2009英语高职试卷及答案 下载本文


英 语




1.答试卷一前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目涂写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮


3.考试结束后,考生将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 Part Ⅰ. 语音知识(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。) 1. breakfast 2. advice 3. mountain 4. excuse 5. child 6. downtown 7. wealth 8. enormous 9. brother 10. flame

A. beach A. begin A. mail A. computer A. character A. however A. northern A. actor A. bother A. magazine

B. disease B. cinema B. curtain B. push B. touch B. window B. whether B. effort B. apology B. locate

C. weather C. discuss C. straight C. rude C. stomach C. know C. theater C. comfort C. colour C. national

D. dream D. invite D. explain D. run D. chemistry D. narrow D. there D. absorb D. follow D. palace Part Ⅱ. 阅读理解(本题共20小题,每小题2分,共40分。)


Questions 11-15 are based on the following passage.

The English language is being used worldwide. It is now the number one language being learned all over the world. In fact, even non-native speakers started to hire native and non-native English teacher to teach in their country. This is only one of the effects of business competition and globalization(全球化).

Today, you will be left behind if you don’t know how to speak, read and write the English language. This is very obvious in the online community(社区). All of the websites on the top ten of the search engines are all written in English.

Learning the language is not as difficult as most of the students think. Everything can be learned

and with repeated practice you will be able to use the language fluently.

The Internet has listed various learning methods, step-by-step instructions, self-learning with audio visual and interactive presentation and a lot more. Encourage those who are extending effort in improving the ways to learn this language. Thus, make the human beings understand each other better.

11. More English teachers are hired because . A. there are more English websites B. learning methods are various C. English is difficult to learn D. English is most popular

12. Business competition and globalization . A. forces people to learn English B. makes learning English easier

C. prevents people from learning English D. has nothing to do with learning English

13. Online community is used in the passage as an example to show . A. you ought to be online

B. you had better learn English C. online learning might be easier D. you should have your own website

14. “Self-learning with audio visual and interactive presentation” in the last paragraph is . A. one of the learning methods B. one of the extending efforts

C. one of the reasons English is difficult

D. one of the considerations in setting websites 15. The best title for the passage might be . A. Online English B. Written English C. Learning English D. Teaching English

Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage.

A rich man from a country died and in his will(遗嘱) he left all that he had to his son. But only on condition that he would give 1000 pounds to the meanest(吝啬的) man he could find.

The dutiful son knew of a man that he thought could be the meanest person in the world. It was the head of the village. He offered him the money.

“But I can’t take your 1000 pounds,” said the village head. “I never knew your father. There was no reason why he should leave me the money.” “It’s yours, all right,” insisted the sad youth.

“I could take it if you would buy something from me,” said the village head.

Then he thought for a little while and said, “I can sell you all the snow in the yard for 1000 pounds.”

The young man agreed, and he didn’t care for the snow. He only wanted to complete his father’s

will and give the money to the meanest person. The next day he was taken before the village head. The head was very angry and ordered him to remove the snow off the yard at once. But the young man couldn’t do this thing quickly enough, so the village head fined(罚款) him 200 pounds for not being able to do what he was ordered to.

“At least,” the young man said sadly when he left the village head, “My father’s 1000 pounds went to the right man.”

16. The young man insisted on giving the village head the money in order to . A. please the village head B. buy the snow in the yard C. complete his father’s will D. relieve himself from the duty

17. The young man was lucky enough in a sense because . A. he got all his father left him B. he was fined only 200 pounds

C. he bought something with the money D. he gave the money to the right person 18. Which of the following is true?

A. The village head proved to be the meanest. B. The young man left the village head happily. C. The village head treated the young man fairly.

D. The young man gave the village head 1000 pounds in all. 19. The main idea of the passage is . A. what the village head did B. how the will was carried out C. why the young man was fined

D. whom the rich man would give the money to 20. The passage is . A. a description B. a narration(叙述)

C. an explanation D. an argument

Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage.

While driving to a meeting, a young businessman makes calls on his cell phone(手机). He stops by a fast-food restaurant to pick up lunch. As he waits for his food, he enters appointments into his PDA(个人数字助理).

Life today moves faster than ever before. Multi-tasking---dealing with several tasks(任务) at the same time---is a good example showing life’s hurried speed.

Thanks to technology, the speed of life has rapidly increased over the past century. Time-saving inventions---like e-mail and ATMs---have made daily tasks more efficient(高效率的). People today expect speed. A recent study shows that most Americans can’t deal with long waits. Six percent said they are unwilling to wait longer than 15 minutes for food or services.

Unfortunately, studies show that life’s hurried speed produces pressure and leads to health problems. Another concern is lack of rest and free time. An online study at Sina.com showed that 56 percent of people in China frequently feel short of time.

The bad effects of life’s hurried speed are being noticed. A growing number of best-selling writers and speakers encourage people to take time to smell the roses. They give healthy and practical advice on slowing down.

Whether you desire speed or prefer a slower speed, it’s easy to be surprised at how fast life moves. And with tomorrow’s technology, it will likely get even faster.

21. According to the passage, what does the young businessman do while driving to a meeting? A. He makes phone calls.

B. He drives directly to the meeting.

C. He keeps his appointments with friends. D. He stops by a restaurant to have his lunch. 22. What can we know from the third paragraph? A. All Americans cannot bear long waits.

B. Life’s speed has improved gradually since last century. C. Time-saving inventions have made tasks easier to finish.

D. Many Americans are unwilling to wait longer than 15 minutes. 23. The main bad effect of life’s hurried speed is . A. having no rest and free time B. having no time to smell the roses C. causing pressure and health problems

D. performing too many tasks at the same time

24. According to the passage, what will future life be like? A. It will get slower. B. It will become faster. C. It will change a little. D. It will become freer.

25. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Pressure and health problems. B. People’s preference to cell phones. C. Life’s hurried speed and its bad effects.

D. New technology and time-saving inventions.

Questions 26-30 are based on the following passage.

Most buildings get their electricity from fossil fuels(矿物燃料), such as oil or coal. These are blamed for global warming because when they are burned they give off carbon dioxide(CO2) into the atmosphere. The gas traps the sunlight on earth, causing a rise in temperatures, or global warming. Globally, temperatures have risen 0.7℃ over the 20th century, according to the World Meteorological Organization. In 2006, the US experienced its warmest January to September period on record. July in Europe was also the warmest on record, nearly 3℃ above normal. In China, average temperatures last year were the highest since 1951. An even hotter summer is predicted this year.

To make matters worse, nobody knows for certain how much more heat is safe for humans. Though it seems there is a limit to how much people can bear, there is no cap for temperatures themselves.

Still, humans are luckier than plants, which have to deal with temperatures without the benefit of air-conditioners(空调) or pools. But their suffering may cause humans to suffer. According to a study by International Rice Research Institute, rice yields(产量) fall by 10 percent for every 1℃ increase in night time temperatures. Rice is the main food for more than half of the world’s people. That means one unexpected effect of weather change could be global hunger.

Those living in coastal(沿海的) areas have other worries. They could lose their homes because of rising temperatures, which cause the melting of the planet’s ice cap and glaciers(冰山), leading to rising sea levels.

26. According to the passage, global warming is the result of . A. sunlight shone on the earth B. fossil fuels in the buildings C. melting of the planet’s glaciers

D. too much carbon oxide in the atmosphere

27. The US, Europe and China are mentioned in Paragraph 2 to show . A. the world is becoming warmer B. they have used more fossil fuels

C. they are responsible for global warming D. they should take more effective measures

28. Human beings are luckier than plants because . A. they learn how to increase rice yields B. they know how to deal with temperatures C. they have the feeling of suffering D. they know rice is the main food

29. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. Weather changes benefit rice production.

B. Global warming only occurs in some countries.

C. It’s known exactly how much heat is safe for humans.

D. The disappearing of the ice cap will make coastal people homeless. 30. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Humans and plants.

B. Coastal areas and ice cap. C. Temperature and rice yields.

D. Causes and effects of global warming.

Part Ⅲ. 词汇和语法结构(本题共40小题,每小题1分,共40分。)

从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳答案并涂在答题卡的相应位置上。 31. The two things that you can not buy with money love and health. A. are B. is C. am D. was 32. Would you like tea?