小升初英语语法知识总结大全 下载本文

live_______ take_________ come ________ get_________ stop_________ sit ________ begin________ shop___________ 二、用所给的动词的正确形式填空:

1. The boy __________________ ( draw)a picture now.

2. Listen .Some girls _______________ ( sing)in the classroom . 3. My mother _________________ ( cook )some nice food now. 4. What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?

5. Look. They _______________( have) an English lesson . 6. They ____________(not ,water) the flowers now.

7. Look! The girls ________________(dance )in the classroom . 8. What is our granddaughter doing? She _________(listen ) to music.

9. It’s 5 o’clock now. We _____________(have)supper now 10.______Helen____________(wash )clothes? Yes ,she is .


1、概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态及打算、计划或预备做某事。 句中一般有以下时间状语:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year…), soon,

the day after tomorrow(后天)等。 2、基本结构:①be going to do;②will do.


3、否定句:在be动词(am, is, are)后加not或情态动词will后加not成won’t。

例如:I’m going to have a picnic this afternoon.

→ I’m not going to have a picnic this afternoon.

4、一般疑问句: be或will提到句首,some改为any, and改为or,第一二人称互换。

如:We are going to go on an outing this weekend.

→ Are you going to go on an outing this weekend?

5、特殊疑问句:疑问词+be+主语+going to+动词原形?如:What is Jim going to do? 疑问词当主语时:疑问词+be+going to+动词原形?如:Who is going to play football?

6、同义句:be going to = will do be not going to = won’t do I am going to go swimming tomorrow. = I will go swimming tomorrow.

7对划线部分提问。一般情况,一般将来时的对划线部分有三种情况。 ⑴ 问人。Who 例如:I'm going to New York soon. →Who's going to New York soon?

⑵ 问干什么。What … do.如:My father is going to watch a race with me this afternoon. →What is your father going to do with you this afternoon?

⑶ 问什么时候。When. 如:She's going to go to bed at nine.

→When is she going to bed?


习题: 填空

1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。

I_____ _______ _________ have a picnic with my friends. I ________ have a picnic with my friends. 2.我们将要学习英语

We _____ _______ _________ learn English. We ________ learn English.


1.一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,常和表示过去的时间状语连用,如:last year, yesterday, just now, two weeks ago等。一般过去时也表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常和often, always等频率副词连用。

例如:①I saw him in the street yesterday.。 ②Li Mei always went to school on foot last year.


⑴am 和is在一般过去时中变为was。(was not=wasn’t) ⑵are在一般过去时中变为were。(were not=weren’t)

⑶带有was或were的句子,其否定、疑问的变化和is, am, are一样,即否定句在was或were后加not,一般疑问句把was或were调到句首。



①肯定句:主语+动词的过去式+其它。如:He went to the toy store yesterday.

②否定句:didn’t+动词原形,如:Jim didn’t go home yesterday. ③一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其它?

如:Did Jim go home yesterday?

④特殊疑问句: ⑴疑问词+did+主语+动词原形? 如: What did Jim

do yesterday? ⑵疑问词当主语时:疑问词+动词过去式?如:Who went to home yesterday?


一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。 动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站。

否定句很简单,didn't 站在动词原形前,其它部分不要变。



1.一般在动词末尾直接加-ed,如:work-worked , cook-cooked 2.结尾是e加d,如:live-lived


4.以“辅音字母+y”结尾的,变y为i, 再加-ed,如:study-studied