最新版2019-2020年人教版九年级英语全册Unit8单元同步测试题及答案-精编试题 下载本文

初三年级英语上 Unit 8


VI, 选择填空(10分)

( )21.----He _______be in the classroom. I think.

------No, he ________be in the classroom. I saw him go home a minute ago.

A. can; may not B. must; may not C. may; mustn’t D. may; can’t

( )22. -----Are these CDs ____________?

------No, they are not mine. They belong to _________.

A. your; her B. yours ; her C. you ; hers D. yours; she ( )23. ----Look, here comes Cindy ! She is always full of ________ -----So she is, because she takes a lot of exercise every day.

A. knowledge B. courage C. confidence D. energy

( )24.--The ______that the wind outside makes is driving me crazy. I can’t sleep well at night. -----Quiet down. It’s no use complaining. A. sound B. shout C. voice D. noise ( )25. ---Do you come to New York for the _______of seeing your friends or doing business? -------I come here on business.

A. interest B. suggestion C. purpose D. thought

( )26. There must be many people ________ for the trains at the train station because of the snowstorm.

A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited )27. I am so ____ that I can’t keep my eyes open because I got up early this morning.

A. hard-working B. hungry C. sleepy D. excited ( )28. I______your invitation, but I’m sorry I can’t _______it.

A. received; receive B. received; accept C. accepted; accept D. accepted; receive

( )29. Tony’s mum looks young and beautiful , It’s hard to imagine she is already _

A. in her fifties B.in her fifty C.in her fiftieths D. in her fiftieth

( )30. ---The coat looks very nice. Why not buy one ?

----It doesn’t _______me. I’m a little black so I don’t want a white one.

A. suit B. give C. cover D. fail VII. 选词填空(10分)

A. position B. points out C. medical D.victory E. circle F. run after. G. burial H. historical place I. valuable J. express 31. People in the city held a great party to celebrate their


32. Scientists didn’t find anything __________in this area last year. 33. In ancient China, people can tell the time from the ________of the sun.

34. I don’t know how to _________my thanks to you for your help. 35. No matter who ________our problems, we will correct them. 36. The new hospital bought some ________instruments last week. 37. Read the passage first , ________ the useful words and phrases. 38. Don’t try to ________the thief by yourself. It’s dangerous. 39. They went back to their hometown for his uncle’s _______. 40. The Great Wall lies in China and it’s Chinese famous _________. VIII. 完形填空 (15分)

Tony and his friends found a strange old box filled 41_____ candies and a treasure map. They thought they 42____ have belonged to Stickybeard, a famous candy-loving pirate (海盗) who 43____ a lot of treasure in a secret place. They were very 44___ and started to look for the treasure.

They 45___ the map and found another small box. In the box, they 46______ a few candies, the letter 47__ and another map. The new map 48_____ them to a big tree where they found another box with some candies, a new map, and a big letter O. They went on and

found another 49___ boxes with the letters V and E. However, on the last 50_____ they found that was a puzzle (谜).

They spent a long time arguing about the meaning of the puzzle. 51____, Alex, one of Tony’s friends, found the answer. “The puzzle wants us to put the letters we have 52____ beside our father and mother.” He added, “ 53____ the answer to the puzzle is ‘love your parents’.”

The great treasure Stickybeard or someone else left them was a great piece of 54___- — love your parents. From then on, Tony and his friends loved their 55______ more than ever.

( )41. A . by B. for C. with D. to

( )42.. A. might B. would C. can’t D. mustn’t ( )43. A. made B. took C. hid D. bought ( )44. A. tired B. sad C. excited D. nervous ( )45. A. found B. read C. drew D. Forgot ( )46. A. found B. invented C. looked D. brought ( )47. A. M B. P C. Y D. L

( )48. A. asked B. lay C. led D. told ( )49. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )50. A. book B. map C. pen D. ruler ( )51. A. Recently B. Usually C. Probably D. Finally ( )52. A. written B. created C. collected D. chosen