2017-2018学年人教新目标八年级英语下册Unit 2单元测试题 下载本文

Lulu. Several years ago, Mr. Brown’s son gave Lulu to him (77) ________ a gift for his 60th birthday. Soon Mr. Brown and Lulu became good friends and Lulu often (78) ________ him around the farm.

One day when Mr. Brown was working on his farm, a(n) (79) ________ tree branch (树枝) fell on top of him suddenly (突然). Mr. Brown fell to the ground (地面) and didn’t (80) ________ what happened next. Lulu stood next to Mr. Brown’s body. She started barking (叫) and didn’t leave Mr. Brown. “She (81) ________ like a dog. She barked and barked. And she didn’t stop,” said Mrs. Brown. After (82) ________ Lulu’s barks, Mrs. Brown quickly went to see what had happened. She saw Mr. Brown lying on the ground and (83) ________ him to the hospital right away. (84) ________, Mr. Brown was saved.

“Lulu is great!” said Mr. Brown. “She saved me! She is a friendly and very (85) ________ kangaroo.” After Mr. Brown left the hospital, he took Lulu everywhere he went.

Ⅻ. 书面表达(15分)


提示:活动:送鲜花、水果;打扫卫生;读报 …… 你参加活动后的感想:……

要求:要点齐全,80词左右,可适当发挥。电子邮件的格式已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Lisa,

Yours, Wang Wei


Today I’m talking to Harry Brown. Harry once worked as a volunteer teacher in Cambodia. Q: (1) ________

A: In 2015. I went with some friends who also wanted to volunteer there. It was a two-month volunteer experience. Q: (2) ________

A: I taught English twice a day at an orphanage (孤儿院): one class in the morning and one in the afternoon. And most nights I stayed back to watch them perform traditional dances for visitors of the orphanage. And in my free time during the day, I just played games with them. Q: (3) ________

A: The children that I met at the orphanage. The time I spent with them was the most unforgettable (令人难忘的) part of my volunteer experience. Q: (4) ________

A: For me, there was nothing more difficult than teaching English to children at the orphanage. I have to say, there was a really big difference in the degree (程度) of understanding from one student to the next. Q: (5) ________

A: Special and wonderful. When I first walked through the gate (大门) of the orphanage, I knew that my two-month volunteer experience would be one that I would always remember. The children there were very, very friendly. I enjoyed every minute of my visit from teaching to playing, and dancing!


A. Why did you choose to volunteer there? B. When did you work there, Harry? C. What do you remember most about this volunteer experience? D. How did you feel about this volunteer experience? E. What was the hardest part of being a volunteer there? F. What did you do during the two months? 答案

Ⅴ. 21-25 BBADC 26-30 DDABD 31-35 ABCAB Ⅵ. 36-40 BBCAD 41-45 BCBDB Ⅶ. 46-50 EDGBC

Ⅷ. 51-55 DCBDC 56-60 CCBAC

Ⅸ. 61. lonely 62. carried 63. owner 64. blind 65. understood 66. feeling 67. kindness 68. training 69. broken 70. interested Ⅹ. 71. give away 72. raise money 73. try out 74. Cheer up 75. take after / look like

Ⅺ. 76. their 77. as 78. followed 79. heavy 80. know 81. sounded 82. hearing 83. sent 84. Luckily 85. clever Ⅻ. One possible version: Dear Lisa, I went to an old people’s home with some volunteers. We did many things for the old people. We brought them some flowers and fresh fruit. And we helped clean their rooms. After that, some of us sang songs and danced for them. Some of us read newspapers to them. Some of us talked with them. How happy they were!

I think this activity is very meaningful. I learned that we should care for the old around us every day.

Yours, Wang Wei 附加题1-5 BFCED