PEP人教版小学三年级下册英语期中试卷及答案.DOC 下载本文


班级____________ 姓名___________ 得分_____________


一. 听录音,将听到单词的序号填在题前的括号内。(10分) ( )1. A. boy B. teacher C. student ( )2. A. sixteen B. eleven C. twenty ( )3. A. mother B. father C. brother ( )4. A. China B. Canada C. America ( )5. A. grandpa B. girl C. woman 二. 听录音,标序号。(20分)

1. A. Kangaroo B. elephant C. mouse D. jeep E. apple ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) 2. A. hamburger B. fish C. bag D. ant E. nest ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) 三. 听录音,判断。相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(10分) ( )1. I’m from Canada. ( )2. Watch out ! ( )3. Goodbye, Mr. Black. ( )4. He’s my father. ( )5. This is my friend Amy.



( )1.Who’s this boy? A. I’m from China. ( )2.How many kites can you see? B. He’s my brother. ( )3. Nice to meet you. C. Thank you! ( )4.Where are you from? D. Nice to meet you, too. ( )5.Happy Women’s Day! E. I can see 18 kites. 五.把下列数字按从小到大的顺序排列。(写序号)(10分) A. seventeen B. five C. eleven D. twenty E. two F. twelve G. fifteen H. eighteen J. one K. five

___________________________________________________ 六.请为下列汉语选择最恰当的英语。(10分) ( )1.你来自哪里?

A.Where are you from? B. My name’s Bailing. C. I’m from America.

( )2.“三八妇女节”快乐!

A.Where are you from? B. Happy Women’s Day! C. I’m from China.

( )3.她是我妹妹。

A.She’s my mother . B. He’s my brother. C. She’s my sister.

( )4. 我有11支蜡笔。

A.I can see fifteen crayons. B. I can see eleven pencils. C. I have eleven crayons.

( ) 5. 那个男的是谁?

A. Who’s that boy? B. Who’s that man? C. who’s that women?

七、找答语,把它的编号写在左边的括号中。(20分) ( ) 1. Good afternoon. A. Good morning! ( ) 2. What’s your name? B. I’m Mike. ( ) 3. Hello! C. Fine, thank you. ( ) 4. Goodbye! D. Great!

( ) 5. Let’s go to school! E. Nice to meet you, too. ( ) 6. Good morning! F. My name’s John. ( ) 7. How are you? G. See you! ( ) 8. Nice to meet you. H. Good afternoon. ( ) 9. Let’s paint! I. Hi! ( )10.What’s your name? J. OK! 八、情景对话,把序号写在括号里。(10分) ( )1、有一天,你上课迟到了,你该怎样说?

A. I’m sorry. B. How are you? C. Here you are.

( )2、你第一次认识Mike,感到十分高兴,你应该这样说:

A. Me too. B. Nice to meet you. C. Good afternoon.