引用慎老师幽默的口语说【裸奔法】:“听起来火爆吧?用起来更火爆。这种方法是考场里最实用的方法之一,覆盖了人类生活中常见的方面。“ 可想而知,经过慎老师引爆18个单词,居然能使火药味充斥于考生自然的联想力中。善用此法,写议论文何患无辞?WOW!精彩!
【TM STREEC ¥】--取自开头的第一个英文字母。 Technology+Efficiency Mind+Soul Society+Crime Time+Space
Rights+Responsibility Environment+Health Employment+Competition Culture+Population RMB+Fun
你会发现,每行的第一个单词首字母拼在一起,就是TM STREEC $ 这三个符号。把三个符号多写几遍,同时回忆对应的9个单词,几次下来,每行的第一个词就记住了。
再看每行第二个词,它们和每行的第一个词都有严格的逻辑对应关系,这样记忆起来很快。请看: 科技提高效率 头脑对应精神 社会犯罪严重 时间对应空间 权利对应义务 环境影响健康 就业竞争激烈 文化人口创造 金钱买到乐趣 这样我们通过TM STREEC $ 这三个符号就记住了这几个词。在考场里再紧张,有了这些提示也不会忘了。 运用
Many people are optimistic about the 21th century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree with their optimism? What change would you like to be made in the new century?
分析:这道题就是问我们21世纪利大于弊还是弊大于利。 那么,21世纪的利弊各有哪些呢?立即用裸奔法分析。
21世纪在technology, efficiency, rights, money, fun等方面明显取得了积极的进展;
而21世纪在soul, crime, environment, competition, population等方面明显存在令人担忧的状况。
素材确定,分析完毕。如此大的一个话题,立即被“裸奔法”具体化了。 第二题:
Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. (剑7 teat2)
分析:这是剑7第二套的作文题,难度相当大。那么到底是该对犯罪分子给予固定的量刑还是应该有灵活度,充分考虑罪犯的处境和犯罪动机来决定量刑呢?这个问题即使在法律界也存在争议,否则也不会出现西方媒体对海地地震中的难民哄抢食品事件“判还是不判”的争议了。那么在时间和心理都极为紧张的考场条件下应该如何决断呢? 固定量刑的好处可以有:
efficiency(提高司法效率), crime(有效控制犯罪),money(减少司法过程的费用)等。 量刑过程中充分考虑罪犯处境和犯罪动机的好处则可以有: Soul(更人道),society(有利于社会和谐),rights(罪犯也是公民,公民有权得到尊重)等。
不管正着说还是反着说都很轻松。 第三题:
As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual wellbeing. What factors contribute to job satisfaction? How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction of all workers? (剑7 test 3)
影响员工满意度的因素可以从efficiency,soul(例如stress),rights,environment,health,competition,money等很多方面里选择2-3个来论述。 而雇主可以为改善员工满意度所做的事则可以通过money,space,fun,culture(比如企业文化 corporate culture)等方面瞬间搞定。 练习 1. 填空
Technology& ______ ______ & Soul ______ & Crime Time& ______
______ & Responsibilities Environment& ______ Employment& ______ Culture& Population ______ & Fun 分析
请用TM STREEC $法快速思考出下面两题的主体段各自的分论点,并用英文简要表述出来。
Some people think students should focus on few subjects while others think they should study a wide range of subjects. Discuss: Efficiency ----
Focusing on certain subjects allows them to better concentrate on the specialized knowledge, which enhances their efficiency in study. Mind ----
Focusing on specific subjects enables them to grasp these subjects better.
Mind ----
Studying on a wide range of subjects gives students the opportunity to expand their outlook(开阔眼界). Employment ----
Understanding a wide range of subjects helps students to find a job more easily upon graduation. Culture ----
Studying subjects such as music and painting deepens students’ understanding of arts and culture in general.