文化与翻译+汉译英练习(P23-30上) 下载本文

6.更深层次的问题。 7.人们需要看的更深一些。 8.??保持接触。 9.这些要求不容谈判。 10.稍有政治头脑的人 11.今天你唱主角,看你的。 12.抢手货 13.只说不做

14.树立全民环保意识 15.中国大陆

16.我打算乘下一班火车回北京。 17.可是我们已说到故事的后面去了。 18.他够老实的。




1.他热衷予个人名利。 2.她热衷于花样滑冰。 3.他贩卖皮货。

4.你这是在贩卖民族虚无主义。 5.他与侵略者合作,出卖了自己的祖国。 6.我们应加强相互合作。 7.他醉心于医学研究。 8.那个人醉心于名利。 9.坚决制止新的毁林开荒。 10.中国的经济是一个大问题。

四、翻译以下词语,注意词语的搭配。 1.提高生活水平 2.提高会话水平 3.提高领导水平 4.提高英语水平 5.一个宝贵的机会 6.一个非常渺茫的机会

7.打开门锁 8.伸张正义 9.接电话


11.从他的话音里,我能昕出点东西来。 12.这些话不知回答过多少遍。

13.中央的方针是等待他们,让事实教育他们。 14.盯着某人的眼睛



2. 青年一代应该用什么样姿态去迎接未来的挑战? 3. 她往日得了病,茶水也不能咽一口。

4. 对大多数去北京的外国访客来说,万里长城是必不可少的参观游览项目。

七、翻译以下句子,注意译文的语体色彩。 1.工厂外面挂着一块牌子,上面写道:“本厂不再招收工人 ”。

2.如蒙早日寄来样品和产品册,不胜感激。 3.鄙人当尽力而为。 4.老王说他没着了。 5.敬启者:




now. 二、

1.get an electric shock

2 . wet paint 您忠实的


1. The two leaders exchanged views on bilgteral

relations and issues of common concern. 2. Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public.

3. They offered some suggestions for the revision of plan.

4. Everyone complained against such a practice. 5. They had a dispute at the meeting. 6. You should follow the doctor’s advice. 7. They reached a consensus on this issue. 8. The Nanjing Hi—Tech Zone is making an effort to introduce more foreign investments,and so far more than 200 proj ects have been approved. 9.There’s enemy activity ahead.Prepare for combat. 10.This state of affairs must change. 11.Now things are different.

1 2.How do things stand with them now?

1 3.There is still some unfinished business to settle. 14.We have consuhed him about the matter. 15.Please go back,there is nothing of your concern

3.teach oneself

4 . Nowadays , some young students try to keep up with the Joneses by spending beyond their means.5.He was wearing a threadbare coat. 6.a far deeper problem.

7.One needs to go deeper than that. 8.?stay in contact.

9.These demands are not open to negotiation. 10.people with any degree of political discernment 11.You are the main performer today.It’s your show. 12.hot buy

13.to be atl talk and no action.

14.help the whole nation see the importance of environmental protection.

15.China’s mainland/the mainland of China. 1 6.I am going to catch the first train back to Beijing.1 7.But we are getting ahead of the story. 18.He couldn’t be more honest.

19.In 1998, I left our hometown,together with a friend to be a migrant worker in

Nanj ing.

20.One of my classmates was still daydreaming when the class was about to be over. 三、


1. He is always hankering after personal fame and gains.

2. She is fond of figure skating. 3. He is in the fur trade.

4. You are peddling national nihilism.

5. He collaborated with the invaders and betrayed his motherland.

6. We should enhance our mutual cooperation. 7. He is deeply engrossed in medical research. 8. That chap is infatuated with fame and fortune. 9. It shall be strictly prohibited that more forests and pastures be turned into farmland. 10. China’s economy is a major question. 四、

1. upgrade the living standard 2. improve one’s conversational ability 3. improve the art of leadership 4. improve one’s English proficiency 5. a rare/golden opportunity 6. a slim chance 7. unlock the door 8. upholds j ustice 9.answer the telephone 10.I could read his thought.

11.I could tell something from the tone of his words.1 2.He had answered such questions for so many times.

13.The Central Committee’s policy was to wait for them to be convinced by facts. 14.1ook sb in the eye.


1.To gradually increase their salaries in accordance

with the principle of“subsistence first and development second”.

2. How will the youth be prepared to meet the challenge of the future?

3. When she was ill,she wouldn’t swallow so much as a drop of water.

4. The Great Wall is a must for most foreign visitors to Beijing. 七、

1.Outside the factory hung a noticeboard,which read:“No more hands wanted.”

2. It would be appreciated if samples or brochures could be soon forwarded to us. 3. Yours truly will do his best.

4. Lao Wang said he was at the end of his tether. 5. Dear sirs,

I am requested by the Import & Export Department to inform you that the 150 tons of coal ordered from your company one month ago has not been delivered.Will you be so kind as to institute enquiries concerning this non-delivery?

It wil be appreciated that you give your reply

as soon as possible.



Wang Qiang


练习题 p114 key attached 一、翻译以下句子,注意对原文划线词语作语义性增词处理。

1.不由暗暗佩服她的记忆力。 2.没有谁家有这么多垃圾。 3.人民犯了法,也要坐班房。



6. 第六条坚持区域经济协调发展,逐步缩小地区发展差别。

7. 环境问题是个大问题,主要靠我们自己努力,也需要国际组织的支持。 8. 我从来拒绝给我写传。

9. 认为和平演变的主要危险来自经济领域,这些就是“左”。

10. 加拿大地广人稀,国土面积比中国还大。 11. 看粮食,要看中国的农业。

12. 国民党统治集团退距中国的台湾省,在外国势力的支持下与中央政府对峙,?? 13. 为此我拼命干活,连春节也不例外。

14. “小李,什么时候请吃糖啊?”王奶奶笑着问道。 15. 冬泳在哈尔滨是一项深受群众喜爱的体育活动。

16. 至解放前夕,园内景物荒芜殆尽。解放后重新进行了修缮,至1961年开放,成为上海人民参观游览的场所。

17.他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:??(1997年英语专业八级统考试题) 18.夜晚,天气越来越冷。(《戎夷》)




二、翻译以下句子,注意作结构性增词处理。 1.窝藏不报者,须受相当处分。 2.所谓分析,就是分析事物的矛盾。

3.要有把握,就要有准备,而且有充分的准备。 4.她用手蒙住脸,好像是为了保护眼睛。 5.中国是一个幅员广大、历史悠久的大国。 6.我们应当尽量缩短城乡差距。


8.有个名叫智叟的老头子看了发笑,说你们这样于未免太愚蠢了。 9.要提倡顾全大局。






14.群众心齐了,一切事情都好办。 15.有饭大家吃。


三、翻译以下句子,注意对划线作文化性增词处理。 6. The sixth principle is to adhere to a coordinated

development of regional economy and gradually 1.绍兴是越瓷的产地。


3.您或许有兴趣去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝陵。 4.正如鲁迅先生说过的那样?? 5.辛亥革命将中国带入了一个新的纪元。

四、翻译以下句子,注意作修辞性增词处理。 1.美国的人权记录并不好,却充当“世界人权法官”。


3.外国一个内阁总理,可以去当县长,为什么我们的一个部长倒不能去当县长? 4.他霎时心里感到热乎乎的。


1.I could not help admiring her good memory. 2.No other family has housed so much junk! 3.When anyone among the people break the law,he,too,should be punished.

4. These include the contradictions between the

interests of the state and the interests of the collective on the one hand and the interests of the individual on the other.

5. A proper solution to the issue will benefit not

only China,but also all the other parties concerned.

narrow the gap in the development of different localities.

7. Environmental protection is a big problem.We

will rely mainly on our own efforts to improve the environment,but we also need support from international organizations.

8. Personally, I’ve all along rejected offers to write my biography.

9.To see the danger of peaceful evolution towards

capitalism as coming chiefly from the economic sphere are“Left”tendencies.

10.Canada is a sparsely populated country with a vast

size.Its territory is larger than that of China. 11.To have a better understanding of the food

situation in China,we must take a full view of her agriculture.

1 2.The Kuomintang ruling clique retreated from the

mani1and to entrench in China’s Taiwan Province in confrontation with the Central Government with the support of foreign forces…

1 3.So 1 worked like mad,even during the Spring

Festival season when everybody else was enjoying the holidays.

14. “xiao Li,” Granny Wang smiled.“When can I eat your wedding candy?”

1 5. Outdoor winter swimming is a very popular sport in Harbin.