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Memorial Hall is between the Great Hall of the People and Meseum. If you go straight ahead, you can get to the Forbidden City opposite Tian’anmen Square. If you go across the square, turn left into Xihang’an Jie and then turn right into Changjie, you can see an entrance of Beihai Park on the corner of Chang Jie and Wenjin Jie. If you go across Tian’anmen Square ,turn right, go along Dongchang’an Jie, and then turn left into Wangfujing Dajie, you can do some shopping there.

Module 9 Animals in danger


As is known, the panda is one of the animals most in danger in the world. There are about 1,160 pandas by now. About 1,000 pandas live in nature reserve, and about 160 pandas are taken care of in zoos and research centers. The land of bamboo where pandas live in is becoming less and less for many different reasons. Pandas live in the forest and moutains of Southwest China. They mainly live on bamboo, and each panda needs to eat lots of bamboo every day.Pandas don’t have many babies, and baby pandas often die. The situation is becoming more and more serious.

In my opinion, Chinese government should work hard to save pandas. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of pandas protection through education. Second, it should build more nature reserves with better bamboo. Finally, it should make strict laws to punish(惩罚) those who take away their lands and forests. However, there is still a long way to go to save the panda.


Module 10 Lao She Teahouse


My favourite film is The Sound of Music. It is one of the most popular films in the world. It takes place in Austria in 1938. It’s the story of Maria and the von Trapp family. Maria goes to look after the seven children. Their father, Captain von Trapp, tells Maria to make them study hard. However, she takes them out to play. In the end, the captain falls in love with Maria and marries her. Julie Andrews plays Maria. She’s very pretty and she sings beautifully. The best part of the film is the singing. It’s very beautiful and interesting.

Module 11 The weather


China is a very big country to visit, so it is necessary to choose craefully the places to see and the time to go. First of all, bring a good map of China with you because you want to travel around China.

Beijing is a good place to visit in May or October, because it’s not hot or cold then. It’s usually warm or cool, but there may be some rain. The best plan is to arrive in Harbin in September, because the weather starts to get cooler and the trees begin to change colour. It’s a good idea to bring your camera with you because you may want to take photos of the autumn leaves. 4,000 kilometers away in Sanya, Hainan, the weather is fine all year, especially it’s nice to see the sun in December! It’s important for you to bring your swimsuit because you might want to swim in the sea.


So when’s the best time to visit China? I think that you can come any time you like.

Module 12 Traditional life.


In China It’s a tradition for people to give presents each other at Spring Festival. When someone gives you a present you mustn’t open it immediately, but you should wait and open it later. When you accept a present, you must use both hands. When you wrap a present, you must wrap hongbao in red paper because it’s lucky, but you can’t use white, blue or black because it’s bad luck. On the first day of the Chinese New Year, you mustn’t do any cleaning, cut your hair and break anything, but you may eat lots of jiaozi.