Unit 4 Global Warming
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Step 1 Warming-up and lead-in (5 mins) £¨1£©ÊÓƵµ¼Èë
T: Hello, class. First of all, Let¡¯s watch a short video about a polar bear and please find out what happened to the polar bear. ¢Ù What happened to the polar bear? (It was drowned.) ¢Ú Why was it drowned? ( Because the ice melt.)
¢Û Why did the ice melt? £¨ Because the earth is becoming warmer.£© £¨2£©½ÒÌâ
[Òâͼ˵Ã÷]½ÌʦϣÍûͨ¹ýÊÓƵµ¼ÈëµÄ·½Ê½Äܹ»ÈÃѧÉúÂíÉϽøÈë״̬£¬×¢ÒâÁ¦¼¯ÖУ¬²¢¶Ô±¾¿Î»°ÌâGlobal WarmingÕâÖÖÏà¶Ô¿ÝÔïÄÑÀí½âµÄ¿ÆÆÕÎIJúÉúŨºñµÄÐËȤ¡£ Step 2 Reading £¨30 mins£©
£¨1£© ¸ù¾ÝËù¸øµÄ·Ö¶Î´óÒ⣬ÈÃѧÉúͨ¶ÁÈ«ÎĽøÐзֶΣ¬²¢Æ¥ÅäÕýÈ·µÄËIJ¿·Ö´óÒâ¡£
T £ºGo through the whole text in 5 minutes and divide it into 4 parts according to the main idea of each part.
T£ºThis is a magazine article. Read Para.1 second line and find out who wrote the magazine article. (Sophie Armstrong )\\
T: What questions does she explore in the article? ( ¢Ù How has this global warming come about? ¢Ú Does it matter? )
£¨3£© Æë¶ÁµÚ¶þ¶ÎÕÒ³öµÚÒ»¸öÎÊÌâµÄ´ð°¸£¬²¢¸øÓè½âÊÍ£¬ÈÃѧÉú¶ÔÕâ¸ö³¤ÄѾäÓÐÇå
T£º First, let¡¯s explore the question how this global warming has come about? £¨ It¡¯s human activity that has caused this global warming rather than random but natural phenomenon.£©
T: What¡¯s the meaning of this sentence? ( È«Çò±äůÊÇÈËÀà»î¶¯µ¼Öµģ¬¶ø²»ÊÇËæÒâµÄ×ÔÈ»ÏÖÏó¡£)
T£ºHow has human activity caused this global warming? Do you want to know?
Today we¡±ll explore it.
£¨4£© ¶ÁÁ½ÕÅͼ±í£¬»ñÈ¡»ù±¾ÐÅÏ¢£¬²¢·ÖÎöͼ±íÖ®¼äµÄÁªÏµ£¬ÈÃѧÉú½øÒ»²½Àí½â¿Î
T: Have you noticed the two graphs on Page26? Let¡¯s read the two graphs together. First, what are they about? ( Graph1: Temperature difference from long-term average,1860-2000 Graph2: Carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, 1957-1997)
T: Pay attention to the time of the two graphs. It¡¯s clear that the period of Graph1 is longer than that of Graph2. Can we do divide Graph1 into 2 parts. The first period is before 1957. The second period is after 1957. Comparing the two parts, we know the temperature went up more rapidly.
T: Now, turn to Graph2. From 1957-1997 the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased from about 315 parts to about 370 parts per million. It increased greatly, too. So look at the same years of temperature, compared to the years of CO2, you can see, they both went up rapidly. Can you find some relationship between them£¿£¨ The more CO2, the higher temperature.£©
£¨5£© ͨ¹ý½«µÚÈý¶Î·Ö½âÔĶÁ£¬½µµÍ¿ÆÆÕÎÄÔĶÁÄѶȣ¬°ïÖúѧÉú¸üºÃµØÀí½âÈ«Çò±ä
T : ¢ÙWhy does more CO2 cause higher temperature?
¢ÚHave you learnt something from your Geography teacher? Will you share it with us? If you have difficulty in speaking in English, you can try it in Chinese. ( ÎÂÊÒÆøÌ壬ÎÂÊÒЧӦ¡¡.)
¢ÛWhat is greenhouse effect? Para3 Line24-36 will help you. ( Greenhouse gases trap the heat of the sun and therefore warm the earth. It is known as greenhouse effect.)
¢Ü What are greenhouse gases? ( Gases like carbon dioxide, methane and
water vapour)