上海牛津英语5A适当形式填空 下载本文



考点:代词、名词复数、一般现在时、中文 1. It’s _________(我们的)zoo. 2.Is that ________(你的)animal?

3.-__________(谁的)bear is this? -It’s________.(我的) 4 -Is this activity book _______(她的)?-No, it isn’t. 5.---Are these ___________(木偶)? ---No, they aren’t. 6.The beautiful ___________(围巾)are my mother’s. 7. Tom has two Japanese ___________.(手表)

8.There is some _________(汤) and some __________(刀)on the table. 9. This bedroom is ______________(双胞胎的). 10. My father __________(工作)in a hospital. 11. I _________(喜欢)monkeys, bears and elephants. 12. _________(什么)does your mother do? 13. Look at the _________.(熊猫)


1. That tall man is a _________. (teach)

2. Is your grandfather a ?(farm) Yes, he .(be)


1. My father and mother are both_________.(doctor) 2. Look at his blue___________. (eye)

3. There are some ______________(sandwich) on the table. 4. How many ______________(knife) are there near the plate? 5. How many ______________(dictionary)can you see?


1. Excuse _________(I, me). May ________(I ,me) use your bike ? 2. ---Is this your sharpener? ---Yes , it is ________.(I) 3. _______is better. (My, Mine)

4. This new spoon isn’t ________.(my, mine)

5. —Is this ________(you) eraser? -Yes, it’s _______.(I) 6. ---Is this _______(you) bike? ---No, it isn’t ______bike. (I) 7. My book is new. What about _______(you)? 8. I’m ten. What about _______(you)? 9. Is that belt_________(you)? 10. These are ______dictionaries. (you) 11. Is that _________(you, your) umbrella? 12. Is this _______knife? (you’re , your)

13. This girl is ______(I) friend. ______(she) mother is a nurse.

14. _______aunt is a policewoman.(Her, Hers) How about _______? (your, yours) 15. Look, ___________(she)mirror is on the table. 16. What is________(he) job ? 17. Look, that’s__________(she) aunt. 18. Is that __________(she) dolphin? 19. That hamburger is ______. (his, him) 20. _______a bird. ______name is Polly. (Its, It’s) 21. ______parents are all teachers. (Ours, Our) 22. Those balloons are ______.(our) 23. ______English teacher is Miss Li. (we)

24. Don’t throw your things like this. Put _______(they) away. 25. ---Whose candles are these? ---_______are _______.(they) 26. ---________car is this ? ---It’s my father’s. 27. _________(Who’s, Whose) watch is that? 28. __________(who) mask is that? 29. ________(who) basketball is over there? 30. It’s ______. (Tom, Tom’s)

31. Maybe that is _________(Kate, Kate’s) scarf.

32.-Whose room is that? -It’s (Lucy and Lily). 33. -Is this Tom’s umbrella? -No, it’s_________(Mike).


1. -_______(who)textbook is this? -It ______(be)hers, Lisa’s. 2. - ________(be)your mother a farmer ? -Yes, she is.

3. I _________eleven.(be)

4. Your seal ___________(be) over there.

5. -Who they? -They my grandpa and grandma.(be) 6. I____(be) a student.

7. - your uncle a doctor or a vet? -He a vet.(be) 8. Whose camera i s this ? ---Maybe___ Lisa’s. 9.---Is this your belt? ---Yes, it’s_____. 10. Whose dolls _______(be) these?

11. There _____ three people in my family. (be) 12. ________(be) that an eraser or a sharpener? 13. Vets (be) animal doctors. 14. _____ your brother a doctor ? No, he is ____ actor. 15. _____ you a driver ____ a reporter ? _____ a driver.

考点:一般现在时、助动词、实意动词及其他 1. Where__________ he work? (do) 2. Where________(do)they come from?

3. -What his sister ?(do) -She is a nurse. 4. What your mother ?(do) 5. Sometimes I some housework at home.( do) 6. What _____ Gao Wei’s mother _____? She’s a teacher. ( do) 7. What ______ your father _____ ? He ____ a vet. 8. Do you like_______(read)a book? 9. The girl__________(like)dogs very much. 10. My friend is good at _________(paint). 11. Peter can’t___________ (find)his mask. 12. Peter ______(have) a new drum.

13. My sister often (take) care of her pet dog. 14. My brother (look)like my mother. 15. -Where does your aunt ? -She in a school.(work) 16. Mary’s sister in a hospital.( work) 17. Tom’s parents _______ in a bank. ( work)

18. Nurses doctors and patients every day.( help)