2016年小升初英语模拟测试题(3) 下载本文


一.找出每组单词中与其他三个发音不同的一个,将其编号填入括号里。 1. ( ) A. dance B. cost C. cousin D. computer 2. ( ) A. five B. nine C. its D. bike 3. ( ) A. good B. book C. school D. goodbye 4. ( ) A. how B. down C. now D. grow 5. ( ) A. country B. shout C. south D. playground 6. ( ) A. teacher B. peach C. heavy D. please 7. ( ) A. subject B. student C. education D. Tuesday 8. ( ) A. dock B. know C. breakfast D. black

二.选择正确的答案,将其编号填入括号里。 ( )1.In Alaska, USA, it ______ a lot.

A. snow B. snows C. snowing D. to snow ( )2. Some kids go to school _______. It’s fast.

A. on foot B. by sled C. by bike D. by air ( )3. We must look ________ before crossing the road.

A. in front B. right C. left D. first left and then right ( )4. Grandpa, let me read this _______ you.

A. on B. at C. by D. for

( )5. By sled, don’t let the dogs run too ________. A. fast B. slow C. straight D. high


A. I often go by subway. B. Sorry.

C. It’s a helmet. D. Take the No.8 bus. E. I usually come by bike. ( )1. What’s this? ( )2. How can I get to the Beihai Park? ( )3. How do you go to the library? ( )4. How do you come to school? ( )5. Wait! Don’t do at a red light!



1. Mike comes to the museum.

( ) A. He is at the museum. ( ) B. He is not at the museum. 2. How can I go to the cinema?

( ) A. I am at the cinema. ( ) B. I am not at the cinema.



( A )

Jack is an English boy. He wants to have a friend in China. He has a healthy eating __1__. He likes fruit and vegetables. __2__ are his favorite vegetable. He often has fruit salad __3__ dinner. He doesn’t eat __4__ or ice cream. He doesn’t want to be __5__.

Next to his home there is a clothes store. They sell things at very good __6__. Today Jack wants to __7__ a new T-shirt. He goes to the clothes store with his mother. The T-shirt in all __8__ are $35 each. Jack likes red very much, he __9__ takes a red one.

Do you like him? Do you __10__ to be his friend? You can e-mail him at Jack8118@163.com.

( ) 1. A. room B. habit C. table D. game ( ) 2. A. Bananas B. Apples C. Carrots D. Oranges ( ) 3. A. for B. with C. to D. in

( ) 4. A. salad B. fruit C. vegetables D. hamburgers ( ) 5. A. great B. fine C. fat D. fun

( ) 6. A. stores B. prices C. dollars D. questions ( ) 7. A. see B. think C. buy D. sell ( ) 8. A. sizes B. names C. numbers D. colors ( ) 9. A. so B. and C. before D. after ( ) 10. A. have B. ask C. want D. get

( B )

Bill and Sam __1__ middle school students. They are both fourteen __2__. They are Young Pioneers. They are __3__ Grade One. There are __4__ classes in Grade One. Bill is in Class One, and Sam is in Class Six. In Sam’s class there are __5__ students. Twenty-five students are girls. There are forty-three students in __6__ class. Twenty students are boys. And There are thirty-four Young __7__ in Bill’s class. In Sam’s class there are thirty __8__ . Bill and Sam are good students, and they are good friends, __9__.They often help others __10__ school things.

( )1.A. is B. are C. am D. have ( )2.A. year B. old C. years old D. year old ( )3.A. in B. on C. at D. from ( )4.A. five B. four C. two D. six

( )5.A. fourty-two B. fourty-five C. forty-five D. forty five ( )6.A. Sam’s B. Bill’s C. Sam D. Bill

( )7.A. Pioneers B. pioneers C. Pioneer D. Pionear ( )8.A. one B. one’s C. ones D. ones’ ( )9.A. two B. all C. too D. both ( )10.A. for do B. do C. and to do D. with do


( A )