(完整word版)人教版新目标七年级下册Unit3词汇短语、固定搭配、知识点、语法详解以及训练、检测 下载本文

Unit 3 How do you go to school?

一、重点单词: 1.火车n_____ 13.河,江n_____ 2.公交车n_____ pl._____ 14.许多adj&pron_____ 3.骑;旅行v&n_____ 15.村庄,村镇n_____ 4.百_____ 16.介于…之间prep_____ 5.远;远的adv&adj_____ 17.桥n_____ 6.新的adj_____ op._____ 18.小船n_____ 7.每一,每个_____ syn._____ 19.年,岁n_____ 8.开车v_____ 20.害怕,惧怕adj._____ 9.小汽车,轿车n_____ 21.离开v_____ v-ing_____ pt._____ 10.居住,生活v_____ v-ing._____ 22.梦想;做梦n&v_____ 11.车站,停止n&v_____ pt._____ 23.真的,符合事实的adj_____ 12.横过,越过v_____ 三单_____ 24.自行车n_____ 二、重点短语:

1.take the train/bus/subway 14.play with my classmates 2.by train/bus/subway 15.from A to B 3.between you and me 16.be like=look like 4.cross the river 17.have a good day 5.ride a bike 18.leave the village 6.by bike 19.how long 7.many of the students 20.come true 8.an eleven-year-old boy 21.drive his car to work 9.walk to sp. 22.the villagers’ dream 10.be afraid to do sth 23.think of the trip =be afraid of doing sth 24.thanks for doing sth. 11.on foot 25.for many people =get to school 26.at the bus stop 12.be afraid of sb./sth. 27.a very big river 13.how far 28.get there by bus三、重点句型:

1. How does she get to school?她如何到校?---She usually rides her bike.她通常骑自行车 2. _____ _____ is it _____ your home _____school?你家离学校多远? It’s about two kilometers.大约两公里。

3. _____ _____does _____ _____ you to get to school?到校花费你多长时间? _____ _____ me about 15 minutes.花我15分钟。

4. _____ _____ _____ two hours _____ _____ _____ Shenzhen _____ _____.坐飞机去深圳花我们2个小时。

5. _____ _____ not easy _____ _____ the river on a ropeway.坐索道过河不容易。 6. There _____ _____ bridge.没有桥。

7. The river _____ too quickly for boats.对小船来说河水流的太快。 8. He _____ _____ a father _____ me.他对于我来说像个父亲。 9. Can their dream _____ _____.他们的梦想能实现吗?

10. Why do they go to school like this?他们为什么像这样上学? 四、基础知识释疑:

1、How do you get to school?

(1) how是疑问副词,意为“如何,怎样,用什么手段”。本句为how引导的特殊疑问句,用


① take + a/the + 表示交通工具的名词,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。

① by + 表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in + a/the +表示交通工具的单数名词,是介词短语,作方式状语。交通工具空间较大、开放性的用on,相反则用in. eg: I _____ _____ school= I get/go to school _____ _____.

I _____ my bike./ I get to school _____ _____./ I get to school_____ _____ _____ I _____the bus./ I get to school _____ _____./ I get to school _____ _____ _____.

【注意】by + 表示交通工具的单数名词时,名词前不能加任何冠词或者其他修饰词。 (2)get 在句中为不及物动词,意为“到达”,常与to连用,但是表示目的地的词是副词here、there、home等时,则不需要用介词to。

eg: They’ll _____ _____ Beijing at six tonight.他们今晚六点将达到北京 I’ll _____ _____ on time.我会准时到达那里 2、It takes about 25 minutes to walk.

It takes sb sometime to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间 【辨析】spend, cost, pay 与 take (1)spend 的主语必须是人。常用于 spend…on sth或 spend…(in) doing sth.意为“某人花时间


eg: I spent 5 dollars on the book.=I spent 5 dollars _____ (buy) the book.

(2)cost的主语只能是事情。常用于sth cost sb some money意为“某物花费某人多少钱”。 eg: The skirt _____ her 200 yuan.那裙子花费她200元。

(3)pay的主语必须是人。长用于sb pay some money for sth.意为“某人为某物付款”。 eg: He_____ 1000 yuan _____ the TV set.

(4)take用于 It takes sb some time( money) to do sth. 句型中。

eg: It _____ half an hour _____ _____ _____ school on foot.步行上学花费他半小时。. 3、Then the early bus takes him to school. take…to…意为“把…带到…” 【辨析】take,bring与fetch

take 意为“带走,拿走”,强调从说话地将人和物带走别的地方去 bring 意为“带走”,强调将某人或某物从别的地方带到说话地来 fetch 意为“去拿,去取”,即离开说话地去取某物后再回来,强调动作的往返 4、How do students around the world get to school ?

(1)意为“环绕;围绕;绕过” eg: The earth moves around the sun. (2)表示“在…四周” eg: There are many trees around the playground. (3)表示“在…的附件” eg: Is there a park around here ?

(4)表示“大约”,常与数字连用 eg: He goes to school at around 8 o’colck. 5、In North America, not all student take the bus to school.

not all…这个结构所表达的意思通常是“部分否定”,意为“并不是所有的…都…”。当not用于代词all, many, much, every, both前时,均属于部分否定。 eg: Not all that glitters is gold. 发光的并不都是金子。 6、I have a map but it’s in Chinese, and I only speak English.

in Chinese “用汉语”,in 表示“用…”,主要用“用某种语言,用某种材料,用某种方式”。 eg: I paid the bill in cash.

【辨析】say, speak, talk与tell say 意为“说,讲”,它针对的是说话的内容 speak 意为“说,讲”,不强调说话的内容,但有时指讲某种语言,(在会上)发言要用speak talk tell 意为“谈话;交谈”,有不及物动词和名词两种词性,常与with,about或to搭配 意为“说;告诉”,侧重于“告诉”的含义多一些,常用tell sb about sth “告诉某人关于某事“和tell sb (not )to do sth “告诉某人(不要)做某事” 【辨析】look, read, see与watch look “看”表动作,强调“看”的动作,多以词组形式出现,如look at, look like,.look after等 read 意为“读”,多指看书、看报、看杂志、看图等 see watch 意为“看见,看到”,侧重于“看”的结果,常用句式:see sb do/doing sth 意为“观看,注视”,指非常仔细地、有目的地、特定地看,多接比赛、电视 二、语法讲解——how引导的特殊疑问句

1、how引导的特殊疑问句提问交通方式。其答语分三种情况: ① take a/the + 交通工具(单数) ① by + 交通工具(单数)

① on/in + 限定词 + 交通工具

eg: —— How do you go to work every day?

—— I drive to work./I go to work by car./ I go to work in my car. 2、how far 用来提问距离,意为“多远”。其答语分为两种情况: ①用长度单位表示

eg: —— How far is it from your home to the bus stop ?—— It’s five kilometers. ①用时间表示

eg: —— How far is the park from the shop ? —— It’s ten minutes’ walk. 3、how long 用来提问时间,意为“多久”。

eg: —— How long have you been in America? —— For two years.



( )1. Peter usually goes to school by ______ bus.

A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( )2. My English teacher is very good. She is like my mother ______ me.

A. to B. for C. with D. of

( )3. —______ does your father go to work? —He rides his bike.

A. Where B. When C. How D. Why ( )4. The train ______ the train station at 8:40 every morning.

A. crosses B. runs C. leaves D. comes

( )5. —______ is it from your school to the train station? —Five kilometers.

A. How’s B. How old C. How long D. How far ( )6. For some students, it’s difficult ______ school.

A. to get to B. get to C. to get D. get ( )7. Sam has a bike. He ______ it to school every day.

A. takes B. rides C. walks D. drives