构建和谐医患关系的策略研究---毕业论文 下载本文


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论文题目 构建和谐医患关系的策略研究


系 (院) 管理学院

学 号 2010130149

班 级 市场营销1011

学 生 刘强强

指导教师 程传勇

导师职称 副教授





目 录

一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1 (二)研究价值 1

(三)文献综述 1

1、国内医患矛盾研究 1

2、国外医患矛盾研究 2 (四)研究方法 2 1、结构式参与 2 2、半深度访谈 2 3、问卷调查法 3 二、当前医患关系的状况 3

(一)医患关系日趋紧张 3 (二)医患纠纷形式各异 3 (三)医患矛盾尖锐化 3 (四)医疗诉讼明显增加 4 三、构建和谐医患关系对社会的重大意义 4 (一)拉动人文经济的发展 5 (二)为社会主义和平作出贡献 5 (三)推动医疗事业稳步健康发展 5 四、导致普瑞眼科医院医患关系紧张的原因 5 (一)医疗费用居高不下 5 (二)眼科检查特殊性 7 (三)医院和医生管理不到位 7 (四)医患关系互动方式发生变化 7 (五)患者的完美期望与现代医学预期疗效不相符 7 (六)医生和患者之间缺乏及时有效沟通 8 2


五、构建和谐医患关系的措施 8

(一)政府方面,给予民营医院相对应的政策 8

1、改善制度建设,规范化医疗行为 9 2、注重质量管理,确保医疗行为安全 9

(二)医院方面,加强医院管理和医生道德管理 9

1、医院主动公开医院医疗过程与记录 9 2、注重医风医德教育 10 3、及时改变医疗行医观念 10 4、设计合理的经营战略和赢利模式 11 5、合理科学管理医院程序 11 6、全面开展医疗保险工作 11 7、完善术前术后的评估系统 12 (三)患者方面,善于换位思考,及时沟通交流 12

1、提高自身素质和修养 12 2、知法守法,尊重法律 12

(四)学校方面,培养医学生积极沟通和聆听的本领 12 (五)其他方面 12

1、促进医生和患者双方的交流和沟通 13 2、正面利用媒体舆论创造和谐医疗环境 13 六、结语 13 参考文献 附表一: 2 附表二: 4 附表三: 4 附表四: 6 附表五: 7 附表六: 10



构建和谐医患关系的策略研究 ----兰州普瑞眼科医院为例

摘 要 :随着改革开放的不断深入,社会对医疗行业的要求逐渐增高,医院这个救死扶伤的场所中医患关系成为了社会关注的焦点。近年来,由于医疗纠纷明显增多,医患关系日趋紧张,加上人们法律意识的不断提高,以及我国医疗体制改革的不断深入,医疗纠纷日益突出,医患关系紧张演变成为医患矛盾,逐渐成为一个急待解决的社会问题。面对这种局面,医院以及医务人员应从自身做起,及时转变观念,规范医疗服务行为,加强医患沟通,架起医者、患者及其家属之间情感沟通的桥梁,增进相互理解,化解医患矛盾,共同营造文明的医疗环境,切实维护双方的利益,促进社会和谐发展。医患关系是指医务人员与病人在医疗过程中产生的特定的医治关系,是医疗人际关系的关键。医院是救死扶伤的场所,医患的共同敌人是疾病,医患关系应该是和谐健康的。但是,近年来医疗纠纷日益突出,医患关系愈发紧张,并逐渐成为一个突出的社会问题。党的十六届四中全会提出了构建社会主义和谐社会的宏伟目标,医疗行业是社会和谐的窗口,“两会”也指出要全面落实医疗保险和“医疗三联动”,如何构建和谐医患关系是值得社会各界尤其是医院管理者研究的重大课题。




Study on the strategy of constructing harmonious

doctor-patient relationship

Lanzhou Purui Eye Hospital as an example

Abstract With the deepening of reform and opening, the social demands for medical industry gradually increased, the hospital place to heal the wounded and rescue the dying doctor patient relationship has become the focus of attention of the society. In recent years, due to medical disputes increase obviously, increasingly tense relationship between doctors and patients, and increasing people's awareness of the law, and medical system reform in our country deepening, the medical disputes have become increasingly prominent, the tension between doctors and patients become the doctor-patient contradiction, has become an urgent social problem. Faced with this situation, the hospital and medical personnel from oneself, prompt transformation idea, standardize the medical service, strengthen the doctor-patient communication, emotional communication between the bridge between doctors, patients and their families, to enhance mutual understanding, to resolve the contradictions between doctors and patients, and jointly create the medical environment, and earnestly safeguard the interests of both sides, promote the harmonious development of society.The doctor-patient relationship refers to the medical staff and patients during the medical course specific treatment, is the key to the medical interpersonal relationship. The hospital is the place to heal the wounded and rescue the dying patient's disease, a common enemy, the relationship between doctors and patients should be harmonious and healthy.The party's sixteen sessions of Fourth Plenary Session proposed the grand goal of building a socialist harmonious society, medical industry is the harmonious society's window, \and CPPCC\also pointed out the need to fully implement the \insurance and medical three linkage\how to build a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients is the worth of the community especially the research of hospital administrators.

Keywords The doctor-patient relationship, Strategy, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical reform