2009英语高职试卷及答案 下载本文

A. any B. a C. an D. some 33. Don’t leave David by . He’s too old. A. him B. himself C. his D. itself 34. I have only one pen and I am going to buy . A. the second B. one second C. a second one D. the second one 35. We’ll call on the man we believe can speak very good English. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. which 36. Mike thought it was the best way to finish the job. . A. So was it B. So did I C. So I did D. I did so 37. The city is about ride from here. A. one and a half hour’s B. one-half-hour C. one and a half hours’ D. one and half hour 38. the movie may be, we have no time to see it. A. Although exciting B. No matter exciting C. Whatever exciting D. However exciting 39. Do you doubt I believe you? A. that B. which C. whether D. if 40. from her accent, she is probably from England. A. Judge B. To judge C. Judging D. Judged 41. Not until he finished reading the story . A. he went to bed B. did he go to bed C. didn’t he go to bed D. he didn’t go to bed 42. ---Why didn’t you ring me up?

---I should, but I your phone number. A. forget B. forgot C. has forgotten D. had forgotten 43. The student is good at English, we all know. A. because B. for C. since D. as 44. Such a mistake this can be avoided if he is more careful. A. like B. as C. with D. for 45. Turn to your teacher whenever . A. necessary B. you are necessary C. you needed D. the teacher is necessary

46. Excuse me, Sir, how can I find the shortest way the nearest police station? A. to B. of C. with D. for 47. It’s raining heavily. You’d better a rain coat. A. wear B. put on C. have on D. dress 48. He has just missed his , and he will have to wait for the next round. A. chance B. turn C. time D. part 49. When you play football, what do you play? A. situation B. place C. part D. position

50. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as illnesses. A. normal B. average C. regular D. physical 51. ---What do you think of the speech?

---The speaker said nothing worth listening to. A. nearly B. hardly C. scarcely D. closely 52. ---I always look out when crossing the street. ---You are right. You cannot be too . A. nervous B. careful C. hurried D. helpful 53. The mother tried to sing the baby to sleep, and her soft soon took effect. A. noise B. shout C. smell D. voice 54. Don’t be discouraged. You’ll all this before long. A. get on with B. be fit for C. get used to D. pay attention to 55. You may take anything you like this bag. It doesn’t belong to me. A. except B. except for C. except to D. except that 56. Our new has three bedrooms and a sitting room. A. home B. house C. family D. household 57. She the bike for $800, though it was a bit expensive, I think it was reasonable. A. spent B. cost C. offered D. paid 58. She is my best friend, so I know her very . A. good B. fine C. nice D. well 59. Here is a piece of advice on how to learn English well. it, please. A. Have B. Get C. Carry D. Take 60. Here is my card. Let’s keep in . A. touch B. relation C. connection D. friendship 61. People in the south mainly on rice. A. eat B. have C. live D. feed

62. You see, the company will be expensive to and we need a lot of good employees. A. work B. run C. rule D. succeed 63. ---My weight comes to 100 kilos. What should I do? ---Why not take more . A. exercise B. food C. rest D. breath 64. Such tickets were given to certain students entirely free of . A. chain B. chance C. charge D. change 65. Let Henry play with your toys as well, Betty. You must learn to . A. support B. care C. share D. check 66. her illness, she cannot work long now. A. Instead of B. In addition to C. Because of D. Thanks to 67. A new school will be in the town next year. A. held up B. brought up C. looked up D. set up 68. ---What time will you arrive?

---I don’t know. It the traffic. A. depends on B. results from C. asks for D. puts off 69. Please the TV. It’s time for the weather report. A. turn off B. turn in C. turn on D. turn over 70. If you don’t want to weight, you’d better go on a diet. A. put up B. get up C. get on D. put on

Part Ⅳ. 完型填空(本题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分。)


The desire to get something that a person needs or wants is as old as mankind. However, shopping in ancient times was very 71 from the idea of shopping 72 we know today. 73 the invention of money, people had to exchange one kind of goods for 74 . This type of shopping can be 75 found in some places in the world. The introduction of money made shopping 76 easier. People did not have to go shopping with many other things to pay with, the 77 thing they needed were small golden, silver or copper coins.

The place where people could exchange or buy things was 78 a marketplace. You can also see them on yearly fairs(集市) and festivals. 79 , people mostly get goods from various shops, or supermarkets. There 80 many kinds of shops with 81 kind of goods. For example, you can get books in a bookshop, clothes in a clothes shop, etc. The place in 82 you can buy a lot of different kinds of goods is named supermarket, department 83 or hypermarket. At shopping centers you can also find other facilities(设施), 84 from shops. You 85 have lunch in a restaurant, enjoy a cup of coffee in a café, or even watch a movie in a cinema.

With the 86 of the Internet, a new type of shopping was soon introduced—Internet shopping. This kind of shopping first 87 in 1994. Now online shopping is a money-making business. People don’t have to travel far 88 to buy goods they want. They can 89 sit in their living room and 90 the goods in a virtual e-shop(网上商店). 71. A. various 72. A. where 73. A. After 74. A. other 75. A. almost 76. A. much 77. A. least 78. A. called 79. A. Moreover 80. A. is 81. A. strange 82. A. that 83. A. center 84. A. away 85. A. can 86. A. imagination 87. A. appears 88. A. along 89. A. clearly 90. A. order

B. different B. that B. Before B. the other B. yet B. more B. last B. said B. Furthermore B. are B. especial B. when B. market B. apart B. must B. invention B. appear B. back B. easily B. arrange

C. alike C. what C. While C. another C. still C. little C. single C. addressed C. Consequently C. was C. specific C. where C. shop C. far C. should C. establishment C. appeared C. away C. singly C. put

D. same D. how D. Since D. others D. rather D. less D. only D. told

D. However D. were D. extra D. which D. store D. besides D. need

D. discovery D. has appeared D. across D. simply D. sell

Part Ⅴ. 日常会话(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分。)

本部分有5组对话,要求考生在理解每组对话的基础上,从给出的8个选项中选出5个符合语境的最佳答案,并把答案涂在答题卡的相应位置上。每个选项只允许使用一次。 A. How are you feeling now B. What’s the matter with you C. I’m not sure D. Don’t worry E. May I help you F. Would you mind G. I’d like you to meet my friend H. I wonder if you could tell me 91. Jason: Hi, Jane. Mike. Mike, this is Jane. Mike: Glad to meet you. Jane: Glad to meet you, too. 92. Woman: ?

Man: Yes, I’m interested in the jacket shown in the window. What size is it? Woman: It’s size 12.

Man: Oh, that’s too small. I usually wear size 15.

93. Woman: How many people do you think will enter for the City Marathon?

Man: . It was about 300 last year. But someone told me the number is likely to double this year.

94. Girl: Excuse me, how to get to the swimming pool? Sarah: Sorry, I don’t know. I’m new here too. Girl: Ok, thanks anyway.

95. Sarah: Hi, Jim! You look pale. What’s wrong?

James: Well, I had a big steak for supper yesterday. At night I had a terrible stomachache. Sarah: You shouldn’t have eaten that much. ? James: Better than I was.


英 语



1.试卷二共2页。用钢笔或圆珠笔将译文直接写在试卷上。 2.答卷前将姓名、准考证号填写清楚。

Part Ⅵ. 汉译英(本题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分。) 96. 我原打算昨天晚上去看电影,但却下雨了。

97. 他与老师、同学相处得很好。(get along with)

98. 参加体育运动有益于身体健康。(take part in)

99. 没有辛勤的努力,一个人很难取得成功。

100. 她遇到麻烦时他总是帮助她,因此她把他当成自己最好的朋友。(regard…as)

Part Ⅶ. 英译汉(本题共15分。) 101. 请把下面这段英文翻译成中文。

Life is full of decisions. You may not realize the large number of choices you face each day. Some choices are simple, while others are more challenging(挑战的). For some people, decision-making comes pretty easily. But for others, indecision is a serious problem that can stop them dead.

Indecisiveness leads to bad results. Hesitation in buying sale items results in paying more later. Indecision can also lead to missed chances. Bosses may notice hesitation and give an important project to someone more eager. Family, friends and team members may get tired of waiting for your decisions.

There are many reasons why people struggle with decisions. Some people fear others’ opinions, and they worry that someone may be disappointed by their decision. Others fear the results of a wrong choice. This prevents them from making any choice at all. Still others worry about finding the perfect choice. The truth is there’s no perfect choice.

The good news is that with each decision you make, the process does get easier. And best of all, you’ll soon learn to trust yourself and your decisions.