国际商务谈判剧本 下载本文

意,但是此价格我方仍然难以接受。在经过我方讨论之后,我们决定以 4.9 美元/码的报价,并以 FOB成交。当然我方能一次性为贵方提供 60000 码的丝绸。要知道,我方此次的报价可是市场上罕见的低价啊!希望贵公司能够接受我们的报价,建立长久的合作关系。同时这次合作能否成功关键在你方是否可以做出进一步的让步,因为我方已经做出最大的让步了。 外方交头接耳考虑几分钟之后。。。


让步,同意该价格,同时在对包装、运输等问题需要再进一步讨论。Well if so we would like to establish long-term cooperative relationship sacrifice once again agreed to the price concessions at the same time for packaging transport and other issues need to be further discussed.


按DB440300/T242 的规定执行,班轮运输采用 20’尺集装箱装船。I hope that in the packaging we hope to adopt small carton packaging labeling and packaging according to the provisions of DB440300/T242 using 20 container liner shipping.

中方总经理:我方同意。运输方面采用班轮运输一次性到达,产品共计 60000 码,

分别允许有 5的增减幅度,由买方选择,增减部分按合同价格计算。(副总点头)


纽约港口局复检的方式。On inspection we hope to adopt in the Chinese port of Shanghai inspection and quarantine bureau examination in the United States New York Port

中方法律顾问:我方同意。这是我国制定的关于丝绸出口检验检疫标准。 外方技术总监:这是我国的进口丝绸检验检疫标准,为确保万无一失,也请贵方

严格按照标准的规定进行核查。This is our country imported silk inspection and quarantine standards to ensure that no danger of anything going wrong please you in strict accordance with the standards for verification. Both sides exchange of inspection and quarantine standards (双方交换检验检疫标准)


相信贵方在检验方面不会存在任何问题。It seems your testing requirements are very strict we also believe that you will not have any problems in the examination.


定能满足贵国的检疫要求。为了让贵方放心,我方承诺如果检疫不合格,我方愿承担全部责任,并按规定赔偿贵方损失,您觉得怎么样 ?


量。 You are really nice our satisfaction fully believe you..silk quality.

中方法律顾问:但我方希望贵方在货物到达纽约港口 48 小时内进行复检,超过



效的联合国国际贸易委员会仲裁规则,并由国际商会仲裁院予以解决。Yes I agree. On the performance of the contract and claim for compensation we hope that with your contract with the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the international sale of goods by the contract or in connection with this contract dispute or request or in connection with the present contract breach termination or failure should according to the effective United Nations International Trade Arbitration Rules of the Commission and by the ICC International Court of arbitration to resolve.



外方法律顾问:我方同意贵方的提议。I agree to your proposal



外方法律顾问:好的,我方同意。Yes I agree. 中方总经理:下面由我方秘书总结此次谈判的结果。


级丝绸 60000 码,4.9 美元/码。小型纸箱包装。采用班轮运输,20’尺集装箱装船。数量和信用证都允许 5的增减。到达美国纽约港口时间为 2016年3月15日以前。承兑交单的支付方式以美元结算。贵方在货物到达纽约港后 48小时内进行复检。合同适用《联合国国际货物买卖合同公约》,公约中没有规定的事项适用中国大陆相关法律。仲裁交国际商会仲裁院按联合国国际贸易委员会仲裁规

则解决。 Now let me sum up the negotiation results: the United States xxxxx to my company one-time purchase extra.. silk 60000 yards4.9 U.S. dollars / code. Small carton packaging. The liner 20 container shipment. Number and letter of credit is allowed 5 more or less. The United States of New York port to arrive before June 18 2012. Payment by D / A to be settled in us dollars. You in the arrival of the goods at the port of New York within 48 hours after their. Contract applies to United Nations Convention on Contracts for the international sale of goods the Convention does not require the matter for China related laws. Arbitration International Chamber of Commerce by the United Nations Commission on international trade arbitration rules to solve.

中方总经理:不知贵方有无异议? 外方副总:没有异议。 No objection.



外方副总:合作愉快! Pleasant cooperation
