(完整版)历年专升本英语真题(答案解析超全)(51548) 下载本文


45. B 主旨大意题。题干大意是:本文主要是谈论学习如何______。文章开始就点明了主旨:

Learning how to write is like taking a course in public speaking,作者最后得出结论:写作就是在纸上做演讲。故正确答案为B。

46. C 主旨大意题。题干大意是:本文的最佳题目是______。本文是一篇介绍关于海洋开发的

说明文,介绍到的是人们对海洋开发的成果。A、B两项明显不符合题意。本文主要介绍的是海洋开发的收获,而不是海洋开发技术,所以尽管D项看似正确却不能成为主旨。文章指出的是海洋开发的收获,而不是海洋开发技术,所以尽管D项看似正确却不能成为主旨。文章指出了海洋开发的好处,如:Oil and gas,fish farming,ocean currents and waves等,特别是由最后一句“the problems to exploit will be largely solved”可得出正确答案C。

47. B 事实细节题。题干大意是:根据作者的观点,开发海洋的技术是重要的,因为______。

从文中第一段的第二和第三句“Resources on land are beginning to grow less. The sea, however, still offers hope to supply many of man’s needs(陆地上的资源已开始减少。然而,海洋却依然有望为人类提供更多所需的资源)”可知B项为正确答案。 48. D 事实细节题。题干大意是:作者为什么提到蒸汽轮船?蒸汽轮船出现在文章第四段第二

句“Experts believe that the warm temperature of the ocean can be used in a way similar to the steam in a steamship”作者在第四段讲述海洋为人类提供的能源,其中包括温暖的海水。蒸汽轮船利用蒸汽机作动力,而人们也可以用温暖的海水作动力,以利用其能量,故正确答案为D。

49. A 推理判断题。题干大意是:由本文可以推断出______。由文章最后一段“The technology

to harvest the sea continues to improve. By the year 2000, experts believe that the problems to exploit the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved(人们对海洋的开发技术继续在提高。截止到2000年,专家相信,海洋的食物、矿物和能源的开发问题将会大大的解决)”可知人们还未完全开发海洋。B、C、D项均不符合文意。

50. B 词语解释题。题干大意是:最后一段中能代替“exploit”最好的词是______。由文中组

后一句“By the year 2000, experts believe that the problems to exploit the food, minerals, and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved”说的就是海洋开发利用的前景。文中第二段第一句的谓语动词develop,第四段中反复出现的use和第五段最后一句的development均是指海洋资源的开发利用。Evaluate“评价,评估”,gather“聚集,集合”,scatter“撒播;驱散”都不符合文意,只有develop(开发,发展)符合文意。

51. D 主旨大意题。题干大意是:本文的主要目的是______。本文通篇讲的都是关于护照的信


52. D 事实细节题。题干大意是:护照有利于______。由第三段第一和第二句“When traveling

abroad, you will need a passport for identification when exchanging dollars for francs or marks or other foreign currency. You may also need your passport to use a credit card, buy an airplane ticket, and check into a hotel or casino.”可知A、B、C三项均不符合文意,故D为正确答案。 53. B 推理判断题。题干大意是:由本文可以推断出______。第四段最后两句话句意是:有几


54. A 推理判断题。题干大意是:文章表明______。由文章第一段第二句“In America, most

people never consider obtaining a passport unless they are planning a trip out of the country(在美国,大部分人从来没想过办护照,除非他们计划去国外旅游)”可知,A选项(大部分人没有认识到护照有多重要)是正确的。B、C、D项都与文章不符。


55. B 词语解释题。题干大意是:文中第二段运用的单词“valid”意思是______。第一段句首

“your passport is your official identification”和第二段第二句“passport are required to enter every country”表明了护照的用途,所以进入一个国家,所持护照一定要valid。valid的意思是“(法律上)有效的;(正式)认可的”。A“外国的”;C“货币的,钱的”;D“非法的”均无此意;只有B“合法的”与valid意思相近,故选B。

56. B 主旨大意题。题干大意是:作者写这篇文章的目的是______。本文是一篇鼓励青少年独

立自主的文章,作者试图找出青少年现存的问题,并要求他们“Find yourself. Be yourself. Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts”可知作者是想告诉青少年;学会自己做决定。故B为正确答案。 57. B 推理判断题。题干大意是:作者认为,许多青少年认为他们足够勇敢按自己的方式生活,

但是,事实上,他们大部分______。由第一段最后一句话“Instead of striking out boldly on their own, most of them are clutching at one another’s hands for reassurance(他们不敢大胆地自立谋生,相反大部分人互相抓着手来寻求保证)”可知他们缺乏自信,故正确答案为B。

58. A 事实细节题。题干大意是:根据文章,下列哪项是不正确的?由文章最后一段最后两句

话“Popularity will come with the people who respect you for who are. That’s the only kind of popularity that really counts”可知A项是错误的。

59. B 推理判断题。题干大意是:作者认为广告是______。由第三段第三句“These days, every

teenager can learn from the advertisements what a teenager should have and be(当今,每一个青少年都能从广告上了解到一个青少年应该拥有什么和应该成为什么样的人)”可知广告的影响是很大的。A“令人信服的”;C“富有教益的,增长知识的”;D“有权威性的”都不符合文意,故B(有很大影响的)为正确答案。 60. C 推理判断题。题干大意是:在青少年时期,人们因该学会______。由文中最后一段话知,

青少年最重要的是要学会有自己的想法,发现自己,做自己。详见精析56,可得出C为正确选项。A、B、D三项都与文章不符。 III. Cloze

61. C “This is particularly true women”句中this指的是前面所陈述的现象,这种现象对于


62. D 根据句意“如果提问者是男士的话,就更……”比较四个选项可知只有so最符合句意,


63. B however在这里点明后面这句话与前面所说的是相反的关系,前文提到问人年龄是不礼


64. A mind后应接动词-ing形式,又因adult与ask之间应是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态,


65. A in fact点明了后面的句子是对前面的肯定,所以应该是老年人很乐意透漏他们的年龄。


66. C for在这里意为“就……而言”,句子意为:尤其是就他们那样的年纪而言,他们感到自


67. D 根据上下文可知,问类似“How old are you?”这样直接的问题是很不明智的。 68. B bring about“导致,引起”;bring along没有意义;bring to“带给(某人),带到(某地)”。

bring up“提出(讨论话题等)”。根据句意应该是老年人自己提出这个话题。 69. A 根据上下文,老年人提出话题后并让别人猜他们的年龄。 70. C in such a situation在这种情形下,所以用介词in。


71. C 根据句意:在这种情形下,自由讨论年龄是可接受的。freely意为“自由地,无拘无束


72. D rather than在这里是“而不愿意……”,其后所接的谓语形式应与except后的成分一致,

所以应填to be told。 73. D 根据上下文,西方人不经常直接询问别人的年龄,这并不意味着他们对别人的年龄不感

兴趣。可知前后是转折关系,所以前半句应填入表让步的连词,故选even though(即使,尽管)。

74. C include:包含,包括;intend:计划,想要;mean:意味着;conclude:总结。根据句

意可知应该选mean(意味着)。本题答案可参考73题。 75. A 上文提到西方人并非对别人年龄不感兴趣,所以接下来就说他们可以通过询问别人来获

得信息,所以选someone else某个(知情)人,B、C、D均不正确。

76. B 根据上下文,他们不向知情人询问的话,就会就话题简单展开讨论,句子前后应是转折

关系,所以选or else(否则,不然的话)。 77. A 应该是间接地接近这个topic。

78. A and后接的是working experience,所以and前应是与工作经验相对应的内容,故

educational background(教育背景)最合适。 79. B 在了解有关他人个人信息时,谈论他的教育背景和工作经验的年限只是最终获得信息的


80. A this is not always the case并不总是这样。The case意为“事实,实情”,为固定搭配。

IV. Translation

Section A(非英语专业学生做)

81. 整个问题的关键在于克服内心的拘谨,打破你与读者之间无形的隔阂。 82. 陆地上的资源已开始减少,而海洋却依然有望为人类提供更多所需的资源。 83. 护照是国家为其公民颁发的证件,签证则是政府颁发给他国来访者的官方许可。 84. 对青少年来说,要逆世俗潮流,走自己的路,是越来越难了。

85. 对那些想走自己道路的青少年来说,这一切都成了一个巨大的障碍。

Section B (英语专业学生做)

The fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year is a traditional Chinese gala which is named Dragon Boat Festival, when people hold dragon boat races and eat rice dumplings. This gala has been practiced to commemorate the famous Chinese poet, Qu Yuan.

It was recorded that more than two thousand years ago, Qu Yuan, a great poet in the state of Chu, was defamed by the conservatives because he was inclined to reform the government. As a result, he lost the king’s trust and was driven out of the state. At last, seeing that he could not reach his goal in a declining state, he jumped into the Mi-Luo River and ended his life.

It is said that people went to save him by boat on hearing of his suicide, but in vain. Therefore, they threw cooked rice into the river for fear that his body might be eaten by fishes. The dumplings we eat and the dragon boats we race today both result from the story.

V. Writing

Waste on Campus

As is known to all, waste on campus has become a more and more serious problem. Some students waste food, some waste stationery, and some waste money. For example, we can easily see that many students dump a lot of food into the garbage can, some tear blank sheets from notebooks and throw


them away without a second thought if they write one or two words incorrectly, and some even try to follow fashion.

Waste on campus is a bad habit. First, it makes some students rely on their parents for more money, which is harmful to their development. Probably they should turn out an uneconomical person, which is not good to their family as well as to the society. Second, it is not easy for parents to provide students with money. Waste brings more burden to their parents. The last but not the least, it is the fact that our country is still not rich enough. There are many who don’t have enough to eat or can’t afford to send their children to school. They still need our help.

As far as I am concerned, I should do something myself to reduce waste on campus. First of all, I will refrain from wasting anything, from food to stationery. Second, I am determined to call on my classmates to launch a movement to cut down waste on campus. Only by taking specific measures can we hope to gradually reduce waste on campus.





母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。 3.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 题号 分数

一 二 三 四 五 总分 总分人 试卷I

得分 评卷人 I. Vocabulary and structure (40分)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. John will go to school the moment he ______ his work.

A. will finish B. finish C. finishes D. would finish

2. The surgeon’s advice was that the patient ______at once.

A. to be operated on B. being operated on C. be operated on D. was operated on

3. It is ______one thousand students can live in it.


A. too large a building that B. so a large building that C. such large a building that D. so large a building that

4. Not only ______a promise, but he kept it.

A. does the manager make B. did the manager make C. the manager made D. the manager makes

5. Even if he ______here, he would not be able to help us.

A. is B. were C. has been D. will be

6. The chairman as well as many other people ______present at the conference.

A. was B. were C. would D. should

7. Do you have any idea what she meant? I really can’t ______what she said at the meeting.

A. figure on B. figure out C. find out D. find

8. We’ve ______paper and ink. Ask Mrs. Edward to lend us some.

A. run away with B. run out of C. run off D. run down

9. You’d better ______a doctor as soon as possible.

A. seeing B. saw C. see D. seen

10. After saying that, he ______the door quickly.

A. made up B. made for C. made out D. made up for

11. I gave John a present but he gave me nothing ______.

A. in return B. in turn C. in hand D. in vain

12. She ______to say that she was not interested in what I was talking about.