人教新课标高二英语选修七练习:Unit1 Living well 同步验收题 下载本文

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Recently, I heard that scientists were using pre-school children to try out new computer technology. The children think they are playing with toys, but the scientists are doing research. I think this can open new fields to future technology. The main idea of scientists is to make it possible for people to have high technology in everyday objects. We can expect that one day it will come true. Children are able to show the best way to make this future technology work because they have an important creative potential and they are unafraid of unfamiliar machines. Children sometimes study or learn things faster than adults. When you teach a new thing to both of them, you will find children are more interested than adults. For example, I have taught my students how to get on the Internet. I only taught them one time and they tried it by themselves. It was a surprise to me that they can get on very well. I also taught my mother the same thing, but my mother still doesn’t know how to do it yet.

However, it’s also important to teach them old and classic cultures. Scientists and psychologists must think about the danger for children to be hooked in the unreal world. One reason is children socialize when they are coming of age with other people. Secondly, children must play

physical games to improve their body and mind development. 56. The aim that scientists use pre-school children is to .

A. make them interested in computers B. give them new toys

C. try out new computer technology

D. make children develop new products for future 57. According to the writer, children . A. are too young to use computers

B. don’t have enough knowledge to use computers C. needn’t use computers

D. have advantages in using computers

58. In Para. 2, the writer wants to tell us that . A. his mother is slow in learning new things B. children may be quicker in learning new things than adults and they have more interest C. children are much slower in learning how to use the Internet D. old people needn’t learn to use the Internet 59. Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the writer’s opinion on children’s using computers? A. The children shouldn’t be hooked to the Internet.

B. The children should learn some culture and history.

C. The author agrees children should be encouraged to use computers much.

D. The children should do some physical exercise. B

Often we make the mistake of thinking, “If I can not do something big, I cannot change the world. I can’t make a difference.” The thought creates inaction. Afraid that you can not make a difference, you are afraid to move. Perhaps you think if you can not make a difference then it is better to do nothing. Can you move a rock?

An old story says by moving a rock you could change the course of a river. While it may seem impossible that a single rock could do it, it can. You could move a rock into the river to block it or move a rock away to allow the river to flow. The river will not move immediately, but it will continue for rivers moving constantly. Typically we can not see it happen because it happens slowly.

How does that change people?

The same is true in making a difference. You may not see results from your actions today or even next week. You may do something to make a difference that is not noticed a year from now. Years from now, the

people touched by what you did may make a difference, and the people they touched. So it goes and grows, until unknown numbers of people have been touched by a single action. This is the magic of making a difference. It is not always the biggest and grandest events that change the world. Sometimes it is something so small that you might forget, but to the other persons you could have changed the course of their life forever.

60. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Whether doing something small can make a difference. B. Why people must make a difference. C. How important making a difference is. D. How people can do things successfully.

61. According to the passage, your thought ________. A. is always negative B. often changes C. is different from others’ D. decides your actions

62. In the last paragraph, by saying the underlined sentence, what does the writer mean?

A. A single action can lead to a chain of reactions.

B. Everyone can make many friends.

C. One has to spend years in making a


D. A personal success usually involves many people.

63. Which of the following sayings can best go with the writer’s view? A. God helps those who help themselves. B. The grass is greener on the other side. C. Drops of water can cause holes in a rock. D. No man can do two things at once. C

When people ask me what Down syndrome (唐氏综合症) is, I tell them it’s an extra chromosome (染色体) which causes an intellectual disability that makes it harder for me to learn things.

Even though I have Down syndrome, my life is a lot like yours. I read books and watch TV. I listen to music with my friends. I’m on the swim team and in chorus (合唱队) at school. I think about the future, like who I’ll marry. I’m a hard worker, a good girl and I care about my friends. I have an aide (帮手) who goes with me to my harder classes, like math and biology. She helps me take notes and gives me tips on how I should study for tests. It really helps, but I also challenge myself to do it well. For instance, my goal was to be in a regular English class by 12th grade. That’s exactly what happened this year!

It’s true that I don’t learn some things as fast as other people. But that