人教版高中英语必修一Unit 3 Travel journal 下载本文



英语人教版必修1 Unit 3 Travel journal




1.1.The children of the farmers prefer ______ in bigger cities to ______ in their hometown. A.stay;settle B.stay;settling C.staying;settle D.staying;settling

2.Mrs Smith has tried many times to persuade her son to give ______ chemistry and learn law,but he wouldn't listen.Finally Mrs Smith had to give ______ and let him be.

A.in;in B.up;up C.up;in D.in;up

3.You can get there using different kinds of ______,by air,by water,or by land. A.travel B.transport C.schedule D.journal

4.He placed his bike in front of their building ______,but when he came out,he found it missing.

A.in general B.as a matter of fact C.as a result D.as usual

5.To my disappointment, Jack's attitude ______ his new job seemed to be very bad. A.around B.through C.on D.to

6.I'm glad my parents insisted that we ______ Spanish at home. A.speaking B.speak C.have spoken D.had spoken 7.—Has the boss agreed to improve our working conditions? —No.The only thing he ______ is money. A.cares about B.looks up C.takes care of D.comes up with 8.We must never stop learning if we want to keep up with the ______ of the changing world. A.power B.pace C.flow D.altitude 9.—I am taking a trip to Hainan next week. —______!

A.Have a nice trip B.Take care C.Good luck to you D.What a pity

10.Mr Green has never smoked any more since his wife ______ him to give it up. A.wanted B.persuaded C.advised D.suggested

11.The evening party was well ______ and everyone had a good time at it. A.put on B.managed C.set up D.organized

12.It was on my way to school this morning ______ I picked up this wallet. A.where B.that

C.when D.how 13.—Bob will go to Beijing.

—Oh, can you tell me when he ______? A.left B.leaves C.is leaving D.has left

14.Bob insisted that he ______ nothing wrong and that David ______ to him right away. A.had;apologized B.have done;apologized C.have done;apologize D.had done;apologize 15.He won't let you down;he is ______. A.grateful B.reliable C.official D.gradual 解题导语:本文是寓言故事。告诉我们愚人者实愚己。 Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


There was an old rooster(公鸡).One day as the sun was sinking,he __16__ into a tree to rest.He was about to put his head under his wings when he suddenly saw a long pointed nose—there just __17__ him stood a fox. “Have you heard the __18__ news?”cried the fox excitedly.

“What news?”asked the rooster very __19__.But in fact,he was very nervous,because he was very much __20__ of the fox. “Your family and mine and all other animals have __21__ to live in peace from now on and forget our __22__ forever.Just think of it!I simply cannot __23__ to embrace(拥抱) you!Do come down,dear friend,and let us __24__ the exciting news.”

“How great!”said the rooster.“I am certainly __25__ about the news.”But when he said this,he seemed to be __26__ something far off. “What is it you see?”asked the fox __27__. “Oh,a couple of __28__ are coming this way.They must have heard the good news and...” __29__ the fox did not wait to hear more.He turned and __30__ as fast as he could. “Wait,”cried the rooster.“Why do you run?The dogs are __31__ of yours now!”

“Yes,”answered the fox.“But they might not have heard the news.Besides,I have a very important thing that I had almost __32__ about.”

Seeing this,the __33__ rooster smiled as he hid his head in his feathers and went to __34__,for he had succeeded in __35__ a very crafty(狡猾的) enemy.

Those who cheat people are easily cheated. 16.A.flew B.fell C.knocked D.walked 17.A.beside B.below C.after D.with 18.A.surprising B.interesting C.helpful D.wonderful 19.A.calmly B.sadly C.clearly D.rudely 20.A.tired B.fond C.afraid D.proud 21.A.tried B.agreed C.preferred D.hoped 22.A.mistakes B.promise C.differences D.friendship 23.A.wait B.decide C.stop D.afford 24.A.spread B.celebrate

C.make D.hear 25.A.happy B.nervous C.shy D.worried 26.A.looking up B.looking for C.looking at D.looking after 27.A.angrily B.seriously C.quietly D.anxiously 28.A.roosters B.humans C.foxes D.dogs 29.A.But B.So C.While D.For 30.A.finished B.ran C.spoke D.jumped 31.A.brothers B.partners C.enemies D.fans 32.A.thought B.forgotten C.learned D.cared 33.A.honest B.wise C.lazy D.strange 34.A.sing B.work C.sleep D.eat 35.A.believing B.chasing C.fooling D.protecting





I'm Grace, 13 years old and in the seventh grade in Florida. This school year has been normal. However, my family and I spent my sixth-grade year driving all over Europe, seeing amazing

places, meeting all kinds of people, and getting closer as a family in the process.

When my family decided to move to Europe, we were excited. But we had a problem. We couldn't find a vehicle that had enough space to work for our five-member family, so my dad

decided he'd just make one. No matter where we were, our new home took some getting used to (花时间适应). I had to leave a lot of my stuff behind because so little of it would fit into my tiny new room. We had to be careful to save our water.And we were doing home-school, which worked

out great.

No matter what, I made sure to look out of my window every morning, because the view was different every day—England, then France, Italy,Greece... each special in its own way. In country after country, we toured around and tried to pick up little bits of the local language, but that didn't help us much. Luckily we kept finding people who knew some English. Everywhere we went, we saw the most amazing things. I love reading about places in my textbooks and then getting out of our vehicle to look right at them. I can't pick a favorite spot,because whichever one we were at seemed to be the best at the time.

After our trip ended, we moved to Florida.But it makes me happy that my family had this great year-long experience together. I'm thankful for that. 36.Compared with the seventh-grade school year, Grace's sixth-grade year was ______.

A.normal B.painful C.unusual D.successful 37.How did Grace and her family travel in Europe? A.By car. B.By taxi. C.By bike. D.By plane. 38.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?

A.Grace likes Italy very much.

B.Grace prefers travelling to reading.

C.Grace can speak different languages well. D.Grace enjoyed the experience with her family. 39.What would be the best title for the text? A.Getting along with my family B.Looking out of my window C.My new moving home D.My life on the road


Last month,it was my first time to have a bus tour for sightseeing in Hong Kong SAR.It's really pleasant and interesting.Sitting on the upper deck of the bus,I explored Hong Kong in a different way.When the bus passed along the street,all the buildings and attractions along the way seemed very close to me.I bought a one-day pass priced around US $6 to enjoy unlimited(不受限

制的) rides on 2 important routes.

I started the trip from Central Star Ferry,and took the H1 Heritage Route to travel around the Central and Western District.After leaving Star Ferry,the bus passed Western Market and Hollywood Road,where the famous antique(古董) shops are located,then Man Mo Temple.Not only could I sightsee on the bus,I also got off at many stops.I got off in Man Mo Temple and walked along Lascar Row.Then,I got on the sightseeing bus to Dr Sun Yat-sen Museum,which

was built in 1914 to honor the father of the Republic of China.And the famous Hong Kong University left a good impression on me.After traveling back through the dried seafood shops without stopping,I went to the terminus(终点) at Star Ferry.

After the heritage journey,I took the H2 Metropolis Route for my shopping tour.I left from Star Ferry and traveled through Wanchai to Causeway Bay and Times Square for shopping.Having bought a lot of things,I went back via St.John's Cathedral and Statue Square in the heart of Central.

Though tired,I did have lots of fun on my one-day bus tour!

40.How did the writer have the tour around Hong Kong SAR? A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By subway. D.By bike. 41.Where are the antique shops? A.At Central Star Ferry. B.On Hollywood Road. C.In Western Market. D.In Lascar Row.

42.Which of the following did the writer NOT do while taking the H1 Heritage Route? A.Visit Man Mo Temple. B.Walk along Lascar Row. C.Buy some dried seafood. D.Visit Hong Kong University. 43.Why did the writer take the H2 Metropolis Route? A.Because he wanted to visit Dr Sun Yat-san Museum.

B.Because he wanted to buy some things.

C.Because he wanted to travel through Wanchai. D.Because he wanted to visit St.John's Cathedral.


Most people prefer to stay indoors during a snowstorm, but Kenneth Libbrecht is not most people. When snow starts falling down from the winter sky, the scientist's work begins.Taking a magnifying glass(放大镜), a paintbrush, and a camera with him, he heads out into the cold.

Outside, Libbrecht waits for snowflakes (雪花) that are just right. Sometimes he waits for hours. Finally, he sees the snowflakes he's been waiting for. As the snowflakes fall, Libbrecht carefully catches them on his paintbrush. Then he points his camera and shoots.

The scientist's shiny pictures recently earned him a prize, which is given to top science photographers around the world.

Libbrecht takes pictures of snowflakes to learn more about their shapes. The snowflakes fall when water steam (水蒸气) in a cloud freezes. Every snowflake grows into a hexagon. That is a six-sided shape. However, no two snowflakes look the same. Experts are not sure why.

To find the answer, Libbrecht has traveled to snowy places around the world. He has taken