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green blue yellow big small short long clerk help want Here you are. welcome You’re welcome example ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty thirty clothes store come buy very price each anybody afford

our see yourself Mr sell from

have a look(at) on sale sorry Unit 8 when birthday month January February March April May June July August September October November December tenth fourth fifteenth second third fifth

sixth seventh eighth ninth eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth thirtieth date happy happy birthday! birth age old how old speech contest party trip

basketball game volleyball game school day art . festival Chinese music year years old

Unit 9 go movie go to a movie action comedy documentary thriller kind singular plural opera Beijing Opera find someone who student scary funny sad exciting really often think learn about history with favorite actor new successful weekend


Unit 10 guitar join dance swim sing chess paint speak can't=can not kid our drum piano trumpet violin or musician then be rock band show Sunday pm kung fu may draw little a little e-mail

address why Unit 11 time what time go to school get up shower take a shower usually

o'clock=of the clock work hour brush teeth after go to work get to bus hotel all night love listen home morning go to bed job am afternoon

evening homework do homework go home letter around start write tell me soon best wish Saturday survey

Unit 12 subject science

P.E. =physical education because description word teacher who Mrs. partner city dad Tuesday Thursday Wednesday Friday

Monday biology busy next strict tired Miss ask any dog around

Review of units 7-12 America so China before hobby today life