题 目:略论庄子其人及其现代意义 姓 名:黄杰星 学 院:人文学院 系:中文系 专 业:汉语言文学 年 级:2000级 学 号:00011014
指导教师(校内):刘荣平 职称:副教授 指导老师(校外): 职称:
关键词:哲学家 绍述古人 漆园之哀怨 醒 治心
A curt discussion of personality of Zhuangzi and the significance of the time
Abstract of content:This dissertation tries to conclude the persona
lity of Zhuangzi by a certain extent with geist writing,the penster deem that Zhuangzi is a sincere man who could succed to ancientry and stick to his own ideal,is different from those men who defy the society at aftertime,he represents the conduct criterion and preach spirit of a sage.All of the lysenkoism of Zhuangzi could be sum up to life,his mentality and behavior are corresponding,forasmuch he could be very free and easy.Take a animated angle to look on Zhuangzi,and clean off some mistakes and subjective opinions,will find that the philosophy of Zhuangzi is quite geniality.Whereas for a long time our education is not sensitivity to these things,result in the given weakness of culture,which is need to be remedied.
Key word:philosopher inherit and develop the ancients the pl
aintive of qiyuan rouse rule one’s heart
一、 庄子之清傲,古今一体的磅礴气势,心行相应…………5
二、 对庄子哲学在方法论的几个辩正…………………………6 三、 现代意义……………………………………………………8 附录:
致谢语………………………………………………………………8 参考书目……………………………………………………………8 引用文献……………………………………………………………9