve area hunt zone peace fur stomach

apply suggest thick rub mosquito insect contain powerful drug affect attention whale bite effect butterfly dust recently fierce unkind lazy

as a result die out in peace in danger protect… from pay attention to come into being 3. Functional items:

I. Intentions and purpose I’m going to do…

I feel like doing. I would rather not… I intend/ mean/ plan to do… I’d like to do…

I will do… I’m ready to do….

II. Apologies I’m so sorry that..

I’m afraid that …. Thank you very much but.. It’s a shame that … It was very nice of you but…

4. Structures

The present continuous passive voice Animals are being hunted and killed. The environment is being destroyed. Teaching procedures

Period 1. Speaking and listening

Step 1. Leading in

1. Show Ss a video about some animals in danger. 2. Show Ss some picture of some rare animals in China.

Step 2. Warming up

1. Ss read the passage quickly and find out: Why did so many wild animals die out?

2. Ss talk about the form on page 25 and then discuss the following questions in pairs. 1). What other endangered species do you know? 2). Why are they in danger of disappearing? 3). Do you know any wildlife that has disappeared?

Step 3. Listening and talking (page 62)

1. Ss look through the questions on page 62, and then listen to the tape. 2. First listening: Ss listen and grasp the key words and get the main idea. 3. Second listening: Ss listen and answer the questions.

4. Third listening: Ss listen and write down the main idea of the passage.

5. Talking: Ss read the topics on page 62 and discuss in pairs. While they are talking, try to use the following sentences:

I’m so sorry that… I’m afraid that…

Thank you very much but… I hate to have to say this but… The problem is…. It was very nice of you but… It’s a shame that … Why didn’t you tell me that..? Step 4 .Homework

1. Collect as much information about endangered wildlife as possible. 2. Preview the next part—reading

Period 2. Reading

Step 1. Revision Ask:

What do you think of wildlife protection today?

What’s the passage about? Have you previewed it? Step 2. Pre-reading

Ss in groups discuss the following questions: 1. Why should you worry about this?

2. What do you think we should do to protect wildlife? Step 3. Reading

1. Scanning:

Ss read the passage quickly to get the main idea and complete the table on page 27.

2. Intensive reading:

Ss read the passage again and answer the questions on page 27. Step 4. Explanation

1. as a result of 2. die out 3. rise (v) 4. affect 5. prevent …from 6. She turned round and there was an antelope with a sad face looking at her. 7. In three years they may all be gone! 8. But what an experience! Step 5 .Homework

1. Recite the key sentences in the text. 2. Write a summary of the text.

Period 3. Extensive reading

Step 1 . Revision

Ss completer the summary of the text.

One day, Daisy _____ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ______ to _____ with an _______ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were hunted because of their_____ which can be used to make ______ like hers. In three years they may all be ______ . Later, she _____ to Zimbabwe where she talked with an ______ and got to know the farmers there no longer ______ them. That’s because the _______ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of ______ . At last she _____ at the thick rain _____ where a monkey told her ― No rain forest, no ____ and no ____.‖