七年级英语上册 Unit 2 Lets play sports知识点梳理(下)(新版)牛津版 下载本文

A.don’t B.don’t do C.doesn’t do D.aren’t do ( )3.the n]en like__________badminton? A.Do;playing B.Are;playing C.Does;to play D.Is;to play

( )4.Tom is a ________dancer.He dances very_________.

A.good;good B.well;well C.good;well D.well;good ( )5._________American people usually________rice?

A.Is;eat B.Are;eating C.Does;eat D.Do;eat ( )6.–Does he often ________TV? –No.He often_________books. A.looks;reads B.watch;reads C.look at;reading D.watches;reading

( )7.Ricky always ________to school early and________back home late. A.goes;collies B.go;comes C.goes;come D.go;come ( )8.My cousin dancing,but I________.

A.enjoy;doesn’t B.enjoys;don’t C.enjoys;doesn’t D.enjoy;don’t ( )9.一________you free this afternoon? Sorry,I _______have any free time. A.Are;am not B.Do;don’t C.Are;don’t D.Do;am not ( )10.My cousin__________at weekends. A.enjoy swimming B.enjoys swimming

C.1ike swimming D.1ikes to swimming 四、完形填空

Look, this is Mary. Does she look pretty? Wow, her eyes are blue. How beautiful she is! Mary is 1 American girl. Now she is in Beijing 2 her parents. She 3 know Chinese. She is studying Chinese now. She often 4 Chinese to her friends. But sometimes, they don't understand 5 . It is Sunday morning. She wants to go to the 6 ,but she doesn't know 7 to get there. She asks a Chinese boy, The boy can't understand what she says. Then she takes out a pen and 8 .She draws a monkey 9 a piece of paper and shows it to the boy. Then the boy shows the route(路线)to Mary. And he also 10 Mary something about the zoo. Then Mary gets there quickly(快地). ( )1. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. A. with B. and C. to D. of ( )3. A. isn't B. don't C. doesn't D. aren't ( )4. A. talks B. says C. speaks D. asks ( )5. A. she B. her C. he D. them ( )6. A. school B. home C. restaurant D. zoo ( )7. A. how B. what C. why D. when


( )8. A. a mobile B. some paper C. some papers D. a radio(收音机) ( )9. A. with B. by C. in D. on ( )10. A. tells B. says C. asks D. talks 五、阅读理解

Hello,everyone! I'm Zhang Hua.I'm eleven.I am a student.I have two good friends,Simon and Barry.Simon is twelve and Barry is thirteen.We like different(不同的)sports.Simon likes baseball,and he has 1 8 baseballs and 4 baseball bats.Barry likes tennis.and he has 20 tennis balls and 5 tennis rackets.I like basketball.and I have 3 basketballs.But we all like soccer.and we have 7 soccer balls.We play soccer in the school every day.We all like watching TV,too,but our parents only let us watch TV on weekends.

( )1.Simon and Barry are Zhang Hua’s_________.

A.brothers B.cousins C.sons D.friends ( )2.Barry is_________.

A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14 ( )3.Simon has four ________.

A.baseballs B.baseball bats C.tennis rackets D.soccer balls ( )4._______1ikes basketball.

A.Zhang Hua B.Simon C.Barry D.Simon’s father ( )5.Which is wrong?

A.Zhang Hua and his friends are all students. B.Zhang Hua is eleven.

C.Barry has live tennis rackets.

D.Zhang Hua and his friends can watch TV every day. 六、翻译句子


_________________________________________________ 2.他经常观看世界杯足球比赛。

_________________________________________________ 3.在周末,他经常和他爸爸游泳一小时。

_________________________________________________ 4.汤姆和吉姆在晚饭后不踢足球。

_________________________________________________ 5.我母亲经常在周末打扫房子。

________________________________________________ 6.你为什么经常呆在家里?


一、1.at weekends 2. like drawing 3. stay at home 4. go with you 5. play computer games


6. walk to school 7. watch our games 8. watch the game on TV

二、1.stay 2.shops 3.flies 4.drawing 5.weekends 6.dinner 7.hobbies 8.runs 9.players 10.course 三、DBACD BABCB 四、BACCB DABDA 五、DCBAD

六、1. I love my school very much.

2. He often watches the World Cup football games.

3. He often goes swimming with his father for an hour at the weekend. 4. Tom and Jim don't play football after supper. 5. My mother often cleans the house at/on weekends. 6. Why do you often stay at home?




1.喜欢阅读_______________________ 2.别的什么____________________________ 3.我的许多学生___________________ 4.一幅漂亮的画________________________ 5.使我感觉很棒 __________________ 6.与……不同___________________________ 7.看很多有趣的书_________________ 8.和朋友一起打排球_____________________ 9.读书俱乐部的一名成员___________ 10.在下一届世界杯中踢球 ________________ 11.热爱运动______________________ 1 2.我的偶像______________________________ 13.我最爱的运动员________________ 14.谈论一些运动__________________________ 15.我们的校篮球队________________ 16.在学习上需花费更多的时间______________


1.I like playing table_______(乒乓球)very much. 2.What_______(其他的)do you want?

3.There are a_______ (许多)of books in the bookshop. 4.It is_______(有趣的事)to read books here.


5.It _______(使)me feel happy.

6.Basketball is a________ (团队)event(活动). 7.Does your mother have a _________(购物)bag?

8.The students have lots of _________(享乐)at the party. 9.She usually_________(谈论)about films with her best friend. 10.Do you often watch tennis _________(比赛)with your father? 11.—Which is your_______(特别喜爱的)subject? —English.


( )1.一_______do you often do in your flee time? 一We often chat with Our friend. A.What B.When C.Why D.Where

( )2.一 _______you ________your new teachers? 一Yes,I______.

A. Are;like;aim B. Do;like;do C. Does;like;does D.Do;likes;do ( )3.一Are you from Nanjing,Lily and Lucy? 一Yes,________. A.I am B.I’m C.we are D.we’re ( )4.一I like English very much. 一 __________. A.Nice to meet you B.Thank you C. That’s all right D.Me too ( )5.Where_______ do you like to go?

A.other B.others C. else D.other places

( )6.My sister doesn’t like her new sweater.It makes her________. A.looks very pretty B.look very fat C.looks much older D.look very good ( )7.一Kitty likes dancing. 一__________.

A.I also B.Me also C.Me,too D.I,too

( )8.There are ________interesting books in our school library. A.many B.a lot of C.lots of D.A,B and C 四、句型转换

1.My cousin listens to music in her free time.(改为否定句) My cousin _______ _______to music in her free time. 2.That girl likes reading very much.(改为一般疑问句) _______ that girl _______reading very much?

3.I often help my mum clean the house at weekends.(对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______often _______at weekends?

4.They usually play basketball on Friday afternoon.(用He替换They改写句子) He usually _______ _______on Friday afternoon. 5.There are many people in the room.(同义句转换)