北京中医药大学远程教育英语2作业1 下载本文

B.dwell C.attract D.make

44.?It was then that I noted a change ______ the stranger's face.?[1分]

A.come to B.come over C.come on D.come through

45.?Gold, more than any other rare metal, ______ in price recently?[1分]

A. have risen B. has risen C.was rising D.is rising

46.?If you have no _________ use for this book, I'll give it to someone else.?[1分]

A.further B. latter C.spare D. continual

47.?You should abide _____ your promise as a man of honor?[1分]

A.to B.for C.by


48.?The factory has been ______ black smoke from its chimneys.?[1分]

A.spreading B.sending C.emitting D. giving out

49.?The reason ______ we should study English is very clear.?[1分]

A.why B.which C. when D.who

50.?The number of the students who can come ______ fifty?[1分]

A.have B.has C.are D.is

51.?I want to talk over the report with you _______ sending it to Mr. Smith.?[1分]

A.before B.after C.then D. later

52.?I never expect you to turn _______ at the meeting. I thought you had gone abroad?[1分]

A.up B.in C.down D.out

53.?All the passengers were killed in the air _____ except the airhostess, who survived it only to die of hunger and thirst in the desert.?[1分]

A. crash B. smash C. clash D.crisis

54.?Never _____ such a nice chair?[1分]

A.has he seen B.he has seen C.saw he D.he saw

55.?If we _______ the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful?[1分]

A.decide B.elect C.adopt D.vote

56.?Reading stories is one of his favorite ______.?[1分]


B.hobbies C.habits D.exercises

57.?Is this the village ______ you visited last year?[1分]

A.in which B.where C.which D.at which

58.?A sudden report ______ --- like the sound of a car backfiring?[1分]

A.rang in B.rang up C.rang out D.rang through

59.?Cigarette smoking is a major __________ to people's health and may contribute to lung cancer.?[1分]

A. disease B. illness C.hazard D.disadvantage

60.?She is proud of herself and hates _______?[1分]

A.laugh at B.laughing at

C.being laughed at D.being laughed