新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程第四册课本练习答案 下载本文


Words learned New words formed -ive assert assertive decide decisive digest digestive -ative imagine imaginative consult consultative quality qualitative authority authoritative conservative conserve quantity quantitative un- button unbutton settle unsettle veil unveil


conserve unbuttoning authoritative consultative imaginative quantitative unveil assertive unsettled decisive digestive qualitative

1. Some African countries have started a new program to conserve wildlife by giving local people greater control over hunting.一些非洲国家启动了一项保护野生动物的新计划,赋予当地人民更大的狩猎控制权。

2. She hurt her wrist last week after falling from her bicycle.Now it is swollen, and she has trouble unbuttoning her coat.上星期她从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了手腕。现在肿了,她解开上衣的扣子也有困难。 3. The author of this book is a(n) authoritative expert, so we believe that he can give a logical and objective description of the event.这本书的作者是一位权威的专家,所以我们相信他能对这个事件做出合乎逻辑和客观的描述。

4. As an experienced doctor in cancer treatment, she has offered consultative services on drug development to a number of medical companies.作为一名经验丰富的癌症治疗医生,她为多家医疗公司提供药物开发咨询服务。

5. The man was not usually so imaginative and thus his colleagues were all surprised when he proposed this creative use of studio techniques.这个人通常不是那么有想象力,所以当他提出创造性地使用工作室技术时,他的同事们都很惊讶。

6. At the conference, the speaker presented a(n) quantitative analysis of the results from his year-long experiment by using a group of tables and charts that contain detailed statistical data.在会议上,演讲者用一组包含详细统计数据的表格和图表对他长达一年的实验结果进行了定量分析。 7. In this coming week, the finance minister will unveil the budget, the annual report of the

country's economy, and the government's plans for tax and spending for the year.在本周,财政部长将公布预算、国家经济年度报告以及政府今年的税收和支出计划。

8. As a manager, David likes his employees to be assertive, to state or ask in a calm and direct manner what they want or need.作为一名管理者,大卫喜欢他的员工表现出自信,以平静和直接的方式询问他们想要什么或需要什么。

9. The stock market fluctuated wildly last month ,which unsettled investors because they were afraid that the big losses they suffered two years ago would happen again.上个月,股票市场波动剧烈,令投资者感到不安,因为他们担心两年前遭受的巨大损失会再次发生。

10. Parents mostly want their children to attend a good school. Hence, the quality of a school can play a(n) decisive role in helping families choose where to live.父母大多希望他们的孩子上一所好学校。因此,学校的质量在帮助家庭选择居住地方面起着决定性的作用。

11. After you drink a cup of coffee, it takes about 30 minutes for the caffeine to work its way through your digestive tract and into your bloodstream.喝完一杯咖啡后,咖啡因大约需要30分钟才能通过消化道进入血液。

12. There is a general belief that social science is qualitative and therefore not rigorous.However,

this may not be true since social scientists also employ rigorous thinking in their research.人们普遍



1-10 L E O J G H A C I M

? Stereotypes have some truth mixed in with a few generalizations. Sometimes these

generalizations can be misleading as they are often based on observation of the 1)L exterior behavior of people in a certain culture. Spaghetti, pasta, mafia (黑手党), gestures, fashion- these are some words commonly used to describe Italians. How much truth is there in the stereotype? As an Italian myself, I will give you some 2)E insights into Italian soul and clarify some misunderstandings that foreigners have about us.

? Spaghetti and pasta are sacred. You can't take pasta away from an Italian meal; otherwise it

won't be 3)O complete. A typical Italian meal generally includes pasta as a starter, fish or meat with salad as the main 4)J course, followed by fruit or dessert, and then coffee. But there are considerable regional differences in Italy, and hence 5) G inconsistencies exist between the stereotype and reality. For instance, you might find risotto(加有肉、鱼或蔬菜的调味饭) replacing pasta in some places!

? The Mafia is real: We are not proud of it, but it does exist, especially in the South and on the

island of Sicily. Obviously, not every Italian is a member of the Mafia, and most will be 6) H offended if you use the term, even if you are just joking.

? Yes, the way we speak is unique. Italians use 7) A gestures a lot in communication. We

simply cannot talk without our hands. If the hands are busy doing something else, we start moving shoulders or other parts of the body.

? We are also fashion victims. You can recognize Italians by the way they dress from head to

toe. We wear stylish clothes and 8)C ornaments for every possible occasion. You won't ever see an Italian wearing running shorts combined with long socks: It's simply against our 9)I sense of style !

? Italy is made up of many regions and provinces which are similar in some ways and 10) M

distinctive in others. The stereotype contains some truth, but being Italian takes a lot more than that.








got to the point are attached to would have starved to death If anything were suspicious of wandered around on the side was representative of 1. We chatted for half an hour before he finally got to the point: He wanted to work as a business consultant and wondered if I could pass along the name of certain potential clients.我们聊了半个小时,他终于说到点子上了:他想当一名商业顾问,不知道我能否把某些潜在客户的名字告诉他。 2. Scientists at the research center identified various features that are attached to the commodities purchased by female consumers.研究中心的科学家们发现了女性消费者购买的商品所具有的各种特征。 3. The three mountain climbers would have starved to death if the villagers had not found them lying at the bottom of the valley.如果村民们没有发现他们躺在山谷底部的话,这三个登山者会饿死的。 4. The boy looked up timidly at his father who was sitting next to him, but he didn't stop crying.If anything, his crying became more intense. 男孩胆怯地抬头看着坐在他旁边的父亲,但他还是哭个不停。如果说有什么不同的话,那就是他的哭声变得更强烈了。

5. Since no one knew how the disease spread, they were suspicious of everything, including mosquitoes, swimming pools, and people from other neighborhoods.由于没有人知道这种疾病是如何传播的,他们对一切都持怀疑态度,包括蚊子、游泳池和来自其他社区的人。

6. At the press conference, the government spokesman avoided answering the question about health-care reform directly. Instead he just wandered around to talk about the harsh economic situation. 在新闻发布会上,政府发言人避免直接回答有关医疗改革的问题。相反,他只是四处闲逛,谈论严酷的经济形势。

7. Mr.Roger, whom you met in the museum yesterday, works as a software engineer and play folk music on the side.罗杰先生,你昨天在博物馆里见过他,他是一名软件工程师,同时还演奏民间音乐。 8. These schools were selected for our survey because the composition of their student bodies was representative of district's enrollment, which included a large proportion of children from immigrant families.我们之所以选择这些学校进行调查,是因为他们的学生团体构成代表了地区的招生情
