四级笔试新题型模拟题07(1) 下载本文

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考试时间 2016-03-31

试卷总分 100.00

名称 Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part Ⅰ

得分 -- -- -- --

题型总分 15 35 35 15

Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 187 words.


Renting an Apartment off Campus

1. 现在大学生在校外租房的现象很普遍 2. 这种现象产生的原因 3. 我的看法




Renting an Apartment off Campus

Nowadays, an increasing number of college students would rather rent an apartment off campus than live in a dormitory. This phenomenon has raised considerable concern among parents and college faculties about living off campus, which is caused by the following reasons.

To begin with, living conditions of an apartment off campus may be better than those of a dormitory. A rented apartment is often equipped with an independent washroom and a shower equipment which may be of great advantage over the school dormitory. In general, a typical dormitory often accomodates four or six, or even eight students and it is too crowded and noisy for those who prefer private space as well as quiet circumstances. In addition, instead of being regulated by dormitory rules, students may enjoy more freedom in a rented apartment.

If college students intend to rent an apartment, I think they should give top priority to safety. It is important to make a survey of the surroundings first to ensure the security. Besides, when they tend to enjoy the freedom, they should have a better sense of self-control and make good use of their time.


作文是一篇涉及校外租房话题的论述文,考生需要根据所给大纲进行写作。本文语言规范、地道、结构清晰。作者首先指出了当下大学生校外租房的普遍性;第二段通过to begin with 和in addition的使用,清晰地列举出校外租房相对于住宿舍的优势:公寓房条件要比宿舍好,而且学生可以享有更多的自由。最后,作者给出了自己的建议,如果想要校外租房,首先要考虑的就是安全问题。

Part Ⅱ

Section A Understanding Conversations

Directions:In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer.



M: I'm always thinking about changing jobs, but I know nothing except computers.

W: There are lots of computer experts around. You need to specialize!

1.What does the woman suggest the man do?

A) The man is no more than an expert. B) The man should quit his current job. C) The man should develop special skills. D) The man isn't qualified for his work.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


音频中女士建议男士要有自己的专攻,要有专业技能(You need to specialize!),所以选C。


M: Thanks for a great party! But I have to get up early tomorrow, so I should hit the road soon.

W: Oh. It's only 11. How about just one more quick drink?

2.What does the man mean?

A) He wants to say goodbye to the hostess. B) He asks for one more drink. C) He has an emergency to deal with. D) He is not used to staying up late.

正确答案为 A 你没有作答。


音频中男士提到他要出发了(I should hit the road soon.),可见他要跟女士道别,所以选A。


W: I'd love to spend more time with my daughter, but I'd miss out on my career if I worked part time.

M: Yeah, it's tricky. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

3.What does the man mean?

A) The woman should continue her job.

B) The woman should take more care of her child. C) The woman can't have things both ways. D) The woman should have a cake and eat it.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


音频中女士说她想要更多的时间陪女儿,又不能放弃自己的事业。男士回答说你不可能两者兼得(You can't have your cake and eat it too),所以选C。


M: I hope I will not oversleep. I need to catch the first flight tomorrow.

W: If I were you, I'd request a wake-up call.

4.Where are the man and the woman at the moment?

A) In an office. B) At an airport. C) In a hotel.

D) At a railway station.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


音频中女士建议男士让人提供叫醒电话(If I were you, I'd request a wake-up call)。Wake-up call 是指酒店提供的叫醒电话,可以推断出他们是在酒店里,所以选C。


W: You should think about changing your job, Harry. Get a piece of the action!

M: Well, I could find a job that pays more, but I would enjoy it less.

5.What does the man mean?

A) He will find a better paid job. B) He enjoys his current job.

C) He will consider the woman's advice. D) It is hard to find a satisfying job.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。


音频中男士说他可以找到一份报酬更高的工作,可那样的话他就不会很喜欢工作了(I could find a job that pays more, but I would enjoy it less),由此可以推断出他很喜欢现在的工作,所以选B。


W: Honey, should I throw away the stack of old newspapers? We have no room for the new ones.

M: Well, I'd like to clip some photos first.

6.What will the man probably do?

A) Sell the old newspapers. B) Keep the old newspapers. C) Throw away the old newspapers.

D) Cut some pictures out from the old newspapers.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。


音频中女士说要把旧报纸扔掉的时候,男士说他想先做一下剪报(I'd like to clip some photos first)。Clip在这里是剪报的意思,所以选D。


W: Lily will be glad to hear about Sarah's promotion.

M: Really? I heard she also wanted that job very much.

7.What does the man mean?

A) He got some kind of wrong information. B) He couldn't agree with the woman more. C) He heard a different story from other people.

D) He felt shocked at the news.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


音频中女士说听到Sara 升职的消息Lily 应该很开心,男士说他听说Lily也很想要那份工作,可见他听说的消息与女士不同,所以选C。


W: Your sweater is great. I've never seen anything like it before.

M: Really? My mother made it for me but it is not my style. Anyway, this is the first time I've worn it in public. 8.What does the man imply?

A) He agrees with the woman.

B) He does not like the sweater very much. C) He has got no chance to wear the sweater. D) He wears the sweater to please his mother.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。


音频中男士说这件毛衣不是他的风格(it is not my style),而且他这是第一次在公开场合穿,可以推断出他并不是很喜欢这件毛衣,所以选B。


M: How do you find the cost of living in Britain?

W:Very expensive. Everything including clothing, food, housing, travelling, everything is expensive here.

M: So where do you think you spend most?

W: Transport, I think. I spent more than one hundred pounds on taking the train per week. Yeah, as for food if you eat at home, it's very cheap.

M: And how do you afford clothing?

W: I'm from China, and actually my place also has nice clothes, so I normally bring my clothes from there!

M: So you don't shop here? You shop at home.

W: Yeah mostly from home, except jackets. I love jackets, so I make sure I know if there are any sales going on. Especially on Boxing Day, I go to the shopping center and buy all the stuff and get cheap prices.

M: And what's the social side like?

W: I love it because of so many different cultures from China, Japan, Africa. I was shocked when I first came here, so it took me quite some time. To me it's very interesting. I like to go for movies with my friends once a month like that, and also for dinner.

M: And do you have any money-saving tips for other people who might want to come and work or study here in the UK?

W: You just have to watch anything you buy, just don't be impulsive. I teach a lot and the wage covers a little bit of what I want to spend.

9.What is the major expense for living in Britain according to the woman?

A) Food. B) Transport. C) Clothing.

D) Accommodation.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。


音频中当被问及花钱最多的地方时,女士回答说是交通(Transport, I think),所以选B。 10.What is the shopping habit of the woman?

A) She often buys clothes made in China. B) She prefers online shopping from home. C) She often goes shopping with her friends. D) She normally buys jackets on sale in Britain.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。


音频中女士说她的大部分衣服是从家里买的,夹克除外(Yeah mostly from home, except jackets)。有促销活动的时候她会去商场买夹克,所以选D。

11.What does the woman think of her social life?

A) She doesn't get used to the multi-culture. B) She expects to have more Chinese friends. C) She has to change her living habits.

D) She enjoys hanging out with her friends regularly.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。


音频中女士说她喜欢每个月跟朋友去看场电影,或者是吃饭(I like to go for movies with my friends once a month like that, and also for dinner),可见她喜欢定期跟朋友出去玩,所以选D。


M: Susan, going back to school can be much fun for children, can't it?

W: It's most certainly not. In fact, for some children, it can be very upsetting. That feeling of going back to a routine is stressful. They have to adapt to a new timetable and the stress.

M: So is there a way to make starting up again easier after the summer break?

W: Yes, there're things that you can do. I mentioned routine before and that's the key. It's difficult to get back into a routine. So you need to try and prepare for it.

M: How to do that?

W: Well, sleep is the most important factor. During holidays, you don't have a proper sleeping routine. You get up when you want and you go to bed when you want.

M: I suppose that is why children love holidays.

W: Yeah, but it makes going back to school much more difficult. You need to enforce a bedtime routine at least a few days before your children go back to school. Also prepare everything the night before. Make sure you have all the clothes laid out to help avoid any early morning panic.

M: That makes sense. After all, the mornings are the hardest part. So what else can we do?