甘肃省兰州市中考英语试卷及答案 下载本文

quick what with name complain feel special against hear understand which celebrate before Do you really care about your parents? 61 this question,most of may give a quick answer“Of course, I do.”But maybe you don’t

It is true that all parents can remember clearly when 62 their children’s birthdays.However it is a pity that few children know exactly when their parents birthdays are. Most parents can easily 63 the food their children favor.The other way round, some students don’t know 64 their parents like most of all. Sometimes we can hear parents 65 that their children don’t talk with them as often as 66 .Children are growing and the generation gap(代沟)are widening.

If you love your parents well,let them 67 your love.Give them a birthday gift on their 68 day,help them do some housework as often as possible,bear in mind wthat your parents like or don’t like.Don’t always say things 69 your parents.Talk with them more often and 70 them more. 61. 62 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 六、任务型阅读理解


What will the future be like?It’s possible that we may often fly up into space! Out of all the coolest inventions of the year,Time chose Spaceship One as the best.

Spaceship One is a 6-meter-long white spaceship. On June 21,American pilot Mike Melvill flew it to space and back-about 100 kilometers up into the sky.(1)Some might say it’s not a big deal.You know,people went to the moon years ago.

Well, Spaceship One is special because(2)it is the first spaceship that wasn’t made by the government.It was built and launched(发射)by a private US company.Lots of people want to travel in space.But it’s too expensive.American milliomaire Dennis Tito paid almost US $ 20 million to become the first space tourist to visit the International Station in 2001. So private companies began to think of making their own spaceship to take other tourists up into space.

(3)飞船一号的成功是一个好的开端。In the next 10 to 15 years,if you pay $20,000 to $100,000,you could fly high above the earth.

What about havint your own spaceship in your garage and taking in to space at the weekend? 71.将(1)处旬线部分的句子翻译成汉语:



74.Imagine what the future will be like.

75.Do you want to have your own spaceship in your garage?Why?




A:Hello,John.Here is the book.You lent it to me last week.Thank you very much. B:Oh,you’re welcome,Tin, 76 .

A:Very much,I’m sorry to have kept it so long.I haven’t had much time for reading these days. B:That’s all right. 77 .

A:Have you got any more books by the same writer?

B:Yes,but I have lent in to Jim. Would you like to borrow it?

A:Yes,please.Shall I ask Jim to pass it on to me when he has finished it? B:No,better let him return it to me and then 78 . A:Have you got anything else I can borrow now? B:Do you like science books? 79 . A: 80

B:OK.Let’s go and get it. It’s in my room. I’ve got a good one. I have read some but I don’t think they’re interesting. I’ll let you have it. How do you like it? I’ve never read any and I’d like to try it. You can ask him for it. I don’t mind how long you kept it. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80.


A:Kate,what are you 81 ?

B:I’m reading today’s newspaper.What’s 82 ? A:May I borrow your VCD player? B.83 how long?

A:Until the end of the week.

B:Yes, I guess that would be all right. A:Thank you very much.

B: 84 do you have any new disks? A:Yes,I’ve just got three new pop music disks.I’ll 85 them to you with the machine tomorrow. B:That’s great.Thanks.I’ll give them back to you soon.

81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 八、词汇考查:(分A、B、C三部分,共15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) A.根据汉语或首字母提示写出单词,使句子完整。将答案直接写在横线上。(每小题1分,计5分) 86.In a week,we have English lessons every day except W . 87.Mr.Zhang and Mr.Lin live next door to us.They are our n . 88.There are so many new words in the (四十九)lesson.It’s hard to understand. 89.It is not (自然)for a child of his age to be so quiet at home.

90.Students should pay enough attention to their (发音)when they speak English. B.根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每小题1分,计5分) 91.—Thank you for(invite) me to your party next Sunday,Peter. —I’m glad to do that.

92.You can’t take anything from here without(permit) .

93.It’s said that you’ve completed the building of the new lab(succeed) in time.

94.In 1972,it was discovered that the manatees were in(dangerous) . 95.It is very important to make a correct(decide) . C.根据句意,用括号内所给动词的正确形式完成句子(每小题1分,计5分) 96.Liu Yithing (change)a lot since she enterd Harvard University.

97.No SMOKING should (see)in the stores even in many parts of the city. 98.—Mr.Brown likes children very much,doesn’t he?

—Yes,that’s srue.He (write)a children’s book these days.

99.Now the pretty woman can’t decide which pair of pants (choose).Because they both look good on her.

100. —I haven’t seen my grandma for a long time.

—I’m looking forward to (visit)her a lot. 九、改错 101-105暂缺 十、按要求转换句子:(每小题1分,每空0.5分,计10分) 106.My father watches TV every night.(改为一般疑问句) your father TV every night? 107.He had to finish the work.(改为否定句) He to finish the work. 108.She wanted to see the doctor because her back hurt badly.(对划线部分提问) she want to see the doctor?

109.David was so careless that he didn’t find the mistakes in his test paper.(改为同义句) David was to find the mistakes in his paper. 110.Yesterday our teacher asked us to clean the classtoom.(改为被动语态) Yesterday asked to clean the classroom. 111.The car hit the big tree yesterday.(改为反意疑问句) The car hit the big tree yesterday, ?

112.Are there museums in the ciry?Could you tell me?(合并成含宾语从句的复合句) Could you tell me there museums in the city?

113.I borrowed a book from the library.It was newly published.(合并成含定语从句的复合句) The book I borrowed from the library newly published. 114.The computer is very useful.(改为感叹句) the computer is!

115.what,think,mind,question,don’t,people,about,young,the,I (连词成句)

十一、句子翻译:根据中文提示完成句子(每空1分,计10分) 116.昨天我花了大约两小时完成了作业。

It me two hours to my homework yesterday. 117.你不应用筷子指人。

You shouldn’t anyone with your chopsticks. 118.他努力学习,以便能够赶上其他同学。

He works hard so that he can with other students. 119.你应该见面说“好”。

You are say hello when you meet. 120.无论这项任务有多么困难,我们都会按时完成

No matter the task is,we’ll finish it on time. 十二、书面表达(计10分)



注意:1.请用第一人称。 2.请不要写出真实的姓名和所在学校。

参考答案 一、听力理解(共计20分)1-5 BCADA 6-10 DADBC 11-15 CBACD 16-50 TTFFT 二、单项选择(共计20分)21-25 DBCBA 26-30 CDADB 31-35 ADCBC 36-40 ABDCA

三、完形填空(计10分)41-45 BDABA 46-50 DBDCC 四、阅读理解(计20分)51-55 DBCAD 56-60 CABDC 五、任务型完形填空(计10分)61.Hearing 62.to celebrate 63.name 64.what 65.complain 66.befor 67.feel 68.special 69.against 70.understand 六、任务型阅读理解(计10分)

此题相对比较开放,答案可以不唯一,只要符合短文的意思且语言表达正确匀可得分。 71.有些人也许会说这没有什么大不了的。(有些人可能会说这不是一件了不起的事。)

72.It’s the first spaceship made by a private US company.(The spaceship was made by a private US company for the first time. 注:符合句义的其它解释也可以得分) 73.The success of Spaceship One is a good start.

74.It’s possible that we may often fly up into space!(其它合理的想象且语言表达正确匀可得分) 75.Yes.Because I can take it to space at the weekend.(No.Because...,)(其它合理的想象且语言表达正确匀可得分)

七、情景交际(共计15分)76-80 DGCAE 81.doing 82.up 83.For 84.But 85.bring


86.Wedesday 87.neighbours(neighbors可得分,但不作复数变化不能得分)

88.forty-ninth(49th 不得分) 89.natural(nature不可接受) 90.pronunciation 91.inviting 92.permission 93.successfully94.danger 95.decision 96.has changed 97.be seen

98.is writing 99.to choose 100.visiting

九、改错(计5分)101.bigger-biggest 102.more-much(去掉more) 103.to call-call 104.years-years’. 105.with-without

十、按要求转换句子(计10分)106.why not 107.Did,use 108.Work hard 109.don’t think

110.can she 111.were allowed 112.How often 113.How hard 114.if/whether,likes 115.who/that,has/holds 十一、句子翻译(计10分)(时态和单复数形式错误的匀不能得分)116.proud of 117.make mistakes 118.gave up 119.for instance/such as 120.deal with 十二、书面表达(10分) Dear Alice,

Hwo are you doing?I’m sure you have heard of the exciting news.Yes,Beijing will be the host city of the

2008 Olympic Games!

I’m too excited! So I decide to do something for the games.Every Sunday my classmates and I collected litters in a park.I also planted many trees.I want to make Beijing cleaner and more beautiful.In 2008, I’ll be 19 years old and I’ll tell the players of the world about what I did for the Olympic Games. I’m looking forward to seeing you again in Beijing! Best wishes He Ping


1.Linda thought that was her pencil. 2.We’ll never forget the pleasant trip. 3.Our Test begins on June 19,2005. 4.She felt she was in a storm at sea. 5.John is writing a letter in his study.

6.My father is busy everyday except Sunday. 7.The movie theater is near the school. 8.Jimmy likes English best.

9.The history class started at 8:30.

10.He spent thirty yuan on this pair of glasses.

11.M:Where are you from,Nancy? W:I’m from Australia.

Question:Where is Nancy from?

12.M:Excuse me,can you tell me how to get to the library?

W:Yes,walk that way.The library is on the left,between the museum and the cinema. Question:Where is the man going?

13.M:If you want to get in touch with me,please call me at 0931-8858857. W:Is it 0931-8858867?

M:Oh,no.It’s 0931-8858857.

Question:What’s the man’s telephone number?

14.W:Sunday is coming.What are you going to do?

M:Nothing much.Maybe I can visit my friend or play football with my brother.What about you? W:I’m going hiking with my classmates.

Question:What is the woman going to do on Sunday?

15.M:I’m going hiking with my classmates.

W:Yes.But the weatherman said that it would be cooler later on. Question:What will the weather be like later on?

16-20 听力短文理解

Hello,ladies and gentlemen.I’m your guide today.First,I’d like to tell you something about Hangzhou before we get thers.As you know Hangzhou is capital of Zhejiang Province.It lies on the West Lake.