湖北省恩施州2018年中考英语试卷及答案解析 下载本文

46. Jay _____________ play computer games after class, but now he would rather go over his lessons.

47. My father and his brother have studied abroad, and ___________ are working in the same company now.

48. Our English teacher spoke louder ________ the students in the last row could hear her clearly. 49. It is said that the new model will be __________ next month.

50. The program has helped the poor return to live a normal life. Great, I don't know exactly how they __________ it. 【答案】46. used to 47. both 48. so that 49. on sale 50. managed 【解析】

46. 句意:杰伊习惯于下课后玩电脑游戏,但现在他宁愿复习功课。used to do意为“过去常常…”,要和另一个短语区分开,be used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事或习惯于某事,to是介词,这里不是这个搭配,故填 used to。

47. 句意:我父亲和他的兄弟在国外学习,两者都现在在同一家公司工作。句中提到了两个人“我爸爸”和“我爸爸的兄弟”,表示两个都,两者都,用both即可,故填both。

48. 句意:我们的英语老师大声说话以至于最后一排的学生可以清楚地听到她的声音。这里so that引导目的状语从句,表示“以便,为了”,故填 so that。

49. 句意:据说新模型下个月将会销售。be on sale是正在销售 ,这里是说下个月模型就出售了,故填on sale。

50. 句意:该计划帮助穷人恢复了正常生活。太好了,我不知道他们究竟是怎么做成的。Manage有“做成(某事); 应付(某事)”的意思,这里是在疑问对方是怎么做到的,这件事发生在过去,用一般过去时,故填managed。


51. 当今,在线支付使得我们的生活越来越方便。(much)

Nowadays. Payment Online makes our lives ___________ convenient. 52. 当你去香港时,我正忙着准备期末考试。(prepare)

While you were on the visit to Hong Kong, I was busy ____________ my final exams. 53. 不仅我,我妹妹也喜欢跳舞。(enjoy)

Not only I but also my sister ______________.


54. 令我们惊讶的是,上个月我们厂的产量仅增加了百分之二。(increase)

To our surprise, the production of our factory only __________ 2% last month. 55. 有了金面二胎政策,我们学校的那对年轻大妇计划再生一个孩子(two)

Because of the universal two-child policy, the young couple in our school plan to have __________ child.

【答案】51. more and more 52. preparing for 53. enjoys dancing 54. increased by 55. a second 【解析】

51. 表示“越来越…”用more and more+形容词原级,本句是说“越来越方便”,故填 more and more。 52. be busy doing意为“忙于…”,所以prepare要用ing形式,prepare for…意为“为..准备”,故填preparing for。

53. “喜欢做某事”为enjoy doing,跳舞是dance。主语是my sister,是第三人称,所以谓语动词要用三单形式,故填enjoys dancing。

54. increase by 意思是“增加了(多少)”,描述的是上个月的产量,用一般过去时,故填increased by。

55. 已经有了一个孩子,再要一个就是“再一个…”是“a second…”,要和the second区分开,the second指的是排序的第二个, a second指的是再一个、又一个,故填 a second。

点睛:区别几个和increase相关的短语:increase to 意思是“增加到(某个数字)”,increase by 意思是“增加了(多少)”,本题第4题考查就是这个短语,increase本身意思是“增加,增大,增多; 增强,增进”。



Although the world is hungry, it is even thirstier. While nearly 3/4 of the earth is c___56___ with water, we are short of drinking water. This is because about 97% of the water on the earth is sea water.

How can we a___57___ a serious water shortage? First, we should save water and not waste it. Then, we should protect our water resources and not pollute them. Lastly, we should discover ways to reuse water. Scientists have got some achievements in this field. But people's need for water is increasing day by day. We s___58___ don't have enough water. What else can we do? The sea seems to have the best answer. There is p___59___ of water in the sea. But we need to


take the salt away from the sea water. This is very expensive. If scientists can find c___60___ ways to do it, we can solve the problem of the shortage of water. 【答案】56. covered 57. avoid 58. still 59. plenty 60. cheaper


56. 句意:虽然地球的近3/4被水覆盖,但我们缺少饮用水。be covered with…意为“被…覆盖”,故填过去分词covered。

57. 句意:我们怎样才能避免严重的水资源短缺呢?这一句话缺少谓语动词,这是在提出疑问,从后面的一系列措施猜出这里提出的问题是如何避免avoid水资源短缺?故填 avoid。

58. 句意:我们仍然没有足够的水。从前句的“但是人们对水的需求与日俱增”说明水资源“仍然”不够,故填副词still。

59. 句意:大海里有大量的水。plenty of…意为“许多…”,大海里自然有“许多”水,故填 plenty。 60. 句意:如果科学家能找到更便宜的方法,我们就能解决水资源短缺的问题。前面是“海水淡化是很昂贵的”,所以这里是说如果有“更便宜”的办法或方式就好了,故填比较级cheaper。 61. 书面表达

2009年3月至今,北京八达岭野生动物园发生了多起游客违反入园规则而导致的人员伤亡事件,这些悲剧发人深省。俗话说“没有规矩,不成方圆”,作为中学生,我们应该遵守哪些规则,请结合下图和要点提示,写一篇英语短文。 要点提示: 1.遵守交通规则; 2.不插队; 3.遵守入园规则; 4.补充两点其他的规则。 要求:

1.文中必须包含所有提示要点,可适当发挥使行文连贯; 2.条理清晰,字迹工整,词数不少于80; 3.文中不得出现真实人名和校名等相关信息。 提示词汇: jump the queue (插队); fence (围栏)


【答案】As students, what can we do to keep our daily life m order. In my opinion, we should behave as follows:

First, while walking or driving on the road, we should obey the traffic rules. Besides, do remember not to carve or draw anywhere during visiting places of interest. What's more, making a loud noise in public is also a kind of pollution. It is as harmful as littering and spitting everywhere. Last but not least, when we go to the zoo or other public places, we should do as we are required, for example, \

Only when we behave well, can we live in a well-ordered society.


写作亮点:首先,可以用一两句话陈述清楚写作的目的(keep our daily life in order),然后可以逐条写出需要遵守的规则。在一条一条罗列的 时候,可以恰当地借助一下词来表达逻辑关系,比如first,besides,what’s more,last but not least等,具体在写规则的时候要注意短语运用准确,例如obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则,visiting places of interest 参观名胜古迹,making a loud noise in public 在公共场合大声喧哗。此外,句式的灵活运用也是亮点,例如用到了as…as..同级比较的结构,在末段用到了only+从句,主句倒装的结构,这些结构的使用使得文章语言更加鲜活。最后,文章用一句话结尾,总结了全文,完成了写作任务。