【2019年整理】新版小学英语六年级上册期中试题有听力音频,请留言索要 下载本文

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同学们,你们好!本次英语试题共分为两部分:听力部分和读写部分。听录音前要认真阅读题目要求,仔细观察图片。快来检测一下你有哪些收获吧! Part I Listening 第一部分 听力


I. Listen and number.(听一听,写出你所听到的顺序。)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

II. Listen, tick or cross.(判断下图与你听到的内容是否相符,打“√”或“×”。)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Listen and tick.(听一听,在你所听到的句子前打“√”。) 1. ( ) Where are you going? 2. ( ) We’re going to the cinema. ( ) When are you going? ( ) We’re going to the museum. 3. ( ) What are you going to do tomorrow? ( ) What are you going to do tonight? 4. ( ) I’m going to have an art lesson.

( ) I’m going to see a film.

5. ( ) He’s going to buy a word book. ( ) She’s going to buy a dictionary.

IV. Listen and choose.(听一听,选单词补全短文。)

A. visit B. together C. subway D. cinema E. comic

I am Oliver. Today is Friday. Tomorrow is Saturday. Tomorrow morning, I am going to the bookstore by __________. The bookstore is in front of the __________. In the bookstore, I am going to buy a __________ book and a science book for my grandfather. Because my grandfather likes science very much. In the afternoon, I am going to ____________ my grandparents. We are going to read books

____________. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?

Part II Reading & Writing 第二部分 读写


V. Read and choose. (选出与所给单词意义相反或相对的一项。)

( ) 1. far A. near B. crossing ( ) 2. fast A. follow B. slow ( ) 3. left A. straight B. right

( ) 4. go A. traffic B. stop ( ) 5. behind A. in front of B. half ( ) 6. tonight A. this morning B. next week VI. Read, look and number. (读句子,看图片,标序号。) 1. Don’t go at the red light. 2. I’m going to buy a post card.

3. Usually my father goes to work by subway. 4. I’m going to the cinema this afternoon.

5. In the USA people on bikes must wear a helmet.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

VII. Read and match.(读一读,连一连。)

Where is the museum shop? Next weekend.

What are you going to do tomorrow? Turn left at the bookstore. How can we get there? I’m going to Alaska. Where are you going? I’m going to have an art lesson. When are you going? It’s near the door. Is it far? No, it’s very near. VIII. Read and choose. (读一读,选一选。) ( ) 1. You must stop at the ______.

A. yellow light B. green light C. red light ( ) 2. —How do you go to the USA? —I go there ______. It's too far.

A. by bike B. on foot C. by plane ( ) 3. The traffic light is green now. We can ______.

A. wait B. stop C. go ( ) 4. My mother is a nurse. She works in a ______.

A. hospital B. museum C. restaurant ( ) 5. I want to buy some books. So I can go to the ______.

A. bookstore B. library C. post office ( ) 6. —______are you going? —We’re going to the supermarket.

A.When B.Where C.What ( ) 7. —______are we going to the zoo? —Next weekend.

A. Where B. When C.What

( ) 8. How does Miss Zhao come to school? Miss Zhao ______ at school now.

A. are B. is not C.is ( ) 9. We______ pay attention to the traffic lights.

A. mustn’t B. don’t C. must ( ) 10. —______do you go to school? —Usually I come on foot.

A. How B. Who C.What