2016-2017学年高一英语下册单元测试题6 下载本文

精品文档 你我共享



The comedy is my favourite while my brother likes the thriller most. The comedy by the famous director proved to be a great success. 【上层楼】

1. comedy作名词还可意为\滑稽,幽默\。如:

She didn’t understand the comedy of the situation from the beginning to the end.

2. 与comedy相对应的是tragedy\悲剧\。如:

This tragedy shows us the love between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. 3. comedian n.\喜剧演员\。如:

The comedian made the audience laugh all through the performance.

A comedian is a person who tries to entertain the audiences and make them laugh. 【词条2】leap

【点拨】leap常作动词,意为\跳跃,飞跃\。如: He leapt out of the bed and ran away. The fish leapt out of the water. 【上层楼】

1. leap作动词还可意为\猛然行动起来,敏捷地跳动\等。如: A good idea leapt into his mind at that moment.

He leapt up to complain about the bad restaurant service.

2. leap作动词时,常用于:leap at sth.\赶紧抓住(机会);急忙接受\;leap out at sb.\特别引人注意\。如:

She leapt at the opportunity of a trip to Disneyland. The familiar name leapt out at me from the TV. 3. leap还可作名词,意为\跳跃,飞跃;激增\。如: The tall boy got over the river just in one leap. There was a leap in the production. 4. leap year 闰年


精品文档 你我共享

5. Look before you leap.三思而后行。

6. As I look back, scenes of the past leap before my eyes. 往事历历在目。 【词条3】interest


Teaching doesn’t interest me. I would rather be an editor.

What interests me most about the drama is the main actors’excellent performance. 【上层楼】

1. interest 还可以作名词,意为\兴趣;爱好的事物;利益;股份;利息\。如: I have no interest in shopping. Doing sports is his greatest interest.

What made us sad was that they only cared about their own interests at that time.

She sold all her interests in the company to help her husband. They lent me the money at 5% interest.

2. interesting和interested均为interest的形容词形式,但用法不同: ①interesting表示\令……感兴趣的\主语多为事物;

②interested表示\某人)感兴趣的\主语通常是人,且多用于be / get / feel / become interested in结构中。如:

Is there any interesting news in our school? I am very interested in the popular songs. 经典短语透视 【短语1】come out

【点拨】come out意为\出版,发表\。如:

My friend’s new book came out three days ago. When will Jay Chou’s new album come out? 【上层楼】


精品文档 你我共享

1. come out还可意为\出现;传出,被获知\等。如: The stars came out as soon as it was dark. The truth will come out in the end. 2. 与come相关的其他常用的短语还有:

①come round意为\到这儿来;(又一度)到来\。如:

You’d better come round early so that we can get everything ready before the meeting. I am always looking forward to the pay day’s coming round.

②come through意为\经历(危险)活了下来\。如:He was fortunate to have come through the disaster.

③come to意为\加起来总共有(共计);谈到,涉及到\。如: How much do our sales come to this year?

When it comes to tennis, he always has a lot to say.

④come up with意为\提出,想出\。如:Scientists will have to come up with new methods of solving global warming.

【短语2】take place

【点拨】take place意为\发生\。如:The Nanchang Uprising took place in 1927.The meeting will take place in Paris. 【上层楼】

1. take place为不及物动词短语,不可用于被动语态。试比较: Many changes have taken place in our country. (√) Many changes have been taken place in our country. (×) 2. take place, happen, come about及break out 用法区别:

①take place侧重指某事的发生有一定的原因或是事先安排的。如:The 2008 Olympic Games took place in Beijing.

②happen侧重指事情发生的偶然性或突发性。如:What happened to you?

③come about多指事情以难以防止的方式发生。如:Do you know how the air accident came
