2015届高考英语一轮总复习 模块过关检测 外研版必修5(1) 下载本文






1.What will the man do during the vacation? A.Travel to the north.

B.Stay with his grandparents. C.Study at school.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place? A.In a street. B.In the downtown.

C.At the subway station.

3.What is the man probably doing recently? A.He is designing an ad. B.He is looking for a job. C.He is advertising a product.

4.Why does the woman want to meet Betty Sue? A.To give her a message.

B.To inform her of a meeting. C.To give her a document. 5.What is the man?

A.A waiter. B.A singer. C.A seller.




6.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? A.Doctor and patient. B.Boss and employee. C.Friends or relatives.

7.Why does the man work so hard? A.To be promoted. B.To get a pay rise. C.To pay off his debts.


8.Where will the transfer students go?

A.To the USA. B.To Britain. C.To Germany.


9.Whose English is good?

A.The woman's. B.The man's. C.Neither A nor B. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10.What doesn't the snack bar have? A.Banana pies.

B.Spicy chicken set meal. C.Pineapple pies.

11.How much is the payment?

A.20.5 RMB. B.25.5 RMB. C.25.15 RMB. 12.Where will the man have it? A.At the snack bar. B.Not at the snack bar. C.At the office.


13.What time is Bruce Cobber's flight? A.At 9:25. B.At 18:25. C.At 19:25. 14.Which gate did Mr.Bruce Cobber leave from? A.Gate 2. B.Gate 12. C.Gate 20.

15.What kind of ticket does the man want to buy? A.First class,non-smoker. B.Economic class,non-smoker. C.Economic class,smoker.

16.Which statement of the following is TRUE according to the text? A.Cobber's plane took off 15 minutes ago. B.The man missed Cobber again.

C.The man bought a ticket to Sydney. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17.Why did Ted go to the bank? A.He wanted to get some money. B.He wanted to apply for a job.

C.He wanted to report something to the bank.

18.What did the man at the bank ask Ted to do first? A.Write answers under the questions on a piece of paper. B.Answer his questions orally. C.Write some questions.

19.Which of the following was one of the questions? A.Have you ever worked in the prison? B.Have you ever been in prison? C.Why have you been in prison? 20.What do you think of Ted?

A.He was clever.B.He was friendly. C.He was stupid. 听力原文 Text 1


W:Do you have any idea for your winter vacation?

M:I had planned to go to the north,but I've changed my mind.I'll stay with my grandparents.

Text 2

M:Excuse me!What's the best way to get downtown?

W:Take the subway.It's $1.50 per ride.You can buy a metro card at the station. M:You've been very helpful. W:My pleasure. Text 3

W:Hey,Ted!I saw this ad in the paper.You should take a look. M:What is it?

W:It's for a job.It looks perfect for you. Text 4

W:Is Betty Sue in her office?

M:I'm sorry.She's in a meeting right now.

W:I see.Could you give her this document for me? M:Certainly. Text 5

M:Can I help you?

W:Have you got a VCD by S.H.E.?I want a copy for my daughter.

M:Sorry,we haven't got that at the moment.But we could order it for you. Text 6

W:You look tired.

M:Yeah,I've been working so much overtime lately. W:Really?How come?

M:My boss gave me a big project.I had to have it finished by this morning.It was so difficult!

W:You shouldn't work so hard.

M:I know.But hard work pays off,you know. W:What do you mean?

M:Maybe I'll get that promotion I was hoping for. Text 7

M:Our school is going to send transfer students to Germany.Did you know that? W:Yes.And they said only two will get a chance.It's very competitive. M:You're right.It also requires excellent English.

W:English isn't one of my advantages.I'd rather not try.

M:Well,I'd like to give it shot.It's once in a blue moon,after all. W:I'm with you.You speak English well. Text 8

W:Hello,may I help you?

M:A spicy chicken set meal and 2 pineapple pies,please.

W:Sorry.We don't have any pineapple pies right now.Would you like to order something else?

M:Yeah,2 banana pies.