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xx大学“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”研修计划 篇二:出国研修计划英文版 Study Plan

In china,I’ve been working with job of computer teaching for many years. This time,I would like to continue some research projects related with my previous professional backgroud in another country. My initial planned project is “Application of Open Source Operating System in Embedded System”.

At present,with the quick development of embedded technique,many intelligent electronic products pour into market,Open Source Operating System,as a branch of embedded technique,has the prosperous developing expectation. The research on open source operating system in china is still in the early stage. On the contrary,such research has been promoted to mature stage in some

western countrys,and many developed designs are available. In a word,those countrys have huge edge in this field.

The reason why I choose Norway as my destination to study abroad is listed as follows. Firstly,Norway is a developed country in Europe,it’s higher education is prestigious. Norway is also famous for his information technology. Secondly,as is well-known to all,Norway is one of the countries in the world that support open source software greatly. It was reported that the open source software is comparatively popular in the second biggest city-Bergen.

During the progress of application in bilateral programme,I select ###

University . Since I’ve been teaching courses related with embedded technique for three years,and the faculty of computer science and


media technology in this college has abundent teaching experience in this field,especially its experience in design of robots is fruitful. It’s very clear that the faculty is congenial to my interest. Yet till now,there is no relationship between the college where I am working and colleges in Norway. If my application can be approved,I hope that I will play as a poineer to establish new relationship and furthermore expand communication between two colleges.

In ### University I will be a visiting scholar and the whole time span is ten months. My initial study plan during this period is

schedueled as bellow. In the first place,I will make myself familiar with teaching ways and style in ### University as soon as possible once I arrive. In the second place,I will follow advices and arrangement from ### University,and then collaborate with Norwegian researchers to undertake a scientific project or design a feasible small embedded system that can be used in some real scenes.

In the forseeable future,after returning to my country,I will

continue to serve my previous college,share my precious experiences with my colleages,and try my best to consolidate sientific cooperation between two colleges. 篇三:京都大学研修计划csc

一、拟留学专业(研究课题)在国内外研究情况及水平 1、研究课题:xxxxxx 2、研究情况:xxxxxxxx 二、留学京都大学原因


世界领先水平。申请人如果能在日本学习并掌握地质力学前沿技术,讲能为解决我国地质灾害和防治方面做出贡献。申请人拟留学大学为京都大学(Kyoto University),是日本国内综合排名第二的国立大学,在世界大学学术排名(201X年上海交大版)中占26位。自1897年成立至201X年,共诞生了5名诺贝尔得主,被日本国内誉为“科学家摇篮”。

申请人留学的xxxxxxx(Department of Civil and Earth Resources




申请人留学的国外导师xxxxx是一名数学严谨,收人尊重的地质工程领域专家,其在xxxx,xxxx,xxxxxx研究中处于领先水平。就现在申请人现在的研究方向而言,与xxxxxxxxxx所研究方向之一也非常一致,因此,能在教授的课题组完成博士学业。同时,申请人与教授及其课题组老师有着密切的联系,经常通过电子邮件和可视电话等方式交流相关学术问题;并于近期共同发展实验合作,进一步锻炼申请人的试验分析能力,为快速进入博士项目提供了很好的基础 三、预期目标的可行性



1、目的:通过选取日本典型适合研究的异性岩层,进行相似材料和数值模拟试验,得出基于剪切力学下的相关异性岩层抗剪强度准则,再通过数值软件分析剪切破坏机理。是进一步研究异性地层稳定性及地址灾害机理打下基础。 2、预期目标:完成博士论文,提供基xxxxx, 总结 出xxxxxxxxx;在SCI期刊发表文章2-4篇;国际专利xxxx个。 3、计划实施及时间安排

在同xxxxxx教授的交流与建议下,申请人博士期间主要从事以下研究,结合博士预期时间三年,制定了下列具体的研究计划: (1)201X.10-201X.9

申请人主要集中于学习核心课程和对xxxxxxx资料,了解地质背景,查找相关室内试验资料。申请人将参加xxxxxxx教授课题组探讨会,通过查阅大量文献,进一步xxxxxxxxx等方面的难点、 (2)201X.10-201X.9
