高考3500词高频词汇详细讲解 下载本文

manufacturing processes 制造方法

Most of the food we buy is processed in some way. 我们买的大部分食物都是被用某种方法加工的。

processed cheese 加工好的奶酪

I sent three rolls of film away to be processed. 我送了三个胶卷去冲印。

It will take a week for your application to be processed .审核你的申请需要一周的时间。 54. product n.产品,制品;结果,产物 meat product 肉制品

The child is the product of a broken home. 这孩子是一个破裂家庭的产儿。

Production n.生产,制造;产量;上映,上演,播出,制作

car production 汽车制造

a decline/an increase in production 生产下降/增加

He wants a career in film production.他想从事电影制作。

55. profit n.利润,利益 v.获利,有益于 make a profit 获利 at a profit 可以获利

We should be able to sell the house at a profit. Farmers are profiting from the new law. 农民们正在从新法律中获益。

Many local people believe the development will profit them.很多当地人相信发展将会有益于他们。

56. progress n.进步;进展 (不可数) v.进展;进行

make much/ great/ rapid/progress in sth 在某方面取得很大进步

in progress 在进行中

Work on the new road is progressing slowly. 新公路进展缓慢。

57. prohibit vt.禁止,阻止 prohibit sth

prohibit sb from doing sth 禁止/阻止某人做某事 In the past, the citizens were prohibited from

traveling abroad.在过去,市民被禁止出国旅游。 prohibition 禁令 =ban

58. promise n.诺言;承诺 v.许诺;答应;有前途

make promise 许下承诺 carry out promise 履行承诺 keep promise 遵守承诺 break a promise 违背承诺

This year promises to be another good one for harvests.今年有望又是一个丰收年。 a promising pianist 有前途的钢琴家

A heavy snow promises a good harvest. 瑞雪兆丰年。

59. promote vt.促进,宣传,提升 promotion n.

policies to promote economic growth 促进经济增长的政策 60. protect v.保护

protect sb/sth from (against)… 保护......免收......的伤害

We wear sunglasses in summer to protect our eyes from the sunlight.我们在夏天戴眼镜来保护眼睛免收阳光的伤害。

under one‘s protection 在某人的保护下

61. proud adj.骄傲的,自豪的,傲气的 be proud of 为......骄傲/自豪 pride n.骄傲,自豪, 自尊心 take pride in 为......骄傲/自豪

62. prove link.v.证明是(无被动) vt.证明 The task proved (to be) more difficult than we‘d thought.

He proved himself (to be) a better driver. 63. provide vt.提供

provide sth for sb/provide sb with sth Providing/provided that… 如果......

64. pull v.拉,拖,吸引 n.拉力,引力 pull down 拆毁

pull in (火车等)进站 pull out 拔出,出站

65. purchase v.购买 n.购买,购买的东西 They purchased the car for 1 million dollars. If you are not satisfied with your purchases , we‘ll give you a full refund(退款,偿还). 66. put vt. (put, put ) 放,表达, put away 把......收藏起来 put aside 把…...放在一边;储存 put forward 提出 put off 推迟

put on 穿上;上演(戏剧等) put out 扑灭

put up 张贴,举起,搭起 put up with 忍受

67. puzzle n.谜,迷惑,难题 v.使......困惑/疑惑 puzzling adj.令人疑惑的 puzzled adv.感到疑惑的

What puzzles me is why he left the country without telling anyone. 使我疑惑的是,他为什么谁也没告诉就离开了这个国家。

puzzle over/about sth 苦苦思索/仔细琢磨...... Q(4)

1. quality n. 质量;品质;性格

a watch of high quality 一块高品质的手表 2. quantity n. 量,数量

a large quantity of = large quantities of+ 可数名词/不可数名词

Large quantities of water are polluted in that area. 那个地区,大量的水被污染了。

A large quantity of water is badly needed here. 这里非常需要大量的水。

3. question vt. 提问,询问,质问 n. 问题,疑问

He was questioned by the police. 他被警察询问。

out of question 没问题 out of the question 不可能

4. quit v./n.离开,放弃,停止,辞职 If I don‘t get more money, I‘ll quit.如果我不能挣更多的钱,我会辞职。

He quit the show last year because of bad health. 去年,由于糟糕的健康问题,他停止了表演。 I‘ve quit smoking. 我已经戒烟了。

We decided it was time to quit the city. 我们决定离开这座城市。 R(64)

1. raise vt. 使升高,提高,举起,筹集,饲养,抚养

raise one‘s hand/voice 举起手、抬高声音 raise money 筹集钱

I was raised by my aunt on the farm.我在农场被我的姑姑抚养。

2. range n.范围,幅度,排,山脉 v.变化,排列,漫游

We offer a full range of activities for children.我们为孩子们提供全方位的活动。

It‘s difficult to find a house in our price range.很难找到一所在我们价格范围内的房子。

She has had a number of different jobs, ranging from cook to teacher.她有过许多不同的工作,从厨师到老师。

3. rank n.等级,军衔,队列,排 v.排列,把......分等,列队

top-ranked players 一流的选手

He was ranked second in his age group. 他在他的年龄段排名第二。

At the height of her career, she ranked second in the world. 在她事业的顶峰时期,她排名世界第二。

She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. 她不习惯和社会地位很高的人搅合在一起。

officers of junior/senior rank 有低级/高级军衔的军官

a painter of the first rank 一流的画家

4. reach vt.到达;延伸,伸手(脚等)够 n.范围,延伸,河段

beyond (out of ) reach 够不着 within one‘s reach 够得着

reach (one‘s hand) for 伸手够...… reach a conclusion 得出结论

5. read v.读,理解,写有,读数为

The sign on the wall reads ―No Smoking‖.墙上的标牌上写着―禁止吸烟‖。

I can‘t read his mind/eyes. 我不能读懂他的想法/眼神。

The themometer reads 30 degrees. 温度计读数为30度。

6. realise vt. 实现;意识到

realise one‘s dream 实现某人的梦想

7. reason n. 理由,原因,理性 v. 劝说,评理,推论

reason sb into/out of doing 说服某人做(不做)...

reason with sb和某人理论 the reason for sth ......的理由

The reason why... is that... ......的原因是...... 8. receive vt. 收到,接待,接纳 receive a letter 收到一封信

receive a good education/a warm welcome 受到良好的教育/热烈的欢迎

The play was well received. 这部戏剧受到好评。

9. recognize /recognise vt. 认出,承认

recognize sb./one‘s voice

recognize sb/sth as (to be) 承认…...是...... 10. recommend v.推荐;劝告,建议

recommend somebody/something 推荐某人/某物

Can you recommend a good hotel? 你能给我推荐一家宾馆吗?

recommend (that)… 建议......

I recommend (that) he(should)see a lawyer. 我建议他去见一个律师。

recommend somebody to do something 建议某人做某事 recommend (somebody) doing something 建议(某人)做某事

He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie. 他建议在看这部电影之前读这本书。 It is recommended that… 推荐......

It is strongly recommended that the machines should be checked every year.强烈推荐这些机器每年被检查一次。

11. recover vt. 找回;痊愈;恢复 recover his lost bike 找回他丢的自行车 recover one‘s health 恢复健康 recover from one‘s illness 疾病痊愈

12. reduce vt./vi. 减少,缩小, 使成…...状态 reduce the price by 10 percent.价格降低了百分之十

Hunger reduced him to stealing.饥饿使他开始偷东西。

13. refer (referred,referred,referring) refer to 提及;参考,查阅;涉及 refer to a dictionary 查字典

The man referred to is a famous writer. 被提到的这个男人是一个著名的作家。

14. reflect v.反映;照出/映出;反射;思考 She could see herself reflected in his eyes. 她可以看到她自己映在他的眼睛里。

His music reflects his interest in African culture.他的音乐反应了他对非洲文化的兴趣。 reflect on/upon something 认真思考,反思 She was left to reflect on the implications of her decision.她被使得思考所做决定的影响。 On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well. 在回家的路上,他想面试进行的很好。

15. refuse v.拒绝 refuse sth/to do sth. 16. regard vt.注重;考虑;认为;看作;尊敬;与......有关 n.注意;尊重;问候(常用复数)

regard sb/sth as n/adj. 认为某人/某物...... Please give my best regards to your family. 代我向你家人问好

17. regardless adj.不管,不顾 regardless of 不管/不顾...... 18. regret v.后悔;遗憾

regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事(已做) regret to do sth. 遗憾要做某事(未做) to one‘s regret 让某人后悔/遗憾的是…... 19. regular adj. 有规则的;有规律的;定期的

regularly adv.

a regular meeting 定期的会议 He visited me regularly. 他定期来看我。 20. reject v.拒绝,抵制 reject something 拒绝......

reject somebody 不录用/拒绝接纳某人 I've been rejected by all the universities I applied to.我被所有我申请的学校拒绝了。 21. relate v.联系;使相关;涉及;叙述 relate A to B 使A和B相关/把A和B联系起来

In the future, pay increases will be related to productivity. 未来,涨工资将会和生产率联系起来。

relate to something/somebody 涉及到某物/某人

The second paragraph relates to the situation in Scotland.第二段涉及到了苏格兰的情况。 22. relation n.关系;亲戚 relative adj.有关的;相对的 n.亲戚,相关物,关系词

the relation between cause and effect 因果关系

A be relative to B A与 B 有关

23. relax v.(使)放松,(使)休息 You have been working too hard,and you need to relax yourself.你工作太努力了,你需要休息。

I‘ll relax when I know you are safe. 当我知道你是安全使,我才会放松。

24. reliable adj.可靠的,可信赖的 a reliable friend 一个可靠的朋友

Our information comes from a reliable source. 我们的消息来源可靠。

We are looking for someone who is reliable and hard-working. 我们正在寻找一个可靠的和工作努力的人。

25. relief n.安慰,欣慰,减轻,解除,救济 a sense of relief 一种解脱感

breathe a sigh of relief 如释重负松了口气 much to one‘s relief 令某人非常欣慰的是 the relief of suffering 痛苦的消除 provide relief for refugees 救济难民 26. rely v.依靠,依赖,信赖 rely on 依靠/依赖/信赖......

These days we rely heavily on computers to

organize our work. 这些天,我们在很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作。

You can rely on me to keep your secret. 你可以信赖我为你保守秘密。 rely on it that… 信赖......

27. remain vi. 剩下,留下;仍然是(无被动);保持 n.剩余物,残骸

Much food remained. 很多食物剩下了。 Much remains to be done. 还有许多事要做。

It remains to be seen whether he will win the game. 他是否会赢得比赛还尚待分晓。 He remains a doctor/ young/ standing there. 他仍然是一个医生/年轻/站在那里。

The work remains undone. 工作还没完成。 remaining adj. 剩余的

the remaining time 剩余的时间

28. remember vt. 想起;记住;记得

remember to do sth. 记得去做某事(未做) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事(已做)

Please remember me to your mother.代我向你母亲问好。

29. remove v./n.移动,迁移,搬家,调动,开除

He removed his hand from her shoulder. 他把他的手从她的肩膀拿开。

remove one‘s eyes from the picture 把目光从画上移开

remove the family to 把家搬到...... remove one‘s shoes/coat 脱下鞋/外套

remove the dirt from the door 清除/去掉墙上的灰尘

remove one‘s doubt 打消某人的疑虑

remove a student from school 将一个学生开除出学校

30. rent n.租,出租,租金 v.出租,租借 The house rents at/for 5 dollars a week. 这所房子以一周5美元的价格出租。 31. repair vt./n. 修理 under repair 正在修理中 32. reply v./n.回复,答复

33. report v.汇报;报告;报道 n.报告,报告单

What you reported differs from the facts. 你汇报的和事实不同。

It is reported that a young girl was robbed yesterday.=A girl is reported to have been robbed yesterday. 据报道,一个年轻女孩昨天被抢劫了。

34. represent v.代表,描绘

The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists.该协会成立代表女性艺术家的利益。

35. request vt./n. 要求,请求(比ask正式,比demand礼貌)

He came at my request. 在我的要求下,他来了。

make a request 提出要求

He requested that his guests (should) sit down. 他请客人们坐下。 36. require vt. 要求;需要 requirement n. 要求,条件

The floor requires washing/to be washed. 地板需要被洗。

meet your requirements 满足你的要求/需要 37. research n./v. 研究,调查

do/carry out some research on cancer 做关于癌症的研究

38. reserve v.预定,预留,保留,储备 n.储备,自然保护区

reserve something for somebody

I'd like to reserve a table for three for eight o'clock.我想要预定一张晚上八点钟三个人的桌子。

These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是为特殊客人预留的。

39. resign v.辞职,放弃,使听从

He resigned as manager after eight years. 八年后,他辞去了经理的职位。

Two members resigned from the board.两个成员从董事会辞职了。

resign doing something 听任/只好接受做...... 40. respect vt.尊敬; 尊重 n.尊敬; 方面 have respect for sb=show respect to sb 尊敬某人

in all respects=in every respect 在各方面 41. rest n.休息,剩余部分 v.(使)休息 the rest 其余的,剩余的 take/have a rest 休息一下

The rest of the money was given away to the poor.剩余的钱被给了穷人。

42. result n.结果,成绩,答案 vi.结果,导致 as a result 结果

as a result of 因为/由于...... result in 导致,产生

resulte from 由......造成,由于

It snowed heavily. As a result, he was late. 雪下得很大,结果,他迟到了。

He was late as a result of the snow. 由于下雪他迟到了。

The driver‘s carelessness resulted in the accident. 司机的粗心导致了事故。

The accident resulted from the driver‘s

carelessness. 事故是由司机的粗心造成的。 43. return vi. 返回 vt. 归还,回报 n. 返回,归来,回报

return to China from abroad 从国外回国

return sth to sb= return sb sth 把某物归还给某人

I gave him an apple and he gave me a peach in return. 我给了他一个苹果,作为回报,他给了我一个桃子。

44. review vt./n 回顾,复习,检查;评论 review one‘s lessons 复习功课 book review 书评

45. reward n./v.报酬,报答;酬金,奖赏 reward sb for sth/doing sth 因......报答某人 She was rewarded for her efforts with a cash bonus. 她由于努力被奖励了一笔奖金。

She started singing to the baby and was rewarded with a smile.她开始给孩子唱歌,被孩子奖励了一个微笑。 You deserve a reward for being so helpful. 你帮了这么大忙,应受到奖励。

46. rich adj. 富的,丰富的,富饶的

Our country is rich in natural resources.我们国家自然资源丰富。

47. rid n.摆脱,去掉 vt.使摆脱,使去掉 rid sb of sth 使某人摆脱......

Further measures will be taken to rid our streets of crime.更多措施将被采取以使我们的街道摆脱犯罪。

rid oneself of somebody/something 摆脱某人/某物

He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret. 他想要摆脱这个秘密给他带来的负担。

get rid of somebody/something 摆脱某人/某物

We got rid of all the old furniture. 我们摆脱了所有的旧家具。

48. ride v.乘,骑 n.乘,骑,搭乘,乘车或骑车的短途旅程

ride (on) a horse/train 骑马/坐车 give sb a ride 让某人搭车

It is two hours‘ ride from here.从这里有两个小时的乘车/骑车旅程。 49. right adj. 正当的;正确的;右边的 adv.正确地;恰当地 n. 公正,正确;权利;右边 all right 好吧

That‘s all right. 没关系。(回答道歉的话) have the right to do sth 有权利做某事 turn to the right=turn right 向右转 on the right 在右边 keep to the right 靠右边走

50. ring v. 响;按铃;(耳朵)嗡嗡作响;打电话 n. 环;环状物;年轮;戒指;铃声 ring the bell 按铃 ring off 挂断电话

ring up a doctor 给医生打电话 ring back 回电话

a wedding ring 婚戒 the rings of a tree 树的年轮

51. rise vi.(rose,risen)上升;上涨;起床;站起 n. 增加;加薪 The sun rises in the east. He rises at 6:00 every day.

give sb a rise 给某人涨工资