牛津译林版英语八年级下册(同步练习):Unit 5 下载本文

Unit5 Good manners


1.举行运动会______________________ 2.确保安全_________________________ 3.许多建议________________________ 4.餐桌礼仪_________________________ 5.演讲的目的 _____________________ 6.首先,首要的是___________________ 7.坐在餐桌旁______________________ 8.将某事记在心中___________________ 二、单词拼写

1. My mother was greeting_______(宾客)at the gate when I got home. 2. What's your_______(目的)for holding this party?

3.Some people think it is_______(不礼貌的)to ask someone's age. 4. We haven't reached the final_______(总结)on this matter so far.

5. The article is good in_______(内容), but there are too many spelling mistakes. 6. The_______(主人)went off, leaving his guests standing outside in the cold. 7. I've_______ (警告) him many times not to go there alone, so don't worry. 8. In the past, people had_______ (蜡烛) to light their homes. 9._______ (练习) is the only way to learn a language well. 10. My cousin will go to a_______ (公共的) school next fall. 11. Is it his_______ (顺序) to cook dinner for us tonight?

12. I hope you will_______ (谅解) me because I have to leave early this time.

13. He is_______ (成功的) in doing everything because he always puts all his effort______ (努

力) into his work.

14. After much_______ (讨论), the managers made a decision to hold a meeting at last. 三、单项填空

( )1. You have to hand in your homework tomorrow, so make sure_______ it here in time. A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring ( )2._______, we should make sure we are all safe now. A. Above all B. All in all C. At all D. In all ( )3. They were_______ busy_______ with each other_______ the time. A. so; talking; to forgot B. too; talking; to remember C. too; to talk; to forget D. so; to talk; to remember ( )4.I won't go home_______ I finish all my homework. A. when B. as C. while D. until ( )5. The purpose of our lives is_______ happy. A. be B. to be C. going to D. been

( )6. He studied_______ to get good grades this term and he wanted to do better the next term.

A. carefully enough B. enough carefully C. careful enough D. enough careful ( ) 7. He spends_______ on science. I think now he is_______ at it. A. enough time; enough good B. time enough; enough good C. time enough; good enough D. enough time; good enough

( ) 8. Emily was_______ tired_______ the bag. She stopped to have a rest. A. so; to carry B. too; carrying C. too; to carry D. that; carrying ( ) 9. -Tom, as well as his parents, _______ to the USA, right? -Yes, they won't be back until next week.

A. has been B. have been C. have gone D. has gone ( ) 10. Hard work brings us_______, but if we are lazy, we won't be_______. A. success; success B. successful; success C. success; successful D. successful; successful

( ) 11.-Is it polite to speak and laugh loudly_______? -No. I don't think so. A. in public B. at least C. on time D. in time ( ) 12. -Excuse me. Is the museum open every day? -_______. It's only open from Monday to Friday.

A. Yes, of course B. That's right C. I'm not sure D. I'm afraid not 四、动词填空

1. Mr Wang_______ (explain) his plan to his boss when I rushed into the office. 2. -Why are. you so excited?

-Peter invited me_______ (join) their club. 3. -Where is Mr Wang?

-He_______ (go) to Shanghai an d he_______ (come) back in two days. 4. He watched the result of the test and then_______ (draw) a conclusion.

5. Playing computer games is wonderful but_______ (spend) too much time on it may be bad

for your study.

6. _______ you ever_______ (make) a model ship like that?

7. The nurses_______ (not be) afraid when they were on the plane. 8. He'll telephone us as soon as he_______ (arrive) there. 五、阅读理解

How to say hello in Japanese depends on(取决于)when you say it. This is very much like different greetings in English at different times of the day or night. In Japanese culture, it also depends on whether(是否)you are on the phone or you are close to the person you are greeting. We don't get formal(正式)with our friends. We seldom greet them with \\

The most popular and most well-known translation for \is not exactly how to say hello in Japanese. Perhaps it is not the most suitable word for it. Actually, the correct greeting in English for \am sure you wouldn't like greeting people with a \day\at any time, and Japanese also don't like to say \

Then what to do? Let's do it the way the Japanese do. Use \noon and \the phone. Just say \相似) to saying \phone, because one doesn't often use \right after picking up the phone. One invariably uses the sweet old \ Next time, I'll tell you something about my life in Japan.

( ) l. How do Japanese people greet each other in the afternoon? A. By saying \ B. By saying \

C. By saying \ D. By saying \( ) 2. Which of the following is true according to the writer? A. Japanese people are not very friendly to each other. B. Japanese culture is similar to American culture.

C. Japanese people don't like using \ D. People don't need to be polite to their close friends. ( ) 3. The underlined word \ A. likely B. maybe C. always D. sometimes ( ) 4. From the passage we know that the writer A. is from Britain B. lived in Japan for some time

C. is working in a radio station now D. knows both Chinese and Japanese ( ) 5. The best title for the passage should be_______. A. How to Say Hello

B. How to Greet Close Friends in Japanese C. How to Greet People in Japanese

D. Some Differences between English and Japanese 六、翻译句子

1.该讲座的目的是为了教学生吃饭的规矩。 2.将会有很多关于餐桌礼仪的建议。 3.吃饭时发出太多噪音是不礼貌的。 4.首先,嘴里含着食物时你不应该说话。 5.在饭桌上要保证客人和主人都感到自在。 6.英国人只和亲戚或亲密的朋友用亲吻打招呼。 7.他太有礼貌了,不会在公共场所大声笑。 8.插话不是一个主动攀谈的正确方式。 9.我们应该避免谈论年龄问题。 七、书面表达


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