2018-2019年张家口市高新技术产业开发区第一小学三年级上册英语模拟复习题无答案 - 图文 下载本文


____________________________________ 32.照样子, 计算。

例: Eighty minus twenty is sixty.

1. ________________________________

2. ________________________________

3. ________________________________

4. ________________________________

5. ________________________________


1. 新的______________ 2. 年______________ 3. 聚会______________ 4. 主意______________ 5. 唱歌______________ 6. 跳舞______________

34.看我的短裙。它是红黄相间的。 (翻译:)________________________

第 6 页,共 9 页

35.你知道下列句子的意思吗?快写一写吧! 1. Is this your ruler?

________________________________________________________ 2. Where is your book?

________________________________________________________ 3. Let's go to school.

________________________________________________________ 4. My book is red.

________________________________________________________ 5, It's on the table.




(1)A.pencil B.crayon C.eraser D.good (2)A.Mike B.John C.name D.Sarah (3)A.dog B.rabbit C.squirrel D.milk (4)A.head B.happy C.leg D.arm (5)A.face B.red C.pink D.blue 37.圈出发音不同的词。 1. bag hat lake can 2. cake gate name ant 3. tomato bag baby snake 4. carrot any potato apple 5. fat mat pat cake

38.判断画线字母发音是(T)否(F)相同。 ⑴________A. he B. egg C. me ⑵________A. foot B. four C. family ⑶________A. five B. driver C. seven ⑷________A. girl B. go C. orange ⑸________A. kite B. knee C. black


( ) 1.It’s a football.

( ) 2. It’s a fine day.

( ) 3. This is a pencil.

第 7 页,共 9 页

( ) 4. It’s a flower.

( ) 5. It’s an orange.



(1)It's a tree.( ) (3)It has many leaves.( )

(2)It has many small flowers.( )

(4)It has a big trunk and some branches.( )

(5)It has some roots. The roots are thin and short.( )


Hello, I'm Ann. I'm a girl. I'm short. This is my father. He's tall. This is my mother. She's fat. This is my brother. He's thin. This is my sister. She's short.

Ann father mother brother tall short √ fat thin 第 8 页,共 9 页


第 9 页,共 9 页