新译林9B英语UNIT 4单元知识点归纳及练习题(含答案) 下载本文

新译林9B英语UNIT 4单元知识点归纳及练习题


一、词汇大集合 单词

invent vt.发明,创造 astronaut n.宇航员 explorer n.探险者 nun n.修女,尼姑 flight n.飞行,航班 pilot n.飞行员

licence n.执照,许可证 engineering n.工程(学) select vt.挑选;选择

commander n.指挥官,司令官 spin vi.快速旋转 mankind n.人类

sample n.样品,标本 citizen n.公民;市民 exploration n.探索;探测 navy n.海军

truly adv.真正地;真实地 spoil vt.损坏,搞糟

mission n.太空飞行任务;使命 broth n.(鱼、肉或蔬菜)汤 unique adj.唯一的,独特的 light bulb n.电灯泡 mathematics n.数学 radium n.镭

couple n.夫妇,(一)对

unknown adj.未知的,不出名的 equation n.方程式;等式 词组:

1.How do you like….?=What do you think of….? 2.in the form of pills 3.the distance between Mars and the Sun 4.at the moment =at present 5.by the year 2100 6.become more and more crowded 7.a large number of =large numbers of+名复 8.large numbers of passengers 9.travel at the speed of light 10.three-eights of the gravity on Earth 11.It is hoped that… 12.(all) over again 13.compare A with B 14.be compared with sth 15.in many ways 16.connect A to B 17.(be) connected to an inter-planetary network 18.in some ways 你觉得。。。怎么样? 呈药丸形状

火星和太阳之间的距离 目前,现在 到2100年时 变得愈来愈拥挤 大量的

大量的乘客 以光的速度旅行

地球引力的八分之三 ?可以指望 再;重新

把A和B相比 被与某物相比 在许多方面 把A连接B

连接到星际网络 在某些方面

19.the possibility of living on Mars 住在火星上的可能性 20.as well as… 不但……而且;既……又 21.keep/prevent/stop sb.from doing sth 防止某人做某事

22.because of the rapid increase in population 因为人口的快速增长 23. increase rapidly 迅速地增加 24.one-third/one third 三分之一 25.be aware of sth 知道

27. What’s the population of China? 中国的人口是多少? 28.circle around the Sun 绕太阳运转 29.in agreement 意见一致 30.be similar to 与……相似 31.carry out a survey 开展一个调查 32. after all 毕竟 33.advantages of living on Mars 住在火星上的优势 34.get ill from living there 因为住在那里生病 35.start /begin with a discussion 以讨论开始 36.hear of 听说

37. rock and roll 摇滚乐 38.in the west 在西方 39.space travel 太空旅行

40.become interested in 开始对??感兴趣

41.take one’s first flight 开始某人的第一次飞行 42.in one’s spare time 在某人的业余时间里 43.join the navy 参加海军 44.a test pilot 一次飞行试验 45.go into space 进入太空 46.out of control 失去控制 47.cut the flight short 缩短航程 48.land on the moon 登陆月球 49.space exploration 太空探测 50.the theory of relativity 相对论

51.be unknown to humans 不为人所知 52.in twentieth century 在20 世纪 53.further research 更进一步的调查 54.walk on the moon 在月球上行走 55.one giant leap 一次大的飞跃 二、句型大集合

1. Who do you think isthe greatest person that has ever lived? 你认为谁是人类史上最伟大的人?

2. Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon ? 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗是第一个在月球上行走的人??

3. It is said that Armstrong sent a message to Mission Control which said that two huge, strange objects landed near them and were watching them. 据说阿姆斯特朗发了一条信息给任务控 制中心,上面说有两个大而奇怪的物体落在他们附近观察他们。

4. Armstrong is the person who made people around the world realize that space exploration was truly possible. 阿姆斯特朗是一个使全球的人们意识到太空探险真的成为可能的人。 5. one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind 个人的一小步,却是人类的一大步。 三、语法大聚焦

(一)Defining relative clauses 限制性定语从句


这类从句不能 省掉,否则句子的意义就不完整。

1. Do you remember the teacher who taught us English at middle school? 2. A dictionary is a book which /that gives the meaning of words. (二)Relative pronouns 关系代词

Relative pronoun People Things who √ which √ that √ √

● 我们可以用关系代词来引导定语从句。定语从句应紧跟在被修饰的名词或代词之后。 ● 在定语从句中who,which 和that 可以被用作关系代词,用来指人或物。 四、单元综合练习

一、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项

1.My best friend Neil is ________ honest boy. You can believe him. A. a B. an C.the D./[来源:学科网] 2.---I like red best. What about___________? ---My favourite colour is orange. It represents joy.

A. you B.her C.him D.it

3.---__________ I have a ticket , please? ---Sorry,sir. All the tickets were sold out ten minutes ago.

A. May B.Need C.Must D.Should

4.---Have you seen the film Alice in Wonderful? ---Yes. ____________ wonderful film it is!

A. What B.What a C.How D.How a

5.Liu Xiang came third ______ the 110-meter-hurdle race last month in Shanghai. A.in B.from C.across D.through

6.---Let’s go hiking ___________ staying at home , shall we? ----A good idea.

A. as well as B.in order to C.instead of D.in addition to

7.To _________ nature is to help ourselves , or we will be punished. A.protect B.prevent C.provide D.pollute

8.Maybe the disaster can destroy our homes, but_______can destroy the love in our people. A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

9.The fire was completely ________ shortly afterwards with the help of the firemen. A.cut down B.put out C.give out D.floated away

10.---Mum, I’m really ________ about the result of the exam. ---Cheer up. I believe you can be successful.

A.patient B.satisfied C.unhappy D.pleased

11.---We can use QQ to communicate with each other online. ----Good. Will you you please show me ____________.

A.which to use B. how to use it C.what to use D.where to use it 12.---Would you like to have ___________ cake ? ----No, thanks. I’ve had two. That’s enough.

A.other B.others C.another D.the other

13.---What’s the news about ? ---________ entertainment stars gathered to attact donations for Yushu.

A.A member of B.A kind of C.A packet of D.A number of

14.---I seem to be lost. Could you tell me ___________? ---Sure. You can take the No.3 bus to get there.

A. where is the nearest hospital B.how long it will take me to the airport C.how far is my trip to the Olympic Village D.how I can get to the National Museum 15.---Sorry, Frank. I’m busy today. I can’t go swimmming with you. ---- _________.

A. No problem B.You’re welcome C.That’s all D.Never mind

二、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项 Although it was autumn, the snow was already beginning to fall in Tibet (西藏).Our legs were so heavy and cold that 16 felt like big pieces of ice.Have you 17 seen snowmen ride bicylces? That’s what we looked like! Along the way children who were 18 long wool coats stopped to look at us. In the late 19 we found it was so cold that our water bottles froze (结冰).However, the lakes 20 like glass