详细设计说明书(LLD模板) 下载本文

XX Low Level Design Specification

?? XX 详细设计说明书 XX Low Level Design Specification

XX 详细设计说明书

Keywords 关键词:能够体现文档描述内容主要方面的词汇。 Words that will reflect main

contents of the document.

Abstract 摘 要:

List of abbreviations 缩略语清单:对本文所用缩略语进行说明,要求提供每个缩略语的英文全名和中文解释。 Describe abbreviations in this document, full spelling of the

abbreviation and Chinese explanation should be provided.

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XX Low Level Design Specification

?? XX 详细设计说明书 1 Introduction 简介 1.1 Purpose 目的

To descript the purpose of this document. In general, LLD specification can be used to guide the coding activities directly.


1.2 Scope 范围

This section should address areas which this document includes and that are specifically excludes.


2 Detailed Design 详细设计

This section should focus on the description of the detailed design of the software entities that are a part of the software being described by the HLD Specification。.


2.1 Module 1 Detail Design 模块1详细设计

Describe data that defined or used in the module, including: simple data i.e. global variable or constant within the module; complex data i.e. class or structure ....

描述模块中定义和使用的数据,包括: 简单数据,如模块级的全局变量、常量; 复合数据,如模块内部的类、结构,...;

2.1.1 Data Description 数据描述

describe simple variables and constant of the module in section; describe complex data from section, such as class、structure;


从2.1.1.2起描述本模块中的复合数据,如类、结构等; Simple Data Description 简单数据描述;

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XX Low Level Design Specification

?? XX 详细设计说明书 describe simple variables、constant used or defined in this module;

描述在本模块中定义和使用的简单变量、常量; Structure 1 or Class 1 结构1或类1

define and describe the Data structure;

定义和说明该数据结构; Structure 2 or Class 2 结构2或类2

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XX Low Level Design Specification

?? XX 详细设计说明书 2.1.2 Function Description 函数描述

Describe the relationships of the functions within Module

描述模块内函数的调用关系 Function 1 函数1

Descript the function as follows; Function: // name of function

Description: // functionality of the function

Calls: // function lists which called by this function Called By: // function lists which call this funciton Table Accessed: // tables to be visited

// (only for programm which involved with operation about database) Table Updated: // tables to be modified

// (only for programm which involved with operation about database) Input: // description of each input parameter ,

// including function description、value description, // and relationships of the parameters Output: // description of output parameter Return: // description of return value Others: // other descriptions

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implement: pseudocode or flow chart can be used here

用以下格式描述函数 Function: // 函数名称

Description: // 函数功能、性能等的描述 Calls: // 被本函数调用的函数清单 Called By: // 调用本函数的函数清单

Table Accessed: // 被访问的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序) Table Updated: // 被修改的表(此项仅对于牵扯到数据库操作的程序) Input: // 输入参数说明,包括每个参数的作用、取值说明及参数间关系。

Output: // 对输出参数的说明。 Return: // 函数返回值的说明

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