鲁科版五四制小学四年级英语上册教案Unit 1 School Life_教案3 下载本文

Unit 1 School life

Lesson 3 【教学目标】

1.能听说读并运用单词: make, things, often, basketball, there.

2.能听懂会读并运用本课句型进行对话: We make things in the art room. We often play basketball there.

3.能听说读写四会单词: art, music, English, Chinese.


1.能听懂会读并运用本课句型进行对话: We make things in the art room. We often play basketball there.

2.能听说读并运用单词: make, things, often, basketball, there.并能写出四会单词: art, music, English, Chinese.


1.单词things中th的发音. 2.here和there的区分.




Ⅰ.Greetings. 1.Sing a song.

2.Free talk:课件打出当天的课程表,T: What subjects do we have today? What's your favorite subject? 可以老师先提问,再找学生逐个提问.

3.出示课件: music room, art room, playground, library的画面(自己学校的图片),让生齐读四个地点,师再做动作提示: We sing in the music room.让生通过提示再完成这个句子,师指题目说: Yes, we sing here.同样方法来引出句子We play on the playground.师板书.还有句子We read in the library.


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1.Question 1:师擦板书We draw in the art room.中的draw,改划一条横线填空,让学生带着这个问题看课文动画.看完后找学生回答,也可以找小老师教make, things.老师要注意强调单词make中a的发音要到位,单词things中th的发音.单词教完后师领读新句子: We make things in the art room.让生齐读,再chant: Make things, make things, we make things in the art room.

2.看第二遍课文动画,同样方法师把板书句子中的We play on the playground.中的play后加一横线,带问师看完后找生起来回答: We play basketball on the playground.师: Yes, we often play basketball there.师用单词卡教often,并在板书的句子中加入often. Chant: Often, often, we often play basketball there.师领读后可举几个例子: We often sing in the music room. We often make things in the art room.也可以再找学生起来补充几个句子,如: We often read in the library. We often play basketball on the playground.

再用单词卡教there,教师可以用where来引出,强调ere的发音要到位,并且注意虽然here和there的末尾相同,但是读不一样,同时还要通过用手指远近来区分here和there的意思.学会单词there后师领读板书句子:We often play basketball there.让生齐读板书句子,再拍手由慢到快读熟练.

3.我们刚才又学习了两个表示动作的词,师手指板书,生齐读: make things, play basketball. Now let's listen and do actions: play basketball, make things, read, sing, draw.也可以再继续师做动作生说动词.

4.Listen, point and say. 5.给课文配音. Ⅲ.Let's talk

1.小组一起练习Let's talk部分的句子. 2.游戏.



3.看课件图片,判断句子对错并改错.比如在操场上打球的图片下写上We sing on the playground.让学生判断改错.

Ⅳ.Let's copy

1.听音,跟读单词,读完后师说:我们还学了其它一些科目单词,生一起说: PE, science, computer, maths.

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2.师在黑板四线格里板书四个科目单词,强调English, Chinese开头要大写. 3.Copy the words on the books. Ⅴ.Summary



1.Listen and read the dialogue as fluently as you can. 2.Copy the four words three times.


Lesson 3 We sing here. We make things in the art room. We often play basketball there.

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