最新东农16秋《大学英语I》在线作业满分标准答案 下载本文


1:— Please help yourself to some seafood.rn— _______

A:No, I can’t. B:Sorry, I can’t help. C:Well, seafood don’t suit. D:Thanks, but I don’t like seafood.


2:— ______________rn— Well, they got there last Wednesday. So

about a week.

A:How long have your parents been in Paris? B:When did your parents arrive at Paris? C:Did your parents arrive at Paris last Wednesday?

D:When will your parents go to Paris?


3:The girl is _______ of a film star.

A:somebody B:something C:anybody D:anything



4:There's a lot of public ________ about dangerous toxins

recently found in food.

A:concern B:concept C:conduct D:conflict 正确答案:A

5:— Are you getting a new flat this year? rn— ________________.

I can’t afford to pay my bills, let alone a new flat.

A:Without question. B:Are you sure? C:Good idea! D:You must be joking


6:— Who is that speaking? rn— This is Tom _____________.

A:speaks B:spoke C:speaking


D:saying 正确答案:C

7:Can I get you a cup of tea?rn________________

A:That’s very kind of you.

B:With pleasure. C:You can, please D:Thank you for the tea


8:— What can I do for you?rn —

A:I want a kilo of pears. B:You can do in your own way.


D:Excuse me. I’m busy.


9:— My birthday is tomorrow. rn— _________

A:Ho, I have no idea. B:I’m glad you like it. C:Many happy returns of the day! D:You must be very happy.