【人教pep版】六年级下册英语练习卷:Unit-3单元测试(七) 下载本文





一、听选单词.(仔细听,从A、B、C中选出你所听到的句子中所包含的那个单词或短语.每小题听两遍,每小题1分,共10分) ( )1、A、do B、did C、does ( )2、A、watch B、wash C、watched ( )3、A、saw B、short C、see ( )4、A、swim B、swam C、swims ( )5、A、study B、studied C、studies ( )6、A、went B、watched C、go

( )7、A、on the weekend B、last weekend C、this weekend ( )8、A、help them B、cleaned the classroom C、studied English ( )9、A、played football B、busy C、read English ( )10、A、went fishing B、went hiking C、went swimming 二、听选答语(认真听,从A、B中选出你所听到句子中相应的答语将标号填入题前括号内,每小题听两遍,每小题2分,共10分) ( ) 1、A、Yes, I did. B、Yes , I do. ( ) 2、A、I read a book. B、last weekend. ( )3、A、He went swimming . B、She went swimming. ( ) 4、A、No, I didn’t . B、Sure.

( ) 5、A、I usually watch TV. B、I watched TV.

三、根据所听内容,补全短文. (认真听,写出你所听到的那个短语,




I was busy .On Saturday, I with my father and mother .On Sunday,in the morning ,I ,then I .In the afternoon I .



1、上周末 2、去游泳 ____ 3、去钓鱼

4、去郊游 5、看电视 6、wash clothes 7、visit grandparents 8、listen to music 9、play football 10、go to the park


1、He w to a park yesterday? 2、I c my room last weekend. 3、Did you r the magazine? 4、Did Lucy c a mountain

5、Last Saturday ,Candy v her uncle. 六、选择(每小题1分,共10分)

( )1、-Did you help me clean my room ?

-Yes , I .

A、did B、do C、does

( )2 -What did Lisa do yesterday?

-She to music .

A、listens B、listen C、listened

( )3、-What did you do last weekend?

-I TV.

A、saw B、looked at C、watched

( )4、He in to he lake and to it.

A、jumped,swimed B、jump, swam C、jumped,swam

( )5、Did John football yesterday?

A、play B、played C、play

( )6、They books last weekend .

A、read B、readed C、look

( )7、Did you play football Zhang Peng?

A、with B、 and C、to



( )8、 Tom busy yesterday.

A、did B、 was C、were

( )9、Lisa usually her homework after super.

A、does B、do C、did

( )10、Did you swimming last weekend?

A、go B、goes C、went


1、did , what , you , yesterday , do? 2、you , full , did , the , moon , see 3、went , I , to , park , a , yesterday 4、jumped , the , into , lake , he 5、with , Wang Ping , his ,played ,friends , last , football , weekend


Today was hot. I went to the farm(农场) with my parents. There was a river near the farm . I went to the river with my dog . We ran and played . Suddenly I dropped (掉进)into the river ,“Help , Help……”My dog jumped into(跳进)the river and swam to me , Ten minutes later , I was saved(救). I was grateful to him. We are good friends. ( )1、It was very .

A、cold B、hot C、windy

( )2、I went to the river with my .

A、parents B、friends C、teacher



( )3、I ran and played with .

A、my cat B、my dog C、my sister

( )4、 jumped into the river and saved me.

A、my dog B、my mother C、my father

( )5、I was very grateful to my .

A、mother B、friend C、dog

九、请你根据实际情况回答下列问题.(每题5分,共20分) 1、What do you usually do on the weekend?

2、What did you do last weekend?

3、Did you help your mother clean the room?(肯定回答)

4、Did you go to the park yesterday?(否定回答)
