江苏省苏州市区2017-2018学年第一学期九年级英语期末考试试卷(解析版) 下载本文



第Ⅰ卷 一、听力测试 (一) 听对话回答问题


1. How does Michel learn English?

A. B. C. 2. When is the boy’s birthday?

A. B. C. 3. Which actress does the woman like best?

A. B. C. 4. Who left the watch on the desk?

A. B. C. 5. What did Millie want to do?

A. To go swimming. B. To see a doctor. C. To look after her mother. 6. What does Amy like better?

A. Trousers. B. Jeans. C. Jackets.

7. What’s the woman’s idea? A. Both sports are exciting.

B. Mountain climbing is more exciting. C. He prefers skiing.

8. Do the boy’s parents support his hobbies?

A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. We are not sure. 9. What does the man mean? A. He’s too nervous to calm down

B. The woman shouldn’t wait to be interviewed. C. He should relax for the interview. 10. How many students are there in the class? A. 40 B. 27 C. 36

(二) 听对话和短文回答问题



11. Where does the conversation most likely take place?

A. On a train. B. On a bus. C. On a plane. 12. What does the man probably do?

A. A businessman. B. A student. C. A government officer.


Why do some children go to bed so late? How can TV help the children? They spend their time on 13 . TV helps to open children's 14 . 15 children watch TV only on Saturday or Sunday evening.

13.A.homework B. watching TV C. the radio 14.A.minds B. eyes C. eyes and minds

15.A. few B. Some C. A lot of


16. When is Jane with Ann?

A. At 7:40 a.m. B. At 8:00 a.m. C. At 8:20 a.m. 17. Why does Jane look after Mr. Johnson?

A. Because he is lonely and needs people to talk to him. B. Because he has many questions to ask Jane.

C. Because he cannot wash or put on his clothes himself. 18. What does Jane do for the old people? A. She can help them take their medicine. B. She can solve their serious problems. C. She can answer their calls at night. 19. How many calls does Jane get that day?

A. Only one call. B. Two calls. C. Three calls. 20. Why does Jane like her job? A. She can get much money from it. B. She likes keeping busy all day. C. She likes helping people in need.

二、 单项填空


1. –Sorry, I broke your glass by _________ accident. –Never mind. I can buy _________ in the nearby supermarket. A. an; it B. /; it C. /; one D. an; one 【答案】C

【解析】句意:-对不起,我不小心打破了你的玻璃。-没关系,我可以在附近的超市里再买一块。an是不定冠词,修饰可数名词单数,以元音发音开头,表示泛指一个;it它,代词,代指上文提到的事物;one一个,可以做代词,代指与上文提到的事物一类的另一个事物。第一个空是固定短语by accident偶然,不小心,中间没有冠词;根据句意可知,第二个空代指glass,但不是上文提到的那一个,故用one。选C。