自动换刀机械手的设计毕业论文 下载本文



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专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化

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加工中心在加工中用得很广泛,加工中心利用刀库实现换刀,这是目前加工中心大量使用的换刀方式。而自动换刀装置是加工中心的重要组成部分之一,它的功能的好坏,关系到整个加工中心的功能。自动换刀装置可分为五种基本形式,即转塔式、 180 回转式、回转插人式、二轴转动式和主轴直接式。刀库换刀,按照换刀过程有无机械手参与,分成有机械手换刀和无机械手换刀两种情况。在有机械手换刀的过程中,使用一个机械手将加工完毕的刀具从主轴中拔出,与此同时,另一机械手将在刀库中待命的刀具从刀库拔出,然后两者交换位置.完成换刀过程.无机械手换刀时,刀库中刀具存放方向与主轴平行,刀具放在主轴可到达位置换刀时,主轴箱移到刀库换刀位置上方,利用主轴Z向运动将加工用毕刀具插人刀库中要求的空位处,然后刀库中待换刀具转到待命位置.主轴 Z 向运动将待用刀具从刀库中取出,并将刀具插人主轴。 [关键词]:加工中心 自动换刀装置 刀库 机械手



[abstract]Machining center in the increasingly wide use of the processing , which is

currently used by large processing center blade. And the automatic blade changer devices is an important component of machining center。 Its function is good or bad, on the whole processing machining center functions。 Automatic blade devices can be divided into five basic forms .Namely to Tower, 180 turnaround-type, rotation planting one-, two-and the main axis of rotation axis direct .Exchange cutlery in the tools storehouse , according to the availability of process machinery blade in hand, into a mechanical hand blade and non-blade two mechanical hands .In a mechanical hand exchange cutlery,those will be completed using a mechanical hand, the cutlery out from the main axis.At the same time, another mechanical hand take cutlery from tools storehouse, and then the two exchange locations. The whole process is completed。 If the mechanical hand blade do not join in the process, cutlery storage direction with the main axis parallel. when cutlery arrive at the location which the the main axis can reach, the main axis of the knife blade box to the location above。Z axis movement will be used to complete the processing by cutlery

inserted in the space required by department, and then for cutlery knife to be transferred to the standby database location. Z axis movement will return to remove the cutlery from tools storehouse and inserted into the main axis.

[Keyword]: machining center automatic blade changer devices tools storehouse manipulator