新版PEP小学英语五年级下册英语全教案带反思 全册 下载本文



( )1. Why do you like spring?

( )2. Which season does Miss Chen like best? ( )3. What’s your favourite season? ( )4. When is the best time to go to Shanghai? ( )5. What can we do in Beijing?

A. You can go to the Great Wall. B. Because I can plant trees. C. She likes fall best. D. My favourite season is winter. E. Autumn.http://www.xkb1.com/ 三、连一连,读一读。

1. 我的生日在五月 A. When is New year’s Day?

2.. 三月植树节! B. Easter is in April.

3.什么时候过新年? C. My birthday is in May.

4. 四月愚人节。 D. Tree Planting Day is in March


I like May best. May Day is in May. ……. 新|课 | 标|第 |一| 网 学生小结:这节课我学到了 。 Step5、布置当堂作业

1.完成January, February, March, April, May. June 在四线三格上的写法。

2.写一句自己今天才学会最感兴趣的句子。 板书设计: Unit 3 My school calendar

January, February, March, April, May. June.

When is your birthday? S:My birthday is in January. When is May Day ? S:It’s in May . ……………. 教学反思:


Period 2 Section A Let’s talk 、Write and talk P24 Learning aims(学习目标): 1、能询问及回答节日所在月份。

2.能用理解Let’s talk 的大意,能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。 3.能在语境中运用When is the singing contest?-----It’s usually in May.类似句型来交流相关月份及节日。 Important &difficult points(重难点) 1、句型:When is ......?的掌握及回答。 Teaching steps( 教学过程): Step 1.预习温故

1) 、Review the words :January…. May. June. 2)、T: When is winter vacation? /Father’s day ...... S s: It’s in..... Go over the sentences.. Step 2. 新课内容展示

1) T:讲解重难点单词及短语“a few fun things” After, an Easter party, have a school trip, cool并板书

2) Read the Let’s talk after the tape five times. 新 课 标 第 一 网

3)T: How many festivals have you heard?(听短文回答问题) S:Three. They are sports meet, Easter party and school trip.(学生可看到书自己寻找答案)

T:When is Easter party/school trip? Ss: It’s in .... 4)翻译并阅读重点句子 5) Write and talk:

T: When is school trip?/ Chinese test/ singing contest....? S: It’s in....

Step 3.合作交流:

1) 1--6月份的单词及节日教师说中文学生说英文

2)Role play: 两人小组对话,轮流模仿以上老师的问句及同学们的答语。



A .Tree Planting Day B. Children’s Day C. singing contest D. Happy new year

1.________ 2.__________ 3.________ 4.________

二、 写出各月份的简写形式及中文意思。

1. January ___________ 2. March ____________3. May______________ 4. February_____________5. April _____________ 6. June_______________


in March 运动会 school trip 唱歌比赛 Sports meet 在三月 Easter party 复活节晚会 singing contest 学校郊游

三、选一选,译一译,读一读。 w W w .x K b 1.c o M ( )1. ___ is Tree Planting Day — It’s in March. A. What B. When

( )2.Winter vacation is ______ February. A. in B. on

( )3.We have a few fun things ____ spring. A. in B. on ( )4. When is May Day? —It’s in ____. A. June B. May 学生小结:这节课我学到了 。


1. 和同桌一起背诵 Let’s talk的对话

板书设计: Unit 3 My school calendar P24 Section A Let’s talk Write and say A: When is the Easter party?. B: It’s in April. A: When is school trip? B: It’s in May. 教学反思:
